Catholic Earthcare Australia

Jacqui Remond, Director, Catholic Earthcare Australia speaking on Laudato si' ("On Care For Our Common Home"), the 'environmental' encyclical of Pope Francis
Catholic Earthcare Australia is an agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and is the environmental arm of the Catholic Church in Australia. This executive agency of the Bishops' Commission for Justice and Development (BCJD) is mandated with the mission of advising, supporting and assisting the BCJD in responding to Pope John Paul II's call to "stimulate and sustain the ecological conversion" throughout the Catholic church in Australia and beyond.[1]
Mandate from the Australian Bishops
- Tasks and Responsibilities[2]
Catholic Earthcare Australia will act as an advisory agency to the BCJD on ecological matters, including the safeguarding of the integrity of creation, environmental justice and ecological sustainability.
- Its tasks will include
- carrying out research, from the perspective of scripture and the Church's environmental and social justice teachings;
- developing national networks, with a view to initiating, linking, resourcing and supporting ecological endeavours within the Church, and extending the hand of friendship and cooperation to other like-minded groups working in the broader community;
- undertaking initiatives by encouraging a reverence for creation, a responsible stewardship of Earth's natural resources and ecosystems, and providing a voice for the victims of pollution, environmental degradation and injustice;
- providing educational materials and services to Catholic schools, organisations, congregations and parishes - particularly information to assist in the carrying out of environmental audits and the implementation of more ecologically and ethically sustainable practices.
Senior staff include:
- Jacqui Remond - Director
- Simon Habel - Program Manager
- Terese Corkish - Youth Engagement Officer
External links
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/8/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.