Wind quintet

A wind quintet, also sometimes known as a woodwind quintet, is a group of five wind players (most commonly flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon). The term also applies to a composition for such a group.
Unlike the string quartet with its homogeneous blend of color, the instruments in a wind quintet differ from each other considerably in technique, idiom, and timbre. The modern wind quintet sprang from the ensemble favored in the court of Joseph II in late 18th century Vienna: two oboes, two clarinets, two (natural) horns, and two bassoons.[1] The influence of Haydn's chamber writing suggested similar possibilities for winds, and advancements in the building of these instruments in that period made them more useful in small ensemble settings, leading composers to attempt smaller combinations.
It was Anton Reicha's twenty-four quintets, begun in 1811, and the nine quintets of Franz Danzi that established the genre, and their pieces are still standards of the repertoire. Though the form fell out of favor in the latter half of the 19th century, there has been renewed interest in the form by leading composers in the 20th century, and today the wind quintet is a standard chamber ensemble, valued for its versatility and variety of tone color.
Wind quintet composers
Eighteenth century
- Antonio Rosetti (ca. 1750–1792) One quintet, for flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, and bassoon
Nineteenth century
- Johann Georg Albrechtsberger (1736–1809), a quintet for two oboes, clarinet, natural horn, and bassoon
- Giuseppe Cambini (1746–1825), three quintets
- Franz Danzi (1763–1826), nine quintets
- Johann Georg Lickl (1769–1843), one quintet
- Anton Reicha (1770–1836), twenty-four quintets, as well as some independent movements
- George Onslow (1784–1853), one quintet, op. 81
- Giulio Briccialdi (1818–1881), three quintets
- Paul Taffanel (1844–1908), one quintet
- August Klughardt (1847–1902), one quintet
Twentieth century
- Guy Ropartz (1864–1955), one quintet
- Carl Nielsen (1865–1931), one quintet
- Gustav Holst (1874–1934), one quintet
- Arnold Schoenberg (1874–1951), one quintet
- Theodor Blumer (1881–1964), four quintets
- Percy Grainger (1882–1961), two quintets
- Wallingford Riegger (1885–1961), one quintet
- Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959), one quintet
- Jacques Ibert (1890–1962), one quintet
- Hendrik Andriessen (1892–1981), one quintet
- Darius Milhaud (1892–1974), one quintet
- Walter Piston (1894–1976), one quintet
- Paul Hindemith (1895–1963), one quintet
- Roberto Gerhard (1896–1970), one quintet
- Carlos Chávez (1899–1978), one quintet
- Ernst Krenek (1900–1991), two quintets
- Ruth Crawford-Seeger (1901–1953), one quintet
- Claude Arrieu (1903–1990), one quintet
- Ferenc Farkas (1905–2000), one quintet
- Mátyás Seiber (1905–1960), one quintet
- Alec Wilder (1907–1980), twelve quintets
- György Ránki (1907–1992), one quintet
- Elliott Carter (1908–2012), two quintets
- Vagn Holmboe (1909–1996), one quintet
- Ljubica Maric (1909-2003), one quintet
- Samuel Barber (1910–1981), one quintet
- Josef Tal (1910–2008), one quintet
- Jean Françaix (1912–1997), two quintets
- Ingolf Dahl (1912–1970), one quintet
- Alvin Etler (1913–1973), two quintets, a concerto for quintet and orchestra, and a concerto for violin and wind quintet
- Vivian Fine (1913–2000), one quintet
- Irving Fine (1914–1962), two quintets
- George Perle (1915–2009), four quintets
- Vincent Persichetti (1915–1987), two quintets
- Dinu Lipatti (1917–1950), one quintet and six transcriptions of Scarlatti sonatas for wind quintet
- Peter Racine Fricker (1920–1990), one quintet
- Malcolm Arnold (1921–2006), two quintets
- György Ligeti (1923–2006), two quintets
- Milko Kelemen (born 1924), one quintet
- Jurriaan Andriessen (1925–1996), one quintet
- Luciano Berio (1925–2003), four quintets
- Włodzimierz Kotoński (1925–2014), one quintet
