Mostafa Mahmoud Emara

Mostafa Mahmoud Emara
Born (1942-03-23)23 March 1942
Behera, Behera, Egypt
Occupation Professor
Known for Egyptian Scientist
Religion Muslim

Mostafa Mahmoud Emara (Arabic: مصطفى محمود عمارة) (25 December 1921 – 31 October 2009) commonly known as Mostafa Emara (Arabic: مصطفى عمارة) He is an Egyptian scientist. Mostafa Emara was born in Behera, Behera province, Egypt. He has been appointed the director of Science Center for Detection and Remediation of Environmental Hazards (SCDREH), starting 30 of June 1999.


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Degrees held

Academic employment history

Recent post

He has been appointed the director of Science Center for Detection and Remediation of Environmental Hazards (SCDREH), starting 30 of June 1999.

Research interest



Emara has over 100 published papers in National and International Journals.


Emara has five Arabic textbooks in Physical, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. He also has two texts in Environmental Science and one text in Environmental chemistry contributed in “Modern Dictionary of chemical and pharmaceutical terms”.

Published papers

1."Ionic Association study Of MgBr2 and CaBr2 in aqueous mixed solvents using conductometric technique" H.M. Abd EI-bary, H.A. Shehata, M.H. Hafiz and M.M. Emara AI-Azhar Bull. Sci. vol. 6, No. 2, 1051, 1995.

2."Complexation of L-phenylalanine with some Di and Trivalent Transition metal ions using PH-Titration Technique" M.A.F Ez El-Arab, H.A. Shehata, H.M. Abd EI-bary, A.A. Mahmoud and M.M. Emara Egypt J. Appl. Sci., 10(9), 319 (1995). . 3."Conductometric Investigation of Ion-Association of Some Lanthanide Metal Nitrates In Aqueous Solutions" M.F. Bakr, A.A Mohamed and M.M. Emara J. of the Faculty of Education, No. 20, 821 (1995).

4."Thermodynamics of dissolution of Low and Medium Carbon steel in Presence of Caffeine as Corrosion Inhibitor in H2SO4" M.M. Emara, H.M. Abd EI-bary, Sayed El Nekhaily and M.A. Hassan AI-Azhar Bull. Sci. vol. 7, No. 2, 1131, 1996.

5."Homogenous degradation of 1, 2, 9, 10-tetrachlorodecane in aqueous solutions using hydrogen peroxide, iron and UV light" M.M. Emara, T.M. El-Morsi, H.M.H. Abd El Bary, A.S. Abd El Aziz and K.J. Friesen Chemosphere 47, 343, 2002.

6.Thermodynamic studies on the complexation processes between some amino acids and some rare earth metal ions in aqueous solution. A.A. Mohamed, M.M. Emara, H.M. AbdelBary and I.H. EL-Rayes, Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 31(1), 87 (2004).

7.“Photocatalytic Degradation of Mono-and Di-sulfonic acid Dyes on Iron and copper Modified MCM-41 and YZeolites” M.M.Emara, Amal S.M. Tourky and M.M. El Moselhy, Egypt. J. Chem. 49 No. 2, 241, 2006.

8.“Studies of the effect of volatile compounds in atmosphere of greater cairo area” M.M.EMARA, S.A. soliman, A.A. Ramadan, H.A.M. El-Kordy. Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science vol 18, No, (June) : pp. 21–55,2007.

9.“Physico chemical effect of ozone in atmosphere of Greater Cairo Area” M.M.Emara, S.A. Soliman, A.A. Ramadan, H.A. Elkordy, Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science vol 18, No 2 (Dec): pp. 79–93,2007.

10.“Chemical Remediation of the effluents of Suez oil processing company” M.M. Emara, I.A. EL-Sabbagh, F.K. Awad and E.A. Shahine; AL-Azhar bulletin of science vol 18, No 2 (Dec), ipp. 159–166,2007.

11. Emara,M.M.,El-Sabbagh, I.A.A.,Awad, F.K.and shahine,E. A.A(2007). Ion Chromatographic determination of some anions in saline water.Mansoura journal of chemistry, 34(1):45-57.

12.Emara, M.M, El-sabbagh, I.A.A., Awad, F.K and Shahine, E.A.A (2007). Chemical remidation of the Effluentes of Suez Oil processing company. Al-Azhar; Bull. Sci., 18(2); 159-166.

13.Emara, M.M.,El-Sabbagh, I.A.A., Awad,F.K.and Shahine,E.A.A(2008).Phsico chemical study of effluents which discharge from the oil refining at Suez province Mansoura gournal of chemistry, 35(2):1-11 (2008).

