Nick Rock'n'Roll

Nick Rock'n'Roll (right)
Nick Rock'n'Roll (real name Nikolay Frantsevich Kuntsevich, Russian: Николай Францевич Кунцевич; born 7 August 1960 in Simferopol) is a Russian punk-rocker and anarchist of Ruthenian-Polish ancestry. The lead singer of the Masochist and Nick Rock'n'Roll & Trite Dushi. He also created band Nochniye Snaiperi.
See also
External links
- НИК РОК-Н-РОЛЛ: К сожаленью, День Рожденья только раз в году. Или два...
- Ник Рок-н-Ролл (Николай Францевич Кунцевич)
- Nick Rock'n'Roll (photograph)
- Nick Rock'n'Roll (photograph)
- Nick Rock'n'Roll & Trite Dushi
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