Virginia Sports Hall of Fame and Museum

The Virginia Sports Hall of Fame and Museum is a sports hall of fame located in Portsmouth, Virginia. Founded in 1972, it moved to its current location in 2005.[1] More than 300 athletes, coaches, administrators, members of the media and others have been inducted into the hall.
The museum also features interactive exhibits which allow children to test their skills in basketball, football, baseball, soccer and more. There are nine exhibit areas featuring twenty sports.
Sports inductees
- Allen, George (1998 - Football)
- Allen, Franklin (2013 - Basketball)
- Alley, Gene (1989 - Baseball)
- Andrews, Donna (2005 - Golf)
- Ashe Jr., Arthur (1979 - Tennis)
- Augustus, Peggy (1999 - Equestrian)
- Rondé Barber (2014 - Football)
- Barber, Tiki (2011 - Football)
- Bass, Marvin (1981 - Football)
- Beard, Edward (2002 - Football)
- Bennett, William (2002 - Track)
- Blassingham, Melvin (1982 - Contributor)
- Boone, Chuck (2004 - Baseball)
- Boone, Chuck (2004 - Football)
- Brennaman, Marty (1999 - Media)
- Brill, Bill (1999 - Media)
- Bristow, Allan (1997 - Basketball)
- Brooks, Larry (2000 - Football)
- Brown, Cornell (2013 - Football)
- Brown, Roger (1997 - Football)
- Brown Jr., Roosevelt (1979 - Football)
- Bryan, Jimmie (1987 - Basketball)
- Bryant, J.C. (1984 - Football)
- Bryant, J.C. (1984 - Track)
- Bumbry, Alonza (2002 - Baseball)
- Burrows Jr., Harold (1990 - Tennis)[2]
- Burton, Lawrence (2013 - Football)
- Bussard, Raymond (2000 - Swimming)
- Carneal, Herb (2002 - Media)
- Carpenter, Hunter (1973 - Football)
- Casey, Alfred (1982 - Football)
- Casey, Sean (2014 - Baseball)
- Catlett, Nellie (1994 - Football)
- Caughron, Harry (2009 - Football)
- Chambers Jr., William (1995 - Basketball)
- Chandler, Joseph (1979 - Track)
- Chenery, Christopher (1985 - Equestrian)
- Chewning, Lynn (1991 - Football)
- Clark, Gary (2007 - Football)
- Cloud, Jack (1984 - Football)
- Coates, Jim (1994 - Baseball)
- Cochran, Bill (2009 - Media)
- Colander Clark, LaTasha (2014 - Track)
- Colston, James (2007 - Media)
- Conn, Julius (1976 - Basketball)[2]
- Corrigan, Euguene F. (2007 - Contributor)[2]
- Corrigan, Euguene F. (2007 - Lacrosse)
- Crane, Eddie (2000 - Media)
- Creekmur, Lou (1989 - Football)
- Crenshaw, Fanny (1988 - Field Hockey)
- Culley, Jennings (1998 - Media)
- Cummins, Ralph (1996 - Football)
- Curry, Dell (2004 - Basketball)
- Dale, Carroll (1976 - Football)
- Dandridge, Raymond (1999 - Baseball)
- Dandridge, Robert (1992 - Basketball)
- Davis, Jean (1976 - Equestrian)
- Davis, Meb (1984 - Football)
- Day, Leon (2002 - Baseball)
- Day, Roland (1979 - Football)
- Deekins, William (2002 - Media)
- Delong, Steve (2000 - Football)
- Dodd, Robert (1973 - Football)
- Dolan, Tom (2009 - Swimming)
- Dombrowski, Jim (2010 - Football)
- Donovan, Anne (1996 - Basketball)
- Doran, Albert (1995 - Basketball)
- Douglas, Otis (1979 - Football)
- Driesell, Charles (1995 - Basketball)
