Princess Pandora

Princess Pandora is the heroine of the adventure comic Pandora.


The dethroned princess travels with the outlaws Sylvin and Lyzgry in an attempt to get revenge on the evil vizier Huz for killing her uncle, the King of Grantzek and usurping the throne.

A side plot is Sylvins attempt to retrieve and use the magical medallion of Noth for personal gains and the rocky development of Sylvin and Pandoras amorous relationship.


Pandora. Heir to the throne of Granzek and first cousin to King Syspelmos.

Sylvin. Outlaw and possessor of the Noth Medaillon.

Lyzgry. Prized fighter. Communicates primarily in grunts.

Julius. Wise but cowardly member of The Black Hydra. Nephew to its ruler.

Borgias. Head of The Black Hydra. Is saluted as roman emperor.

Huz. King and advisor to the Kings of Granzek.

Fera. Nurse to the princess and originally mercenary to her father. A skilled warrior.


Saur, King of Granzek, inherited the throne from his older brother, as a nod to Shakespeares version of "Hamlet". On page three Princess Pandora comments on her fathers death and simultaneously cements the set-up by saying "Dying while in power is suspicious. Falling on a knife and landing in the eel pool is downright confusing."

In book two Princess Remora and her entourage is searching the royal castle of Granzek as they come across a bust of Huz with the inscription "Le Roi, c'est moi". A quote from Four panels later a bust with the inscription "C'est encore moi." is partially seen.


The story is written by Éric Stoffel and illustrated by Allart. The colouring was done by Bruno Pradelle.

The books are written during the heyday of the Lanfeust of Troy series and its effect is felt in both the dialogue and artwork.

Sylvin, Lyzgry and Pandoras manners and relationships show similarities to the similar characters in Lanfeust, namely Lanfeust, Cixi and Hébus.


See also Pandora serial

The total number of books is at four at the moment:

The Mad Regent (published 2001)

The Brigands of the Great River (published 2002)

The Carrier of Noth (published 2003)

Isle of Tohu-Bohu (published 2005)

External links

See also French comics

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