Robert Kuwałek

Robert Kuwałek (born 1966 in Lublin, died 5 June 2014 in Lviv) was a Polish historian, noted for his work on the history of the Jewish community in the Lublin area and on the Holocaust. He worked at the Majdanek State Museum. 2004 - 2007 he directed the Museum in Belzec, a new branch of Majdanek State Museum.

Selected books and other publications

Belzec : le premier centre de mise à mort. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2013,

Lublin. Jerozolima Królestwa Polskiego, with Wiesław Wysok, Lublin: Współpraca i Dialog, 2001,

"The Ghetto in Lublin," translated by Sophie Frankenberg (née Mendelson),


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