Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins
Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins is a 1985 animated television special from Canada's Nelvana Limited, and the last one until DiC's recent revival to feature the American Greetings character, Strawberry Shortcake (2003–2009).
Strawberry rids Strawberryland of a strange, horrible smelling purple cloud with the help of her new friends, the Berry Princess and her helpers, the Berrykins.
"Strawberry Shortcake Meets The Berrykins" featured the first (and only) animated appearance of new friend Banana Twirl, and the Berry Princess, mystical guardian of the sprite-like Berrykins. Strawberry's friends Blueberry Muffin, Raspberry Tart, Lemon Meringue and Lime Chiffon were all featured in this special, but were not merchandised as part of 1985's "Berrykins" line of dolls by Kenner. Furthermore, Mint Tulip, who was produced as a "Berrykins" doll, did not appear in this special.
External links
- Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins at the Internet Movie Database
- Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins at Rotten Tomatoes
- Strawberry Shortcake Meets the Berrykins at The Big Cartoon DataBase
- entry
Preceded by Strawberry Shortcake and the Baby Without a Name |
1980's Strawberry Shortcake Specials 1985 |
Succeeded by N/A |