The Arts and How They Was Done

The Arts and How They Was Done
Genre Comedy
Running time 30 mins
Country  United Kingdom
Language(s) English
Home station BBC Radio 4
Air dates 4 April 2007 to 9 May 2007
No. of series 1
No. of episodes 6
Website Website

The Arts and How They Was Done was a comedy radio program that aired from April 2007-May 2007, featuring Desmond Olivier Dingle and the entire National Theatre of Brent, Raymond Box. There were six half-hour episodes and it was broadcast on BBC Radio 4. It starred Patrick Barlow and John Ramm, and was directed by Martin Duncan.

Episode list

Episode Title Original Airdate
1 The Birth of Art and How They Done The Cave Paintings 4 April 2007
2 How Michelangelo Done The Sistine Chapel 11 April 2007
3 The Taj Mahal And How It Was Done 18 April 2007
4 The Brontë Sisters And How They Done Their Novels 25 April 2007
5 How Puccini Done Madam Butterfly 2 May 2007
6 The Entire History of Theatre Through the Ages and How It Is Done 9 May 2007

Notes and references

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