14.Structural modification of mordenite zeolute with Fe photo-degradation of EDTA. M.M.Emara S.M.Tourky,M.M.El-Moselhy, Journal of Hazardours Materials 166(2009)514.

15."Photocatalytic degradation of hydroquinone using HFO supported polymerie material" Mostafa M.Emara, Medhat M.El-Moselhy and Naglaa S. Farahat. Desalination and water treatment 19(2010)232.

Conference presentations

16."Determination of Lead in presence of interfering cations and anions using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry", A.A. Ashy, A.R.A Samarkandy and M.M. Emara, The Third International symposium on new Treinds in Chemistry, The role of analytical chemistry in national deployment, Jan 2-7,1994, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt..

17."Corrosion behaviour of low and medium carbon steel in sulphoric acid solutions", H.M. Abd EI-bary, S.H. EI-Nekhaly, M.A. Hassan, M.M. Emara 35th International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Conference Istanbul, Turkey, Aug (1995).

18."Thermodynamics of reactions under extreme conditions and role of heterocyclic compounds", M.M. Emara 5th Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry; Chem. Dept., Faculty of Science, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt, 9-12 Dec. 1995.

19."Thermodynamics of Molar Properties of Aqueous-non Electrolyte Solutions Using Sound Velocity Measurements I. Cyclic Amides" M.M. Emara and N.A. Farid5th Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Hectrocyclic Chemistry; Chem. Dept., Faculty of Science, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt, 9-12 Dec. 1995.

20."Thermodynamics of the Ionization of Some Amino Acids in Aqueous Medium Using PH-titration Method. A.A. Mohamed, M.F. Bakr and M.M. Emara AI-Azhar Bull. Sci. (accepted) - 1996.

21."Spectrophotometric Determination of Bivalent Ion-sulfate Association in Aqueous Solutions II. Association Constants of Metal Ion-Sulfates" M.M. Emara and M.M Bahr, 81st Canadian Society of Chemistry Conference May 31-June 4, 1998 Whistler, Canada.

22." Photocatalytic Degradation of 1, 10-dichlorodecane in Aqueous Suspensions of TiO2: Role of Transition Metals and Adsorption" T.M. Elmorsi, W.R. Budakowski, M.M. Emara, H.M Abdelbary, A.S. Abdelazis and K.J. Friesen, Third International Scientific Conference, Faculty of science, AI-Azhar University, 22–25 March 1999.

23."Photo catalytic degradation of Organic Pollutants M.M. Emara, 6th Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Hectrocyclic Chemistry; Chem. Dept., Faculty of Science, Alexandria Univ., Alex, Egypt, 25–28 March. 2000.

24.Comparative study for divalent liquid Membrane and solid state Ion-¬Selective electrodes", M.M. Emara and N.A. Farid 2nd International Conference on Pure, Applied and environmental Chemistry; Chem. Dept., Faculty of Science. Yarmouk Univ. Irbid, Jordan April/17-21, 2000.

25.Physico-chemical studies on wet process phosphoric acid sludges and suggested method for recycling I. Characterization of sludges M.M. Emara, A.K. Ismail, E.A. Abdallal and M.E Khadr 2nd International Conference on Pure, Applied and environmental Chemistry; Chem. Dept., Faculty of Science. Yarmouk Univ. Irbid, Jordan April/17-21, 2000.

26.Physico-chemical studies on wet process phosphoric acid sludges and suggested method for recycling II. Recovery of P2O5 M.M. Emara, A.K. Ismail, E.A. Abdallal and M.E Khadr Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) 13th International Technical Conference on “Fertilizer Industry Technology”, Tunis 27–30 June 2000.

27. "Risk Assessment as criteria for hazardous waste identification" M.M. Emara NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Comparative Risk assessment and Environmental Decision Making, Oct 13-16, 2002, Roma (Anzio), Italy

28. “An overview of corrosion protection in aqueous solutions as applied to water supplies distribution systems” M.M. Emara, 21st Annual conference corrosion problems in industry. 17–20 December 2002, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

29. “Role of analytical chemistry in environmental arena” M.M. Emara, Sixth international symposium on new trends in chemistry. Jan 4-8, 2003, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.

30. Mostafa M. Emara, The quality of our drinking water, chem.03, chemistry for better future, Cairo University, Cairo (1-3)/3/2004.

31. Mostafa M Emara, Ahmed K. Kotb, Add EI-Beialy and Ali Berci, Evaluation of Bottled drinking water in Egypt, chem.03, chemistry for better future, Cairo University, Cairo (1-3)/3/2004.

