Weak trace-class operator

In mathematics, a weak trace class operator is a compact operator on a separable Hilbert space H with singular values the same order as the harmonic sequence. When the dimension of H is infinite the ideal of weak trace-class operators has fundamentally different properties than the ideal of trace class operators. The usual operator trace on the trace-class operators does not extend to the weak trace class. Instead the ideal of weak trace-class operators admits an infinite number of linearly independent quasi-continuous traces, and it is the smallest two-sided ideal for which all traces on it are singular traces.

Weak trace-class operators feature in the noncommutative geometry of French mathematician Alain Connes.


A compact operator A on an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space H is weak trace class if μ(n,A) = O(n−1), where μ(A) is the sequence of singular values. In mathematical notation the two-sided ideal of all weak trace-class operators is denoted,

The term weak trace-class, or weak-L1, is used because the operator ideal corresponds, in J. W. Calkin's correspondence between two-sided ideals of bounded linear operators and rearrangement invariant sequence spaces, to the weak-l1 sequence space.


making L1,∞ a quasi-Banach operator ideal, that is an ideal that is also a quasi-Banach space.

See also


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