Mean Length Turn

Mean Length Turn, sometimes Mean Length per Turn is the mean length of winding turn in a coil. Usually an acronym MLT is used. The dimensions of a coil former or bobbin define the MLT of a full wound coil.[1] In some cases the coil is not made of a single wire with multiple turns, and a coil former is not always necessary, but may be constructed in a stack of printed circuit layers.[2] The MLT is an important measure in the design of inductors, transformers and other wound electromagnetic components.

See also


  1. McLyman, William T. (2002). High Reliability Magnetic Devices: Design and Fabrication. Marcel Dekker. pp. from 4–31 to 4–32. ISBN 0-8247-0818-0.
  2. McLyman, William T. (2004). Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook. Marcel Dekker. pp. from 20–12 to 20–14. ISBN 0-8247-5393-3.
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