Eihei Kōroku
Eihei Kōroku (Japanese: 永平広録), also known by its English translation Dōgen's Extensive Record, is a ten volume collection of works by the Sōtō Zen monk Eihei Dōgen. The bulk of the text, accounting for volumes one through seven, are formal Dharma hall discourses, or jōdō (上堂) as they are known in Sino-Japanese, given from 1236 to 1252. Volume eight consists of "informal meetings" or shōsan (小參) that would have taken place in Dōgen's quarters with select groups of monks, as well as "Dharma words" or hōgo (法語), which were letters containing practice instructions to specific students. Volume nine includes a collection of 90 traditional kōans with verse commentary by Dōgen, while volume 10 collects his Chinese poetry.[1]
Unlike Dōgen's other major work the Shōbōgenzō, which was written in vernacular Late Middle Japanese, the text of Eihei Kōroku is written in the Japanese version of Classical Chinese, known as Kanbun. While Dōgen is also better known for the essays that make up the Shōbōgenzō, most of them were completed by 1244. After that date, nearly coinciding with his move from Kyoto to Eihei-ji, he wrote 405 of the 531 Dharma hall discourses that make up Eihei Kōroku, indicating that he may have come to prefer the jōdō format over the jishu style used in the Shōbōgenzō essays. Taigen Dan Leighton, a modern Zen priest and translator of the Eihei Kōroku, believes that the Dharma hall discourses tell us more about Dōgen the individual than the Shōbōgenzō as they reveal his training methodology, humor, and even emotional states.[1]
- 1 2 Leighton, Taigen Dan; Okumura, Shohaku (2010), Dogen's Extensive Record: A Translation of the Eihei Koroku, Boston: Wisdom Publications, pp. 1–67, ISBN 9780861716708
Kana Shōbōgenzō | 75 Fascicle Version |
- Genjōkōan (現成公案)
- Maka hannya haramitsu (摩訶般若波羅蜜)
- Busshō (佛性)
- Shinjin gakudō (身心學道)
- Sokushin zebutsu (即心是佛)
- Gyōbutsu igi (行佛威儀)
- Ikka myōju (一顆明珠)
- Shin fukatoku (心不可得)
- Kobutsushin (古佛心)
- Daigo (大悟)
- Zazen gi (坐禪儀)
- Zazen shin (坐禪箴)
- Kaiin zanmai (海印三昧)
- Kūge (空華)
- Kōmyō (光明)
- Gyōji (行持)
- Inmo (恁麼)
- Kannon (觀音)
- Kokyō (古鏡)
- Uji (有時)
- Juki (授記)
- Zenki (全機)
- Tsuki (都機)
- Gabyō (畫餅)
- Keisei sanshoku (谿聲山色)
- Bukkōjōji (佛向上事)
- Muchū setsumu (夢中説夢)
- Raihai tokuzui (禮拜得髓)
- Sansui kyō (山水經)
- Kankin (看經)
- Shoaku makusa (諸悪莫作)
- Den e (傳衣)
- Dōtoku (道得)
- Bukkyō (佛教)
- Jinzū (神通)
- Arakan (阿羅漢)
- Shunjū (春秋)
- Kattō (葛藤)
- Shisho (嗣書)
- Hakujushi (柏樹子)
- Sangai yuishin (三界唯心)
- Sesshin sesshō (説心説性)
- Shohō jissō (諸法實相)
- Butsudō (佛道)
- Mitsugo (密語)
- Mujō seppō (無情説法)
- Bukkyō (佛經)
- Hosshō (法性)
- Darani (陀羅尼)
- Senmen (洗面)
- Menju (面授)
- Busso (佛祖)
- Baika (梅華)
- Senjō (洗淨)
- Jippō (十方)
- Kenbutsu (見佛)
- Henzan (徧參)
- Ganzei (眼睛)
- Kajō (家常)
- Sanjûshichihon bodai bunpō (三十七品菩提分法)
- Ryūgin (龍吟)
- Soshi seirai i (祖師西来意)
- Hotsu bodai shin (發菩提心)
- Udon ge (優曇華)
- Nyorai zenshin (如來全身)
- Zanmai ō zanmai (三昧王三昧)
- Ten hōrin (轉法輪)
- Dai shugyō (大修行)
- Jishō zanmai (自證三昧)
- Kokū (虚空)
- Hou (鉢盂)
- Ango (安居)
- Tashin tsū (佗心通)
- Ō saku sendaba (王索仙陀婆)
- Shukke (出家)
| 12 Fascicle Version |
- Shukke kudoku (出家功徳)
- Jukai (受戒)
- Kesa kudoku (袈裟功徳)
- Hotsu bodai shin (發心菩提)
- Kuyō shobutsu (供養諸佛)
- Kie buppōsō bō (歸依佛法僧寶)
- Jinshin inga (深信因果)
- Sanji gō (三時業)
- Shiba (四馬)
- Shizen biku (四禪比丘)
- Ippyakuhachi hōmyō mon (一百八法明門)
- Hachi dainin gaku (八大人覺)
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