- Barney Childs (1926–2000), one quintet
- Hans Werner Henze (1926–2012), one quintet
- Lee Hoiby (1926–2011), one quintet
- Gottfried Michael Koenig (born 1926), one quintet
- Franco Donatoni (1927–2000), one quintet
- Wayne Peterson (born 1927), one quintet and five transcriptions of other composers' works
- Jean-Michel Damase (1928–2013), one quintet
- Frigyes Hidas (1928–2007), three quintets
- Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928–2007), three quintets
- Donald Martino (1931–2005), one quintet
- Per Nørgård (born 1932), one quintet
- Ramiro Cortés (1933–1984), one quintet
- István Láng (born 1933), three quintets
- Harrison Birtwistle (born 1934), two quintets
- Rob du Bois (1934–2013), two quintets
- Peter Schat (1935–2003), one quintet
- David Del Tredici (born 1937), one quintet
- Charles Wuorinen (born 1938), one quintet
- Frank Zappa (1940–1993), two quintets
- Friedrich Goldmann (1941–2009), one quintet, and a sonata for wind quintet with piano
- Martin Bresnick (born 1946), one quintet
- Richard St. Clair (born 1946), one quintet
- Jack Gallagher (born 1947), one quintet
- Stephen Brown (born 1948), one quintet
- Eric Ewazen (born 1954), no quintets as such, but one concerto for quintet with orchestra
- Kenneth Fuchs (born 1956), two quintets
- William Susman (born 1960), one quintet
- Karlheinz Essl (born 1960), one quintet
- Ludmila Yurina (born 1962), one quintet
- Juan María Solare (born 1966), four quintets
- Peter Fribbins (born 1969), one quintet[2]
- Lior Navok (born 1971), one quintet, and a double quintet that would belong in the 21st-century list
Twenty-first century
- Stephen Truelove (born 1946), two quintets
- Shigeru Kan-no (born 1959), no quintets, but there ison work combining wind and brass quintets with brass orchestra
- James Francis Brown (born 1969), one quintet, featuring the cor anglais and basset horn doubled by their normal counterpart in the central movement[3]
- Robert Paterson (born 1970), one quintet
- Robert Piéchaud (born 1969), one quintet, The River (2016), after Henry David Thoreau, with an additional voice part in the last movement.
- Mohammed Fairouz (born 1985), one quintet
- Franklin Stöver (born 1953), suite, L'Enchanteur pourrissant (2008) w.w. quintet.
Notable wind-quintet repertoire
- Ágay, Dénes, Öt könnyű tánc [Five Easy Dances] (before 1956)
- Alterhaug, Bjørn, Sporadisk konsentrasjon til fem bilder av Ove Stokstad [Sporadic Concentration on Five Pictures of Ove Stokstad]
- Andriessen, Jurriaan, Sciarada Spagnuola [Spanish Charade]
- Arnold, Malcolm, Three Shanties, op. 4 (1943)
- Bach, Jan, Skizzen, Highgate Press [Sketches, Highgate Press] (1983)
- Barber, Samuel, Summer Music, op. 31 (1955)
- Baur, Jürg, Quintetto sereno [Serene Quintet] (1957–58)
- Bennett, Richard R., Concerto for Woodwind Quintet
- Berio, Luciano
- Ricorrenze (1987)
- Wind Quintet (1948)
- Wind Quintet (1950)
- Opus Number Zoo (arr. 1951 for wind quintet, from the 1950 original for 2 clarinets and 2 horns)
- Birtwistle, Harrison
- Refrains and Choruses (1957)
- Five Distances (1992)
- Bloch, Waldemar, Serenade (1966)
- Blumer, Theodor, Serenade, Theme and Variations
- Bobescu, Constantin, Parafrază pe motivul "Horei Staccato" (1958)
- Bois, Rob du
- Chants et contrepoints (1962)
- Réflexions sur le jour où Pérotin le Grand ressuscitera (1969)
- Böttcher, Eberhard, To satser for blåsekvintett [Two Movements for Wind Quintet]
- Brett, Daniel, Seasonal Rhythms (2006)
- Bottje, Will Gay, Diversions, for quintet, narrator and piano; text by James Thurber (1994)
- Bozza, Eugene
- Variations sur un thème libre, op. 42 (1943)
- Scherzo, op. 48 (1944)
- Pentaphonie (1969)
- Quand les muses collaborent
- Bresnick, Martin
- Just Time (1985)
- Willie's Way (2006, quintet arrangement by Richard Mathias 2011)
- Brown, Stephen, Suite for Woodwinds, (1982, revised 2006)
- Bujanovski, Vitali, Four Norwegian Folksongs, for quintet and soprano.
