Bruno Guiblet

Bruno Guiblet in 2012
Bruno Guiblet (25 November 1951, Boulogne-Billancourt) is a French novelist. He grew up in Versailles, and now lives in Paris. His three novels which include the same characters intersect and extend.
- La Crim' (1999), Meurtre au lavage, série TV
- La Vie moderne (2000) de Laurence Ferreira Barbosa
- L'Ignoble cosmonaute, 1998, NiL Éditions (ISBN 2-84111-102-4) *[1]
- Le Muscle de l'amour, 2003, Robert Laffont (ISBN 2-221-09879-X)[2]
- Se réveiller mort, 2011, Robert Laffont (ISBN 978-2-221-10674-7)[3]
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