List of members of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands, 2012–present
The list of members of the House of Representatives, 2012–present is the list of members of the House of Representatives - the lower house of the States-General of the Netherlands - according to the outcome of the Dutch general election of 2012. The members of the new House of Representatives have been installed on September 20, 2012. There will be a sizable number of mutations since due to the particular nature of the Dutch constitutional system. New members are supplied from their party lists so the resignation of individual members' seats does not change the balance of power in the States-General.
Only the originally elected and installed members are represented in this list, the current members are to be found in the template below this page.
- Parliamentary leaders (only the original ones) are in bold.
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD - 41)
Labour Party (PvdA - 38)
Party for Freedom (PVV - 15)
Socialist Party (SP - 15)
Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA - 13)
Democrats 66 (D66 - 12)
ChristianUnion (CU - 5)
GreenLeft (GL - 4)
Reformed Political Party (SGP - 3)
Party for the Animals (PvdD - 2)
50PLUS (50+ - 2)
Parliamentary leaders replacements
- October 5, 2012: Jolande Sap (GreenLeft) resigns.
- October 8, 2012: Bram van Ojik replaces Jolande Sap.
- November 1, 2012: Mark Rutte (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) becomes formateur, Halbe Zijlstra replaces him.
- October 4, 2013: Henk Krol (50PLUS) resigns. Norbert Klein replaces him.
- April 14, 2014: Louis Bontes becomes leader of the Group Bontes/van Klaveren.
- November 18, 2014: Tunahan Kuzu becomes leader of the Group Kuzu/Öztürk.
- May 12, 2015: Jesse Klaver replaces Bram van Ojik as leader of GreenLeft.
- November 10, 2015: Gert-Jan Segers replaces Arie Slob as leader of the ChristianUnion.
- October 23: Jolande Sap (GreenLeft) resigns.
- October 30: Linda Voortman replaces Jolande Sap.
- November 5: Mark Rutte, Edith Schippers, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Fred Teeven, Stef Blok, Frans Weekers (all People's Party for Freedom and Democracy), and Jetta Klijnsma, Ronald Plasterk, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Frans Timmermans (all Labour Party) become members of the Second Rutte cabinet.
- November 8: Roald van der Linde, Johan Houwers, Joost Taverne, Aukje de Vries, Ronald Vuijk, Sjoerd Potters (all People's Party for Freedom and Democracy), and Selçuk Öztürk, Grace Tanamal, Duco Hoogland en Sultan Günal-Gezer (all Labour Party) replace them.
- May 14: Roelof van Laar (Labour Party) temporarily replaces Lea Bouwmeester, who went on maternity leave.
- May 14: Eric Smaling (Socialist Party) temporarily replaces Manja Smits, who went on sick leave.
- June 13: Désirée Bonis (Labour Party) resigns.
- June 18: Yasemin Çegerek replaces Bonis.
- July 22: Johan Houwers (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resigns.
- August 13: Sadet Karabulut (Socialist Party) goes on maternity leave.
- August 21: Yasemin Çegerek goes on materinity leave.
- August 28: Myrthe Hilkens (Labour Party) resigns.
- September 1: Pierre Heijnen (Labour Party) resigns.
- September 3: Rudmer Heerema (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) replaces Johan Houwers. Henk Leenders replaces Myrthe Hilkens, Marith Rebel-Volp temporarily replaces Yasemin Çegerek, Roelof van Laar replaces Pierre Heijnen, Lea Bouwmeester returns from maternity leave (all Labour Party). Tjitske Siderius (Socialist Party) temporarily replaces Sadet Karabulut.
- October 4: Henk Krol (50PLUS) resigns.
- October 29: Louis Bontes is expelled from the Party for Freedom and becomes an independent, Martine Baay-Timmerman replaces Henk Krol (50PLUS).
- November 26: Sadet Karabulut (Socialist Party) returns from maternity leave, end of the temporary term of Tjitske Siderius.
- December 6: Matthijs Huizing (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resigns.
- December 12: Yasemin Çegerek (Labour Party) returns from maternity leave, end of the temporary term of Henk Leenders.
- January 14: Perjan Moors (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) replaces Matthijs Huizing.
- February 6: Renske Leijten (Socialist Party) goes on maternity leave, Tjitske Siderius temporarily replaces her.
- March 20: Roland van Vliet leaves the Party for Freedom and continues as an independent.
- March 21: Joram van Klaveren leaves the Party for Freedom and continues as an independent.
- April 1: Jan de Wit (Socialist Party) resigns.
- April 2: Michiel van Nispen (Socialist Party) replaces Jan de Wit.
