
Scribbly was a Dutch comic strip, created by Jan-Paul Arends. It ran daily in the Dutch edition of the Metro free newspaper from 1999 to 2010.[1] Seven albums have been published containing the daily strips. The comic is known for its weird cast, and its tendency for parodying well-known films, books and famous people.



  1. "Ik hoop dat die ene goeie erin staat" (I hope that good one is in here)
  2. "Ik snap ze nooit" (I never get them)
  3. "Doe maar iets creatiefs" (Make it something creative)
  4. "Daar moet je een stripje over maken" (You should make a comic about that)
  5. "De verzonken stad van Zahn-Luac" (The lost city of Zahn-Luac)
  6. "Een opsteker van jewelste" (A big stroke of luck)
  7. "Meer wafels, minder misdaad" (More waffles, less crime)
  8. "Het is maar een droom, jongen" (It's just a dream, son)
  9. "Absurdor"


  1. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2012-05-06. Retrieved 2016-01-04.

External links

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