Niu (surname)

Niu (nju) is the pinyin romanization of several Chinese family names.

Surname Niu (梁)

Main article: Liang (surname)

Niu (梁) is a form of the surname Liang which is used in Hokkien, Teochew, and Hainan. It means "beam", "bridge", or "elevation", or "mast".

Surname Niu (鈕)

Main article: Niohuru

Niu (鈕) is a Sinicised form of the Manchu clan name Niohuru, meaning "wolf".

Surname Niu (牛)

Niu (牛) was listed 310th on the Song Dynasty list of the Hundred Family Surnames. It means "ox".

Prominent people with family name 牛

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