
zpss on one fine day
Jasthipalli is a village in Kamepalli Mandal in the Khammam district in Telangana state of India. Jasthipalli is located nearly 26 km from its district headquarters Khammam. Jasthipalli is surrounded by Singareni Mandal towards the north, Dornakal Mandal towards the west, Garla Mandal towards the west, and Yellandu Mandal towards the north.
Telugu is the local language. The population of Jasthipalli is 3533. Males are 1838 and Females are 1,695, living in 854 Houses. The total area of Jasthipalli is 2142 hectares.
- Nearest Airport - Vijayawada Airport distance 127 km from the village
- Nearest Railway Station - Pocharam Railway Station 9 km distance from the village
- Nearest bus stop - Mucherla about ½ km and Kothalingala 3 km from the village
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