- Driver, James (1998 - Contributor)
- Driver, James (1998 - Football)
- Ducibella, Jim (2010 - Media)
- Dudley, Bill (1974 - Football)
- Duquette, Tom (2009 - Lacrosse)[2]
- Durden, Chauncey (1997 - Media)
- Easley Jr., Kenneth (1998 - Football)
- Eason, James (1990 - Football)
- Ehlers, Dean (2013 - Administration)
- Esleeck, Karl (1977 - Football)
- Faison, Earl (1989 - Football)
- Fales, Donna (1997 - Tennis)
- Feathers, Beattie (1981 - Football)
- Fletcher, Richard (1989 - Football)
- Flippin, Dr. Harrison (1975 - Track)
- Foiles, Henry (1987 - Baseball)
- Freeman, Antonio (2012 - Football)
- Fuller, William (2004 - Football)
- Fulton, Stokeley (1977 - Football)
- Giles, Vinny (1976 - Golf)
- Gillette Jr., James (1983 - Football)
- Gillette, Walker (1990 - Football)
- Goldblatt, Abe (1997 - Media)
- Gooch, William (1986 - Contributor)[2]
- Gooch, William (1986 - Football)
- Guback, Steve (2005 - Media)
- Hahn, Archie (1991 - Track)
- Haley, Charles (2006 - Football)
- Hamner, Granny (1981 - Baseball)
- Harper, Chandler (1973 - Golf)
- Havens, Frank (1995 - Canoeing)
- Hedgepeth, Whitney (2010 - Swimming)
- Henderson, Gerald (2012 - Basketball)
- Hendrick, Ray (2012 - Auto Racing)
- Hightower-Boothe, Yogi (2001 - Field Hockey)
- Hilton, John (2008 - Football)
- Holland, Bob (1997 - Surfing)
- Holland, Terry (2003 - Basketball)
- Hooker, Lester (1983 - Basketball)
- Hoskins, Stuart (1981 - Football)
- Hoskins, Stuart (1981 - Baseball)
- Hucles, Henry (1997 - Basketball)
- Hughes, George (1983 - Football)
- Humbert, Dr. Richard (1981 - Football)
- Hunley, Rick (2008 - Football)
- Jackson, William (1979 - Football)
- Jacox, Calvin Moses (2006 - Media)
- Janssen, Mary Patton (2001 - Golf)
- Jarrett, Dr. Jim (2011 - Contributor)
- Jaynes, Betty (2008 - Basketball)
- Johnson, Marshall (1997 - Media)
- Johnson, Dr. Robert (1972 - Tennis)
- Jones, Arthur (1975 - Football)
- Jordan, Brian (2009 - Football)
- Jordan, Brian (2009 - Baseball)
- Jordan, Henry (1974 - Football)
- Karmosky, Charles (1997 - Media)
- Keller, Herman (1992 - Basketball)
- Keller, Ted (2005 - Football)
- Kellogg, Junius (1990 - Basketball)
- Kersey, Jerome (2008 - Basketball)
- Kersey, Jess (2012 - Basketball)
- Keyes, Leroy (1987 - Football)
- Kilbourne, Bob (1997 - Basketball)
- Knox, Glenn (1982 - Basketball)
- Lacy, George (1996 - Baseball)
- Lanier, William (1986 - Football)
- Lauterbach, Henry (1999 - Speed Boat Racing)
- Lawrence, Frank (1985 - Baseball)
- Leech, Jimmy (1973 - Football)
- Leffler, Bill (2003 - Media)
- Leigh, Doris (1978 - Bowling)
- Lemon, Jim (1988 - Baseball)
- Leonard, Laurence Jr. (1997 - Media)
- Lewis, William (1980 - Football)
- Lex, Joseph (1986 - Football)
- Lieberman, Nancy (1992 - Basketball)
- Lindquist, Jerry (2003 - Media)
- Little, Henry (1975 - Track)
- Littlepage, Bill (2011 - Basketball)
- Lloyd, Earl (1993 - Basketball)
- Loria, Frank (1984 - Football)
- Mack, Jane (2009 - Golf)
- Madden, Thad (1988 - Football)
