Ngande - Ande

Pedukuhan Ngande-Ande
Country Indonesia
Province Yogyakarta Special Region
Region Gunungkidul
District Kecamatan Tepus
Village Kelurahan Purwodadi
  Dukuh Suyanta
  RW Mulud
  RT Marekan
  Total 215

Pedukuhan Ngande - Ande is located in Kelurahan Purwodadi, Kecamatan Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The name of Ngande - Ande taken by the name of tree, called Ande-ande Tree.[1][2]


  1. Mosque, Masjid Al Hidayah
  2. Balai Dusun
  3. Pos Kamling
  4. Water Reservoir


  1. Heri Cahyo (2015). "Desa Purwodadi, Desa Wisata". Retrieved 10 January 2015.
  2. Based on the story of generations of local residents, should be reviewed and investigated in

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