Philotheos: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology

Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Discipline Philosophy, theology
Language English, French, German, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Russian
Edited by Bogoljub Šijaković
Publication details
Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Publication history
Frequency Annually
ISSN 1451-3455
LCCN 2005234070
OCLC no. 441784701

Philotheos (Serbian: ΦΙΛΟΘΕΟΣ) is an academic journal for philosophy and theology which was established in 2001. The editor-in-chief is Bogoljub Šijaković. The journal was initially based at the Philosophy Faculty in Nikšić (Montenegro), but since 2006 it has been published at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Belgrade. Although closely associated with the Serbian Orthodox Church, Philotheos publishes articles of philosophical and theological interest in the Christian tradition broadly construed. It publishes contributions in different European languages, such as English, French, German, Greek, Serbo-Croatian, and Russian. Given its Orthodox leanings, Philotheos has a certain focus on the Neoplatonic tradition in philosophy and theology, but it has carried articles on many other topics.

Philotheos mainly publishes articles; book reviews are reare. It appears in one annual volume of between 300 and 500 pages. It is abstracted and indexed in the ATLA Religion Database.[1]


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