- Malone, Moses (1999 - Basketball)
- Mann, Dr. Thompson (1988 - Swimming)
- Mann, Shelley (1984 - Swimming)
- Mapp, Dr. John (1991 - Football)
- Mapp, Dr. John (1991 - Track)
- Mapp, Laura (2003 - Field Hockey)
- Marshall, Willard (1990 - Baseball)
- Martin, Lily (1995 - Golf)
- Martin, Sr., William (1980 - Wrestling)
- Mayer, Eugene (1980 - Football)[2]
- McBride, Penelope (1983 - Tennis)
- McCullough, Clyde (1983 - Baseball)
- McEver, H.M. (1980 - Football)
- McKenna, John (2007 - Football)
- McLaughlin, Lee (1987 - Football)
- McLelland, Robert (1998 - Media)
- McQuinn, George (1978 - Baseball)
- Mellon, Paul (1999 - Equestrian)
- Merner, William (1990 - Football)
- Merrick, Edwin (1980 - Football)
- Metheny, Arthur (1979 - Baseball)
- Michaels, Walt (1977 - Football)
- Miles, C.P. (1974 - Football)
- Miller, Louis (1994 - Baseball)
- Miller, Louis (1994 - Basketball)
- Miller, Marty (2014 - Baseball)
- Miller, Robert (2006 - Football)
- Millsaps, William Jr. (2000 - Media)
- Moir, Charles (2000 - Basketball)
- Moore, Herman (2010 - Football)
- Morrison, Leotus (2000 - Field Hockey)
- Morrison, Leotus (2000 - Contributor)
- Moseley, Frank (1979 - Football)
- Moskowitz, Bob (2004 - Media)
- Mosley, Benita (1998 - Track)
- Mourning, Alonzo (2010 - Basketball)
- Muha, Joseph (1976 - Football)
- Nemetz, Albert (1986 - Football)
- Newman, Johnny (2011 - Basketball)
- Norton, Hank (2006 - Football)
- Oates, Johnny (2003 - Baseball)
- Palumbo, Joe (1976 - Football)
- Parker, Clarence (1972 - Football)
- Parkhill, Barry (2001 - Basketball)
- Peake, Frank (1978 - Football)
- Pearce, Al (2012 - Media)
- Peccatiello, Larry (2010 - Football)
- Penicheiro, Ticha (2014 - Basketball)
- Perdue, Charles (1993 - Football)
- Phillippe, Charles (1982 - Baseball)
- Pitt, Malcom (1974 - Baseball)
- Plummer, Louis (1994 - Track)
- Porterfield, Bob (2005 - Baseball)
- Potts, Russ (2004 - Contributor)
- Pratt Jr., Robert (2013 - Football)
- Preas, George (1982 - Football)
- Precourt, Kelly (2008 - Field Hockey)
- Price, William (2001 - Track)
- Price, William (2001 - Football)
- Pritchard, Abisha (1997 - Football)
- Proctor, George (1974 - Basketball)
- Ragazzo, Vito (1993 - Football)
- Ramsey, Garrard (1974 - Football)
- Randle, Ulmo (1991 - Football)
- Raschi, Victor (1976 - Baseball)
- Rathbun, Bob (2008 - Media)
- Rice, Paul (1988 - Basketball)
- Ripley, Melissa (1989 - Swimming)
- Rixey Jr., Eppa (1972 - Baseball)[2]
- Roach, Melvin (1988 - Baseball)
- Robbins, Dave (2010 - Basketball)
- Roberts Sr., Glenn (1980 - Basketball)
- Ross, Bobby (1997 - Football)
- Roth, Bill (2013 - Media)
- Rouse, Jeff (2011 - Swimming)
- Rowland, Robert (1978 - Speed Boat Racing)
- Rudd, Ricky (2007 - Auto Racing)
- Rutledge, Warren (2001 - Basketball)
- Ryan, Debbie (2012 - Basketball)
- Sampson, Ralph (1996 - Basketball)
- Sanford, Taylor (1977 - Contributor)
- Sawyer, Paul (2002 - Auto Racing)
- Scott, Herb (2006 - Football)
- Scott, Thomas (1989 - Football)