- April 14: Independents Louis Bontes and Joram van Klaveren form the Group Bontes/van Klaveren. Paulus Jansen (Socialist Party) resigns.
- April 15: Eric Smaling (Socialist Party) permanently replaces Manja Smits.
- May 14: Tjitske Siderius permanently replaces Paulus Jansen, Henri Swinkels temporarily replaces Renske Leijten (all Socialist Party).
- June 25: Hayke Veldman (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) replaces Pieter Litjens.
- July 1: Jeroen van Wijngaarden (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) replaces Cora van Nieuwenhuizen.
- September 10: Henk Krol (50PLUS/Baay) temporarily replaces Martine Baay-Timmerman. Henk Leenders (Labour Party) replaces Mariëtte Hamer.
- November 11: Eddy van Hijum (Christian Democratic Appeal) resigns.
- November 12: Martijn van Helvert (Christian Democratic Appeal) replaces Eddy van Hijum.
- November 13: Tunahan Kuzu and Selçuk Öztürk leave the Labor Party and form the Group Kuzu/Öztürk.
- November 18: Corinne Ellemeet (GreenLeft) temporarily replaces Linda Voortman.
- December 12: Henk Krol (50PLUS/Baay) permanently replaces Martine Baay-Timmerman.
- January 13 - May 5: Karen Gerbrands (Party for Freedom) temporarily replaces Fleur Agema.
- February 27: Mark Verheijen (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resigns.
- March 10: Linda Voortman (GreenLeft) returns from maternity leave, end of the temporary term of Corinne Ellemeet
- March 25: Johan Houwers (previously People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, expelled from that party, now independent) returns to the House of Representatives after the resignation of Mark Verheijen.
- March 20: Ard van der Steur and Klaas Dijkhoff (both People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resign from the House of Representatives to become respectively Minister and State Secretary of Justice.
- March 24: René Leegte (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resigns.
- March 26: Fred Teeven (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) replaces Ard van der Steur.
- March 31: Chantal Nijkerken-de Haan replaces Klaas Dijkhoff, Leendert de Lange replaces René Leegte (both People's Party for Freedom and Democracy).
- May 19: Bram van Ojik (GreenLeft) resigns.
- May 19: Sander de Rouwe (Christian Democratic Appeal) resigns.
- May 20: Rik Grashoff (GreenLeft) replaces Bram van Ojik, Erik Ronnes (Christian Democratic Appeal) replaces Sander de Rouwe.
- September 22: Joyce Vermue (Labour Party) temporarily replaces Manon Fokke.
- November 1: Magda Berndsen (Democrats 66) resigns.
- November 3: Martijn van Dam (Labour Party) resigns to become State Secretary of Economic Affairs. Judith Swinkels (Democrats 66) replaces Magda Berndsen.
- November 5: Joyce Vermue permanently replaces Martijn van Dam, Harm Brouwer temporarily replaces Manon Fokke (all Labour Party).
- November 17: Frank Wassenberg (Party for the Animals) temporarily replaces Esther Ouwehand.
- December 2: Eppo Bruins (ChristianUnion) replaces Arie Slob.
- January 4: Peter Oskam (Christian Democratic Appeal) resigns.
- January 12: Mustafa Amhaouch (Christian Democratic Appeal) replaces Peter Oskam. Manon Fokke (Labour Party) returns from maternity leave, end of the temporary term of Harm Brouwer.
- January 20: Wassila Hachchi (Democrats 66) resigns.
- January 26: Salima Belhaj (Democrats 66) replaces Wassila Hachchi.
- February 19: Bart de Liefde (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resigns.
- March 1: Remco Bosma (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) replaces Bart de Liefde.
- March 1: Harm Brouwer (Labour Party) temporarily replaces Lea Bouwmeester
- June 10: Lea Bouwmeester (Labour Party) returns from maternity leave, end of the temporary term of Harm Brouwer.
- July 8: Otwin van Dijk (Labour Party) resigns and is replaced by Harm Brouwer.
- September 7: Tanja Jadnanansing (Labour Party) resigns and is replaced by Amma Asante. Anne-Wil Lucas (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy) resigns and is replaced by Daniël van der Ree.
- October 18: Esther Ouwehand (Party for the Animals) returns from leave, end of the temporary term of Frank Wassenberg.
- October 25: Sjoera Dikkers (Labour Party) temporarily resigns and is replaced by Rien van der Velde.
- November 7: Jacques Monasch leaves the Labour Party and continues as an independent.
- (Dutch) Parlement & Politiek
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