Vehicle registration plates of Ecuador

Specifications for the new licences plates from Ecuador

License plate from Ecuador
Vehicle registration plates of Ecuador have three letters and three or four numbers ranging from 000 to 9999, for serial formats of ABC-123 and ABC-1234.
The first letter indicates the province of issue. The second letter, also called the "key letter", identifies the type of license plate.
Province | Letter | Province | Letter | Province | Letter |
Azuay | A | Galápagos | W | Pastaza | S |
Bolívar | B | Guayas | G | Pichincha | P |
Cañar | U | Imbabura | I | Orellana | Q |
Carchi | C | Loja | L | Sucumbíos | K |
Cotopaxi | X | Los Ríos | R | Tungurahua | T |
Chimborazo | H | Manabí | M | Zamora-Chinchipe | Z |
El Oro | O | Morona Santiago | V | Santa Elena | Y |
Esmeraldas | E | Napo | N | Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas | J |
The background color of the license plate varies according to the key letter and identifies the type of service of the vehicle.
- If the key letter is A, Z or Q, the background color is orange and the vehicle is a bus or a taxi.
- If the key letter is E, the background color is gold and the vehicle is property of the government.
- If the key letter is M, the background color is light green and the vehicle is property of a municipality.
- If the key letter is W, the background color is white-silver and the vehicle is property of the police.
The rest of letters are for private, or particular, vehicles. Their background color is white-silver.
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