South African Medical Service

The South African Medical Service (SAMS) was a branch of the South African Defence Force (SADF). In 1994 when the SADF was merged with various other military and armed resistance forces as part of the post-apartheid reforms the SAMS became the South African Military Health Service of the South African National Defence Force. he SAMS operated three hospitals, 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria, 2 Military Hospital in Cape Town, and 3 Military Hospital in Bloemfontein. It also had three specialist institutes; the Institute for Aviation Medicine, the Institute for Maritime Medicine, and the Military Psychological Institute.[1]

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Diens ( SAGD ) was 'n tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag ( SAW ) . In 1994, toe die SAW is saamgesmelt met verskeie ander militêre en gewapende weerstand kragte as deel van die post-apartheid hervormings die SABS het die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Gesondheidsdiens van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag . Hy SABS bedryf drie hospitale , 1 Militêre Hospitaal in Pretoria , 2 Militêre Hospitaal in Kaapstad , en 3 Militêre Hospitaal in Bloemfontein . Dit het ook drie spesialis instellings ; die Instituut vir Lugvaart Medicine , die Instituut vir Maritieme Geneeskunde , en die Militêre Sielkundige Instituut . [ 1 ]


The SA Defence Act Amendment Act, No. 22 of 1922 re-organised the Permanent Force. From 1 February 1923 the Permanent Force consisted a number of Corps, including the SA Medical Corps.[2][3]

Die SA Verdedigingswet Wysigingswet , Wet 22 van 1922 weer die organisasie van die Staande Mag . Vanaf 1 Februarie 1923 is die Staande Mag bestaan 'n aantal Corps , insluitend die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Korps . [ 2 ] [ 3].

By that time three Medical Corps were already in existence, the Transvaal Medical Corps (established in 1903), the Natal Volunteer Medical Corps (established in 1899) and the Cape Medical Staff Corps.[4]

Teen daardie tyd was drie Mediese Korps wat reeds bestaan , die Transvaalse Mediese Korps ( in 1903 gestig ) , die Natalse Vrywilligers Mediese Korps ( in 1899 gestig ) en die Kaapse mediese personeel korps . [ 4 ]

The SAMS was established in July 1979 as a service branch of the SADF.[5] The establishment combined the medical services of the Army, Navy and the Air Force. The head of the SAMS was the Surgeon-General who had the rank of Lieutenant-General.[1] The role of the SAMS was to provide health and medical support services to the SADF, it included a veterinary section that looked after dogs and horses.

Die SABS is gestig in Julie 1979 as 'n diens tak van die SAW . [ 5 ] Die vestiging gekombineer om die mediese dienste van die leër , vloot en die lugmag . Die hoof van die SABS was die chirurg -generaal wat die rang van luitenant -generaal het . [ 1 ] . Die rol van die SABS was vir die gesondheid en mediese ondersteuningsdienste aan die SAW , dit sluit 'n veearts artikel wat lyk na honde en perde .


South African Medical Service
From Surgeons General To
1 February 1960 Maj Gen Eugene Raymond SSA SM 31 March 1969
1 April 1969 Lt Gen Colin Cockcroft SSA SM 31 October 1977
1 November 1977 Lt Gen Nicolaas Nieuwoudt SSA SD SM 29 February 1988
1 March 1988 Lt Gen Daniel Knobel SSAS SD SOE SM MMM KStJ MBC HB PHD 27 April 1994


  1. 1 2 "South Africa Medical Service". Retrieved 2014-01-26.
  2. Lillie, A.C. (1982). "THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN ARMY". South African Journal of Military Studies. 12 (2).
  3. Orpen, Neil. "Appendix 1:THE UNION DEFENCE FORCE BEFORE 1933". HyperWar. Retrieved March 26, 2014.
  4. Pretorius, C.M.L (1982). "DIE SAGD - SY ONTSTAAN EN ONTWIKKELING". Scientaria Militaria. 12 (2).
  5. "A Brief History of the South African Defence Force (SADF) 1912 1994. Part 2". Retrieved 2014-01-26.

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