Panic Attack!

Panic Attack! is a hand-drawn, hand-painted animated short by Eileen O’Meara. It was jury-selected for the 2016 Florida Film Festival, Aspen Shortsfest, and Raindance Film Festival.


"A woman’s deepest anxieties and slippery hold on reality are comically depicted in this hand-drawn work from Eileen O’Meara, whose previous film, “That Strange Person,” won a Special Jury Award for Animated Short at the 1998 Florida Film Festival." Florida Film Festival



"In this amusing yet unsettling animated glimpse into the dark stream of one woman’s consciousness, one may find something all too familiar." -Aspen Shortsfest

"A continually flowing hand-drawn representation of the never ending nagging thoughts we all possess, Panic Attack! is an embarrassing reminder of how overblown our imaginations can get when left by themselves. Panic Attack! hits close to home for anyone who has an overactive imagination that leads their mind into a vice of stressful scenarios only to be brought back to the reality that you are simply waiting at a stop light." -Palm Springs International ShortFest: Cruz's Picks


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See also

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