- Scott Jr., Thomas (1989 - Lacrosse)
- Scott Jr., Thomas (1989 - Football)
- Scott, Wendell (2000 - Auto Racing)
- Shea, Dick (1987 - Track)
- Shellenberger, William (1998 - Soccer)
- Shirley, J. (1985 - Basketball)
- Shu, Paul (1983 - Football)
- Simons, Gray (1992 - Wrestling)
- Sinclair, Dr. Caroline (1996 - Contributor)
- Slack, Ida (1992 - Bowling)
- Smith, Barty (1999 - Football)
- Smith, Bruce (2005 - Football)
- Smith, C. (1987 - Tennis)
- Smith, Richard (1976 - Contributor)
- Snead, J.C. (2003 - Golf)
- Snead, Norman (1984 - Football)
- Snead, Sam (1973 - Golf)
- Soden, Frank (1998 - Media)
- Spangler, Robert (1979 - Football)
- Spencer, Wynsol (1991 - Golf)
- Spessard, Robert (1972 - Basketball)
- Spivey, Hope (2004 - Gymnastics)
- Staley, Dawn (2008 - Basketball)[2]
- Stephens, Hugh (1994 - Baseball)
- Stephenson, Dwight (1999 - Football)
- Stith, Bryant (2007 - Basketball)[2]
- Stobbs, Charles (2002 - Baseball)
- Strange, Curtis (2004 - Golf)
- Strange Jr., Thomas (1998 - Golf)
- Summers, Francis (1975 - Contributor)
- Sumner, Charlie (2007 - Football)
- Tarrant, Dick (2013 - Basketball)
- Taylor, Lawrence (2003 - Football)
- Teel, David (2014 - Media)
- Thalman, Bob (2003 - Football)
- Thomas, Charles (1993 - Baseball)
- Thomas, William (1985 - Football)
- Thompson, Eugene (2011 - Media)
- Thompson, Thomas (1975 - Football)
- Thrift Jr., Sydnor (1998 - baseball)
- Tipton, Eric (1978 - Football)
- Todd, Dr. John (1978 - Football)
- Turner, Curtis (1999 - Auto Racing)
- Twardzik, Dave (1995 - Basketball)
- Twombly, Edwin (1991 - Baseball)
- Twombly, Edwin (1991 - Contributor)
- Unger, Robbye (1997 - Golf)
- Vail, Charles (1985 - Sailboat racing)
- VanDyck, Gracie (2002 - Basketball)
- Vaughan Jr., Porter (1993 - Baseball)
- Wacker, Lou (2014 - Football)
- Wade, Jesse (1994 - Football)
- Wadkins, Lanny (1996 - Golf)
- Wagner, Billy (2012 - Baseball)
- Weatherly, Joseph (1976 - Auto Racing)
- Webb Jr., Paul (1993 - Basketball)
- Welsh, George (2009 - Football)
- Werner, Helmut (2010 - Soccer)
- West, Mark (2006 - Basketball)
- Whitaker, Pernell (2011 - Boxing)
- Wilburn, J.R. (2004 - Football)
- Wilkinson, Richard (1975 - Basketball)
- Willard, Kenneth (1985 - Football)
- Williams, Charles (1981 - Contributor)
- Williams, Leigh (1974 - Basketball)
- Williams, Leigh (1974 - Track)
- Wilson, Lawrence (1986 - Baseball)
- Wood, Glen (2006 - Auto Racing)
- Wood, Leonard (2006 - Auto Racing)
- Worsham, Lewis (1986 - Golf)
- Young, Harry (1972 - Basketball)
- Younger, William (1977 - Football)
Other notable inductees
- ↑ Hoyer, Meghan (2005-04-23), A day full of fanfare as Portsmouth opens sports museum, Virginian-Pilot, retrieved 2007-11-24
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Virginia's Finest — Cavaliers well represented in Hall of Fame". U.Va. Magazine. University of Virginia Alumni Association. Winter 2010.
External links
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