Tent of Nations

Tent of Nations is an educational and environmental farm covering 400 dunams next to the village of Nahalin, on a hill top southwest of Bethlehem. The farm has been in Daoud Nassar's family since 1916 when his grandfather purchased the land known as Dahers’ Vineyard. The farm is now surrounded by the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.[1][2]

Ownership dispute

The family owns the 100-acre farm since 1916 and registered it during the British Mandate (1924-25). It was declared state land by Israel in 1991 but in 2005 the Israeli high court allowed Nassar to begin and register the land.[2]

International support

The Tent of Nations project is supported by associations called "Tent of Nations friends" chartered in four countries: Sweden, Switzerland, United States and United Kingdom.


External links

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