32. Mostafa M Emara, Rabee S. Farag, Sohir A. Gad Allah, Mohamed E. Amer, Monitoring of nitrate residues in Egyptian vegetable during years 2001 and 2002. chern.03, chemistry for better future, Cairo University, Cairo (1-3)/3/2004.

33. M.M. Emara, I.A.El-Sabagh, F.K. Awad, EA Shaheen and NM Hussein Chemical Characterization and its Analysis of waste water produced from different sources of Suez Region. chern.03, chemistry for better future, Cairo University, Cairo (1-3)/3/2004.

34.“Global Environmental Problems and its Relevance to local security M.M. Emara, First Annual conference on “Environmental Risk Management under modern technological Aspects” organized by Modern Academy in Maadi, Cairo, Egypt, NOV 26-28, 2004.

35.“Controlling Factors for distribution of trace elements and its health impact in some selected oasis, western Desert, Egypt M.M. Emara, A.K.Kotb and S.Elsenosi, First Annual conference on “Environmental Risk Management under modern technological Aspects” organized by Modern Academy in Maadi, Cairo, Egypt, NOV 26-28, 2004.

36.“Heterocyclic Environmental pollutants and their hazards M.M. Emara, 9th Ibn Sina, International conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic chemistry sharm El-Cheikh, Egypt 11-14 Des. 2004.

37. “Evaluation of drinking ground water for the rural areas adjacent to the nearby desert of Giza Governorate of greater Cairo in Egypt” M.M. Emara, I. ElSabagh, A. Kotb, A.S. Turkey and D. Zein EL Aabdin Environmental Security in harbors and coastal areas: Management using comparative risk assessment and multi-criteria decision analysis framework, 20–24 April 2005, Thessaloniki, Grease.

38. "Understanding and Mitigating Global Pollutants and Global Environmental Problems using the Analytical Chemistry Tools and its Relevancets Better and Secure life", M.M. Emara, Seventh International Symposium on New Trends in Chemistry "Analytical Chemistry for a Better Life"21–24 January 2006, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

39."Degradation of EDTA using Different Percentages of Fe Encapsulated inside Mordenite", M.M. Emara, A.S.M. Tourky and M.M. El Moselhy Seventh International Symposium on New Trends in Chemistry "Analytical Chemistry for a Better Life", 21–24 January 2006, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

40. “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)of some areas in greater Cairo and sewz” Biannual Conference on Chemistry; Chem. O4, Chemi. Dep. Fac. Of Science, 2–5 March 2006, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

41.“ The impact of commercial treatment devices on quality of drinking water” M.M. Emaraa, R.A. Ali a and A.S. Elshamy Biannual Conference on Chemistry Chem.O4 Chemi. Dep. Fac. Of Science 2–5 March 2006, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

42.“ Assessment of Water Quality in the West Rural Area pf Giza Governorate of Greater Cairo” Mostafa M. Emara, Inas A. Elsabagh, Amal S.M. Turky and Dalal HusseenBiannual Conference on Chemistry; Chem. O4, Chemi. Dep. Fac. Of Science, 2–5 March 2006, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

43. “Industrial Development and Its Impact on Environment” Mostafa M. Emara, 3rd International Conference on Chemical & Environmental Engineering, 16–18 May 2006. Military Technical College Kobry Elkobbah, Cairo, Egypt.

44.Evalnation of the Performance for the waste water treatment plant through Measuring physical and chemical parameters M.M.Emara, I.A.A El-Sabbagh, F.K. Awad and N.M.Husein ALAzhar Bull. Sci Vol. 20. No. 2. (Dec) P./55(2009).

45. Emara,M.M;El-Sabbagh, I.A.A.,Turkey A.S and Rafaat, N.M(2010): Treatment of waste water using newly developed hypird Nanoion exchangez International Scientific Conference, Al-Azhar University (ISCAZ): (7) Cairo, Egypt.

46. Emara, M.M. and Bassuoni, M.W.: (2010) Applications of Nano Technology in medicine International Scientific Conference, Al-Azhar University (ISCAZ) : (7) Cairo, Egypt.

47. Emara, M.M. and Bassuoni, M.W.: (2010) Environmental health hazards of Nano particles International Scientific Conference, Al-Azhar University (ISCAZ) : (7) Cairo, Egypt.

48. Emara, M.M, Ehmoselhy, MM, Ehmorsy TM. and farhat NS. (2010): Kinetics of The Degradation of Hydroquinone (HQ) Under Wide Photo–Catalytic Conditions. International Scientific Conference, Al-Azhar University (ISCAZ) : (7) cairo, Egypt.


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