Italian presidential election, 1955
Italian presidential election, 1955

The Italian presidential election of 1955 was held in Italy on 28 – 29 April 1955. Only members of Parliament are entitled to vote. As head of state of the Italian Republic, the President has a role of representation of national unity and guarantees that Italian politics comply with the Italian Constitution, in the framework of a parliamentary system.
At fourth round of voting, incumbent President of the Chamber of Deputies Giovanni Gronchi was elected President with 658 votes out of 843.
- Ferruccio Parri, Prime Minister after Fascism and during World War II, was candidate by Italian Republican Party and other left-wing parties.
- Cesare Merzagora, incumbent President of the Senate, was the first candidate of DC leader Amintore Fanfani, but the left-wing internal opposition did not vote him.
- Giovanni Gronchi, the elected President, was initially voted by left-wing DC internal opposition and by left-wing parties, only at the last round of voting he obtained a large consent.
- Luigi Einaudi, outgoing Republic President, was proposed to do a second mandate.
 Parliamentary elections of the Italian Presidents  |