"Bastir!" (to Build), originally the "Manifeste Occitaniste" (the Occitanist Manifesto), is a pan-Occitanist movement mainly involved in French municipal elections of 2014 and in French departmental elections of 2015.
The Occitanist Manifesto
In 2011, David Grosclaude,.[1][2][3][4] then elected Advisor of Aquitaine Regional Council, with some other members of the Occitan Party (POc), approached other activists in the Occitanist movement to develop a common project on the basis of shared values. Several preliminary meetings (Marmande, Pau, Villeneuve-sur-Lot) resulted in a programmatic outline: the "Manifeste Occitaniste", co-written in part with members of the Occitan Nation Party (PNO) and some actors from the Occitans cultural circle.
The meeting of 10 December 2011 in Barbaste summarized the previous assemblies and endorsed the idea of the "Manifeste Occitaniste".[5][6][7][8] The manifesto was completed in 2012 and disseminated. Individual membership to its principles and approach require a personal online signature.

The "Manifeste Occitaniste" at the beginning of 2013 was defined at that time as setting forth the basic elements of a political force in Occitania, without being a party, with an eye to the French municipal elections of 2014. Essentially, the "programmatic basis" of the "Manifeste Occitaniste" talked about conservancy and socialization of the Occitan language, regionalism, decentralization and direct democracy, environmental protection, and rejection of the fascism.
Originally subtitled "Bastir la ciutat" ("build the city," figuratively in view of municipal elections), in 2013, the Occitanist Manifesto is simply renamed "Bastir" and stylized in "Bastir!".
A steering committee[9][10] was established to specify and authorize nominations for the French municipal elections candidates of 2014. The steering committee had the especially difficult role of arbitrating disputed cases, particularly the incorrect requests for authorization of "Bastir!" candidates. Besides some applications from candidates identified as close to fascism, the steering committee had to exclude nomination applicants in cases where candidates were found on opposing lists.[9][11]
The Steering Committee officially designated 116 "Bastir!" candidates for the French municipal elections of 2014, generally isolated candidates in various party ballots.[12][13][14] The result of this was that in 2014, the candidates standing for "Bastir!" in 51 ballots were "authorized". This was the case for 44 candidates of the French Socialist Party, for 21 "ecologist" candidates (Europe Ecology - The Greens), for 11 "centrist" candidates, for 9 of the "Left Front", for one of the "Union for a Popular Movement" (Gaullist conservative and liberal party), and for one in a "various" ballot (liberal and conservative).
Although the majority of "Bastir!" candidates are isolated or small groups within conventional lists, there was the case of L'Isle-Jourdain (Toulouse Gascony[15]) where a full ballot list for "Bastir!" was composed of certified candidates. This list,[16][17] headed by Jean-Luc Davezac,[18][19][20][21][22] had 20 certified occitanists candidates "Bastir!" of 29 members in total.
The French municipal elections of 2014
The French municipal elections of 2014 result in the election of 55 candidates standing for "Bastir!". In Toulouse Gascony, the list "Alternative L'Isle-Jourdain" had to share 12.43% of votes cast in the first round with the list "L'Isle du Futur" (conservatives and liberals, 39.52%) and the outgoing municipal majority (socialists, 48.04%).
By merging into a temporary alliance for the second round with the conservative list "L'Isle du Futur", the list "Alternative L'Isle-Jourdain" elected only one woman who stood for "Bastir!". The socialist list of the outgoing municipal majority got the victory in the second round (53.68% of votes).[23][24]
In the nearby town of Saint-Lys, "Bastir!" got two opposition members elected in the list "L'Alternative pour Saint-Lys"[25][26] (including a former mayor of this little town, Patrick Lasseube[27]) list that she be close to victory only a few votes (35 votes difference: 49 51% of the votes against 50.48% for the socialist list of the outgoing municipal majority).[28]
Some "Bastir!" candidates were elected in major cities of Occitania as well: in Auch (Henri Chavarrot,[29][30] Benedicte Mello, Nadia Baitiche, Rui Oliveira-Santos),[31] Orange (Anne-Marie Hautant[32][33][34]), Montauban (Gael Tabarly[35][36]), in Pau,[37] Muret,[38][39][40][41] Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Carmaux, Graulhet.
The French departmental elections of 2015
For departmental elections of 2015, the steering committee officially authorized only twenty Bastir! candidates, including the duo Marie-Christine Huby & Jean-Luc Davezac in the canton of L'Isle-Jourdain (group "Libres et Indépendents - Gers", founded during this election campaign), the centrist Patrick Lasseube[42] (Democratic Movement) in the canton of Plaisance du Touch. In other areas, candidates engaged on ecologist lists (Europe Ecology - The Greens) [43][44] or on the Occitan Party. There was no candidate elected "Bastir!" from these departmental elections. The failure of departmental elections has probably impacted negatively on the strength of "Bastir!" which did not want to invest in the regional elections of 2015, confining itself since the late departmental elections to modest local and spontaneous actions[45][46][47] at the initiative of small groups or even individual members still claiming of this movement[48][49][50][51][52][53][54]
- ↑ "Municipales : une dizaine de candidats occitans se présenteront en Béarn". 21 January 2014.
