Psalm 34

Psalm 34 is the 34th psalm[1][2][3][4][5] of the Book of Psalms,[6] It is an acrostic poem in the Hebrew Alphabet. The 34th Psalm is a Psalm of David in the Bible one of a series of the songs of thanksgiving, and It is the first Psalm, which describes angels as a guardian of the righteous.
Psalm 34 is attributed to David. The Psalm title derives from when David is living with the Philistines.[7]
Which could be structured in the following manner:[8]
- Vers 2-4: Hymn Introduction
- Vers 5: Basic praising, preaching the fate of the Psalmist
- Vers 6-11: teaching, which is evident from his fate
- Vers 12-22: didactic poem 1.Vers 12: psalmist is now "teacher"
- Vers 13-15: Question - Answer:
- Vers 16-22
- Collection of wise sayings
It is an acrostic poem in the Hebrew Alphabet, with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet beginning a verse in sequential order; the lone exception is waw ( ו ), which begins the second clause of verse six. Verse 22, the concluding statement, begins with pe, outside the acrostic scheme. The Old Testament scholar Hermann Gunkel felt that the acrostic nature of the Psalm made any historical, or theological analysis impossible.[9] This psalm is an acrostic of confidence as is Psalm 25 with which it has many similarities.
- Is recited in its entirety during Pesukei Dezimra on Shabbat, Yom Tov, and Hoshana Rabbah.[10]
- Verse 4 is recited when the Torah scroll is taken out of the ark.[11]
- Verses 10-11 are part of the final paragraph of Birkat Hamazon.[12]
- Verses 14-15 form the basis for part of the closing paragraph of the Amidah.[13]
New Testament
We find psalm 37 quoted in the New Testament, as alluded to in the Gospel according to John[14] and quoted by St. Peter.[15]
According to the Rule of St. Benedict around 530,[16] this psalm was traditionally performed at the office of Matins Monday with monasteries.[17][18]
Currently, in the Liturgy of the Hours, Psalm 34 is recited Saturday from the first and third semaines and for the holy celebrations, the median time. It is often taken to church as a responsorial psalm.[19]
- ↑ Commentaires sur les psaumes, d’Hilaire de Poitiers, (Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2008), collection sources chrétiennes n°515,
- ↑ Commentaires of the Psalmes, by saint Johnn Chrysostome
- ↑ Discourse of the Psalmes, by Saint Augustin, vol.2,(Sagesses chrétiennes)
- ↑ Commentairy (jusqu’au psaume 54), by saint Thomas Aquinas, (Éditions du Cerf, 1273)
- ↑ Jean Calvin, Commentaire des psalmes, 1557
- ↑ Psalm 33 according to the Greek numbering system.
- ↑ 1 Sam 21
- ↑ Corinne Lanoir in Römer, Macchi et Nihan 2009, p. 346.
- ↑ Herman Gunkel, Die Psalmen, (61986), 142f.
- ↑ The Complete Artscroll Siddur page 376
- ↑ The Complete Artscroll Siddur page 141
- ↑ The Complete Artscroll Siddur page 195
- ↑ The Complete Artscroll Siddur page 119
- ↑ John 19:36.
- ↑ Peter 2:3.
- ↑ Règle de saint Benoît, traduction de Prosper Guéranger, (Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, réimpression 2007) p46.
- ↑ Psautier latin-français du bréviaire monastique,(1938/2003)p. 137,
- ↑ La distribution des Psaumes dans la Règle de Saint Benoît.
- ↑ Le cycle principal des prières liturgiques se déroule sur quatre semaines.