- Buss, Howard J., Five Stars (2004)
- Cambini, Giuseppe Maria, Trois quintetti concertans [Three Concertante Quintets] (ca. 1802)
- Quintet no. 1 in B-flat major
- Quintet no. 2 in D minor
- Quintet no. 3 in F major
- Carter, Elliott
- Nine by Five (2009)
- Quintet (1948)
- Chávez, Carlos, Soli no. 2 (1961)
- Coleman, Valerie, 2 Quintets:
- "UMOJA" (1999)
- "Afro-Cuban Concerto (2001)
- Cortés, Ramiro, Three Movements for Five Winds (1967–68)
- Dahl, Ingolf, Allegro and Arioso
- Damase, 17 Variations op. 22, (1951)
- Danzi, Franz, 9 Quintets:
- op. 56, no. 1 in B-flat major
- op. 56, no. 2 in G minor
- op. 56, no. 3 in F major
- op. 67, no. 1 in G major
- op. 67, no. 2 in E minor
- op. 67, no. 3 in E-flat major
- op. 68, no. 1 in A minor
- op. 68, no. 2 in F major
- op. 68, no. 3 in D minor
- Del Tredici, David, Belgian Bliss (2011)
- Franco Donatoni Blow (1989)
- Dubois, Pierre Max, Fantasia (1956)
- Ebenhöh, Horst, Divertipentephonien, op. 70, no. 1
- Etler, Alvin
- Concerto for Violin and Wind Quintet (1958)
- Concerto for Wind Quintet and Orchestra (1960)
- Quintet no. 1 (1955)
- Quintet no. 2 (1957)
- Farkas, Ferenc
- Régi magyar táncok a XVII. századból (aka Antiche danze ungheresi del 17. secolo) [Old Hungarian Dances from the 17th century] (1959)
- Lavottiana (1968)
- Fine, Irving
- Partita (1948)
- Romanza (1958)
- Fine, Vivian, Dancing Winds (1987)
- Françaix, Jean
- Quintette à vent [Wind Quintet] no. 1 (1948)
- Quintette à vent [Wind Quintet] no. 2 (1987)
- Gallagher, Jack, Ancient Evenings and Distant Music (1971)
- Genzmer, Harald
- Bläserquintett [Wind Quintet] no. 1 (1957)
- Bläserquintett [Wind Quintet] no. 2 (1970)
- Goeb, Roger
- Prairie Songs (1947)
- Wind Quintet No. 1 (1949)
- Wind Quintet No. 2 (1955)
- Wind Quintet No. 3 (1980)
- Wind Quintet No. 4 (1982)
- Goldmann, Friedrich
- Bläserquintett [Wind Quintet] (1991)
- Sing' Lessing, for baritone, wind quintet, and piano (1978)
- Sonata for Wind Quintet and Piano (1969)
- Zusammenstellung, for wind quintet (1976)
- Hall, Pauline
- Suite for Wind Quintet (1948)
- Quintet, Lyche (1952)
- Harbison, John, Wind Quintet (1979)
- Heiden, Bernhard
- Intrada in B-flat major op. 56, for Quintet and alto saxophone (1970)
- Sinfonia (1949)
- Woodwind Quintet (1965)
- Hidas, Frigyes
- Fúvósötös [Wind Quintet] no. 2 (1969)
- Fúvósötös [Wind Quintet] no. 3 (1979)
- Hindemith, Paul, Kleine Kammermusik [Little Chamber Music], op. 24, no. 2 (1923)
- Hoiby, Lee, Diversions for Wind Quintet (1999)
- Holst, Gustav, Wind Quintet in A flat, op. 14 (1903)
- Hueber, Kurt Anton, Wind Quintet
- Ibert, Jacques, Trois Pieces Bréves [Three Short Pieces]
- Jacob, Gordon
- Suite for Wind Quintet, unpublished
- Sextet for piano and wind quintet (1956)
- Jansons, Andrejs, Senlatviešu deju svīta [Suite of Old Lettish Dances] (1976)
- Johansen, Bertil Palmar, Höstscener [Autumn Scenes]
- Kelemen, Milko
- Études contrapuntiques [Contrapuntal Etudes] (1959)
- Entrances for wind quintet (1966)
- Klughardt, August, Quintet op. 79
- Koenig, Gottfried Michael, Bläserquintett [Wind Quintet], for flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, and bassoon (1958–59)
