
The hinge area in one valve of a scallop shell (Pectinidae), showing the space for the internal ligament, known as the resilifer
A resilium is an anatomical term for part of the shell of certain bivalve mollusks. It is an internal ligament, which holds the two valves together and is located in a pit or depression known as the resilifer.
The resilium is part of the hinge mechanism in certain taxonomic families of bivalve shells, such as oysters and scallops.[1][2][3] A resilium (and the resilifer, its associated contact point) is the primary structure comprising the type of bivalve hinge that is known as an "disodont" hinge.
- ↑
- ↑ Bivalves by J.H. Leal, Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum, Florida, USA
- ↑ Invertebrate Paleobiology on-line syllabus on Bivalves, by Dr. Burt Carter, Georgia Southwestern State University, at:
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