Wrigley's Spearmint

Wrigley's Spearmint is a brand of Wrigley's chewing gum. Wrigley's launched the brand in 1893 and markets the gum as its classic brand, although the company's brand Juicy Fruit has been on the market slightly longer. As the name implies the gum is flavored with the spearmint plant.
Gum was originally marketed by being given away free, with the purchase of Baking Soda. It became so popular that it was then eventually sold separately as a desired commodity.
Although the chewing gum was pulled out of the market during World War II, Wrigley's launched a successful campaign to keep it in the minds of customers.
In 2004, it was relaunched in the US and UK with the slogan "even better, longer lasting".
Another advertising campaign was "some call it a spear, some call it an arrow." The spear/arrow has been a constant in the brand's advertising, as has been the mint leaf motif.[1]
The gum contains the food preservative BHT, a suspected carcinogen. Despite it not being a sugarless gum, Wrigley's replaced some of the sugar with aspartame and Ace K, both artificial sweeteners.[2] The gum was traditionally grey/beige in color, almost the same color as Juicy Fruit and Doublemint. Recently, the gum has been colored green.