- Kotoński, Włodzimierz, Kwintet na instrumenty dęte [Wind Quintet] (1964)
- Kurtág, György, Fúvósötös [Wind Quintet], op. 2 (1959)
- Láng, István
- Fúvósötös [Wind Quintet] no. 1 (1964)
- Fúvósötös [Wind Quintet] no. 2 (1965)
- Fúvósötös [Wind Quintet] no. 3 (1975)
- Langton, Fraser, Scottish Visions; Three Sketches for Wind Quintet (2006)
- Ligeti, György
- Sechs Bagatellen [6 Bagatelles] (1953, arr. from Musica ricercata)
- 10 Stücke [10 Pieces], for alto flute (flute, piccolo), English horn (oboe d'amore, oboe), clarinet, horn, and bassoon (1968)
- Lunde, Ivar Jr., Une Petite Suite pour cinq [A Little Suite for Five]
- Maslanka, David
- Quintet for Winds No. 1
- Quintet for Winds No. 2
- Quintet for Winds No. 3
- Quintet for Winds No. 4
- Marić, Ljubica, Duvački kvintet [Wind Quintet] (1931)
- Mathias, William, Wind Quintet, op. 22 (1963)
- Milhaud, Darius, La Cheminée du roi René [King René's Fireplace]
- Navok, Lior, The Adventures of Pinocchio (for three actors / speakers, wind quintet and piano)
- Nielsen, Carl, Wind Quintet (1922)
- Nørgård, Per, Whirl's World (1970)
- Oldfield, Alan, Solos for Woodwind Quintet
- Paterson, Robert, Wind Quintet (2004)
- Patterson, Paul
- Comedy for Five Winds (1972)
- Westerly Winds (1998)
- Perle, George
- For Piano and Wind, for flute, English horn, clarinet, horn, bassoon, and piano (1988)
- Wind Quintet no. 1 (1959)
- Wind Quintet no. 2 (1960)
- Wind Quintet no. 3 (1967)
- Wind Quintet no. 4 (1984), winner of the 1986 Pulitzer Prize for Music
- Persichetti, Vincent
- Pastoral, op.21 (1943)
- King Lear, op.35, for wind quintet, timpani, and piano (1948)
- Peterson, Wayne, Metamorphosis (1967)
- Piazzolla, Astor, Milonga sin palabras [Milonga without words]
- Pierné, Paul, Suite pittoresque [Picturesque Suite]
- Pilss, Carl, Serenade in G Major
- Piston, Walter, Wind Quintet (1956)
- Poulenc, Sextet, for wind quintet and piano (1932–39)
- Ránki, György, Pentaerophonia
- Reicha, Anton
- Twenty-four Wind Quintets, Opp. 88, 91, 99, and 100 (1810–20)
- Riegger, Wallingford, Concerto, op. 53, for wind quintet and piano (1956)
- Rosowsky, Solomon
- "Moshe der Shuster" (Moshe the Cobbler) (1917)
- "Nigun ohne a Sof" (Melody without an End) (1917)
- Schat, Peter, Improvisations and Symphonies, op. 11 (1960)
- Schönberg, Arnold, Bläserquintett [Wind Quintet], op. 26 (1923–24)
- Schulze, Werner, Explosioni
- Seiber, Mátyás, Permutazioni a Cinque for wind quintet (1958)
- Solare, Juan María
- Extraños preludios y doble canon (Strange preludes and double canon) (1992)
- Nómade (adaptation of the piece originally for piano solo) (2002-2006)
- Ölflecke auf dem Wasser (Oil spots on the water) (2003)
- Born equal (2011)
- Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Zeitmaße [Time-measures], for flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, and bassoon (1955–56)
- Adieu, für Wolfgang Sebastian Meyer (1966)
- Rotary Wind Quintet (1997)
- Susman, William, Six Minutes Thirty Seconds (1995)
- Taffanel, Paul, Quintet for Wind Instruments