- ↑ Gael BRIAND. "Victoire pour David Grosclaude et pour l'occitan !".
- ↑ "Un élu régional pour la promotion de l'occitan en grève de la faim". Club de Mediapart.
- ↑ "Dàvid Grosclaude, vice-president de l'Aliança Libra Europèa - La Setmana".
- ↑ "Un manifest per a posar la consciència occitana en les properes eleccions municipals". Nationalia.
- ↑
- ↑ "Les animateurs du Manifeste Occitaniste ont pris langue lors d'une réunion à Agen".
- ↑ "Un Manifesto occitanistaRaccolta sottoscrizioni, confronti e dibattiti in Occitania Grande".
- 1 2 La Dépêche du Midi. "Auch. La mise au point du comité de pilotage de Bastir !".
- ↑ Franck Meslin (7 January 2014). "Gers : les occitanistes inaugurent les débats de la campagne municipale".
- ↑ La Dépêche du Midi. "Auch. Les occitanistes en campagne".
- ↑
- ↑ La Dépêche du Midi. ""Bastir !" soutient la liste "Faire vivre Monfort"".
- ↑ La Dépêche du Midi. "Bastir soutient Py à Leucate".
- ↑
- ↑ "L'Isla de Baish: son nombroses d'aver aderit a Bastir". Jornalet.
- ↑ "Fontenilles. Les occitans s'invitent dans la campagne".
- ↑ Fabien Jans (27 March 2014). "Municipales : un ex socialiste pourrait faire perdre la gauche dans la deuxième ville du Gers".
- ↑ "L'Isle-Jourdain. C'était la première réunion de "Bastir"".
- ↑ "L'Isle-Jourdain. Corinne Lepage soutient la liste "Alternative Isle-Jourdain"".
- ↑ F.M. (20 March 2014). "Gers : Jean-Luc Davezac claque la porte du Parti socialiste à la veille des Municipales".
- ↑ La Dépêche du Midi. "L'Isle-Jourdain. Municipales : Jean-Luc Davezac explique sa position".
- ↑ "L'Isle-Jourdain reste à gauche avec Francis Idrac".
- ↑ Fabien Jans (31 March 2014). "Municipales : le PS sauve la seconde ville du Gers".
- ↑ "Patrick Lasseube".
- ↑ "Sortir Saint-Lys du statut de ville-dortoir".
- ↑ "Saint-Lys. Catherine Renaux et Patrick Lasseube sur une même liste".
- ↑ "Eleccions municipalas: suspresa en Gasconha Tolosana". Jornalet.
- ↑ "Auch. Bastir ! place l'occitan au cœur des débats".
- ↑ "Auch. "Bastir" soutient la liste Montaugé".
- ↑ "Auch. Hier, Franck Montaugé a déposé sa liste".
- ↑ Eric Miguet (30 September 2013). "Conseil municipal à Orange : Bompard appelle la police pour expulser une élue". metronews.
- ↑ "VIDEOS. Orange: Bompard appelle des policiers pour "dégager" une opposante".
- ↑ "VIDÉO. Orange: le maire Jacques Bompard appelle des policiers pour faire taire une opposante au conseil municipal". Le Huffington Post. 28 September 2013.
- ↑ "Montauban. Les couleurs de l'Occitanie incarnées par Gaël Tabarly".
- ↑ "La maire dépose plainte contre un élu d'opposition".
- ↑ Odile Faure (19 November 2014). "Pau : l'élue qui doit remplacer David Habib ne siègera pas".
- ↑ "Muret. Liste "Murèth, le vrai changement, c'est maintenant"".
- ↑ "Muret. Vers une liste écolo-occitaniste".
- ↑ "Muret. Christian Valade a présenté sa liste".
- ↑ "Muret. Bastir en accord avec A. Mandement".
- ↑ "Les candidats d'"Ensemble pour la Haute-Garonne"".
- ↑ "Communiqué Bastir Gers".
- ↑ "Des candidats occitanistes".
- ↑ "Pro d'èster mespresat !".
- ↑ "Le comité "Bastir Quercy" sur le Tour".
- ↑ "Bastir ambe Luceram !".
- ↑ "Les militants de Bastir pour l'Occitanie".
- ↑ "Le collectif Bastir fait campagne pour le nouveau nom de la région".
- ↑ "Nom de la région : pour "Bastir!", c'est l'Occitanie qui prime".
- ↑ "Bastir à Auch : OCCITANIE ! L'Accueil des Auscitains a été particulièrement enthousiaste".
- ↑ "Bastir".
- ↑ "Pour que le nom de notre nouvelle région soit : Occitanie".
- ↑ "Bastir : Le porte-parole de la volonté populaire".
External links