List of fauna of Sudan and South Sudan
Fauna of Sudan and South Sudan include:

Sudan cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii)
Nubian giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis)

Maneless zebra (Equus quagga borensis)

Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana)
- Aardvark
- Aardwolf
- African buffalo
- African bush elephant
- African civet
- African golden wolf
- African leopard
- Ball Python
- Banded mongoose
- Barbary lion
- Barbary sheep
- Black-backed jackal
- Blue duiker
- Bohor reedbuck
- Bongo
- Bushbuck
- Cape hyrax
- Common duiker
- Common genet
- Congo lion
- Dama gazelle
- Dorcas gazelle
- Dugong
- Gemsbok
- Giant eland
- Giant forest hog
- Grant's gazelle
- Grant's zebra
- Greater kudu
- Grevy's zebra
- Hartebeest
- Hippopotamus
- Klipspringer
- Kob
- Maneless zebra
- Marsh mongoose
- Masai lion
- Nile lechwe
- North African ostrich
- Northern white rhinoceros
- Nubian giraffe
- Nubian wild ass
- Okapi
- Oribi
- Pale fox
- Plains zebra
- Red fox
- Red river hog
- Roan antelope
- Rothschild's giraffe
- Rueppell's fox
- Side-striped jackal
- Sitatunga
- Somali wild ass
- Somali wild dog
- Spotted hyena
- Striped hyena
- Sudan cheetah
- Temminck's pangolin
- Thomson's gazelle
- Warthog
- Waterbuck
- Yellow-backed duiker
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