- Thuille, Ludwig, Sextet for Wind Instruments and Piano
- Tomasi, Henri, Cinq Danses [Five Dances]
- Truelove, Stephen
- Fortspinnung, for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn, optionally with piano or amplified harpsichord (1966)
- Unity String Quintet for Five Woodwinds, for flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, and bassoon (2006)
- Valjean, Paul, Dance Suite (1955)
- Villa-Lobos, Heitor, Quinteto (em forma de chôros) [Quintet in the Form of a Chôros], for flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, and bassoon (1928; arr. for the conventional quintet 1951)
- Wuorinen, Charles, Wind Quintet (1977)
- Yurina, Ludmila, Geometricum (1993)
Notable wind quintets
- Arabesque Winds[4]
- Artecombo
- Bergen Wind Quintet
- Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet (de:Philharmonisches Bläserquintett Berlin)
- Blythwood Winds [5]
- Carion
- I Cinque Elementi Wind Quintet
- The City of Tomorrow [6][7]
- Coreopsis Quintet [8]
- Danzi Quintet
- Dorian Wind Quintet
- Farkas Quintet Amsterdam (nl:Farkas Quintet Amsterdam)
- Galliard Ensemble[9]
- Imani Winds (Grammy nominated 2006)
- New London Chamber Ensemble
- New York Woodwind Quintet
- Pentaèdre (Montréal)[10]
- Pennsylvania Quintet
- Quintet of the Americas
- Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet
- Vancouver Woodwind Quintet
- Vento Chiaro
- ↑ Suppan, Wolfgang. 2001. "Wind Quintet". The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell. London: Macmillan Publishers.
- ↑ Peter Fribbns. Peter Fribbins, 2 Oct. 2007. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>.
- ↑ Music Haven. Music Haven, 1 July 2015. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>
- ↑ "Arabesque Winds, woodwind quintet". Retrieved 20 January 2015.
- ↑ Missing or empty
(help) - ↑ "City of Tomorrow: Breathing New Life Into the Wind Quintet". Retrieved 20 January 2015.
- ↑ "The City of Tomorrow". Retrieved 20 January 2015.
- ↑ "Home". Coreopsis Quintet. Retrieved 2015-03-09.
- ↑ "Concerts". Galliard Ensemble. Retrieved 2015-03-09.
- ↑ "Pentaèdre". Pentaèdre. Retrieved 20 January 2015.
Further reading
- Barrenechea, Sérgio Azra. 2004. “O Quinteto de Sopros” (Dica Técnica 81) Parts 1 and 2. Revista Weril 150 and 151.
- Brandt, Andrew (July 17, 2000). "Brandt's Woodwind Quintet List" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on September 10, 2014.
- Hošek, Miroslav. 1979. Das Bläserquintett. Grünwald: B. Brüchle. ISBN 3-921847-01-X.
- Kohl, Jerome. 2017. Karlheinz Stockhausen: Zeitmaße. Landmarks in Music Since 1950, edited by Wyndham Thomas. Abingdon, Oxon; London; New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-7546-5334-9.
- Leyden, Megan C. 2000. "The Story of the Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet". DMA Thesis. Seattle: University of Washington.
- Moeck, Karen. 1977. "The Beginnings of the Woodwind Quintet." NACWPI Journal 26, no. 2 (November): 22–33.
- Secrist-Schmedes, Barbera. 2002. Wind Chamber Music for Two to Sixteen Winds: An Annotated Guide. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 9780810842465.