Jazz journalism

Jazz journalism was the period of journalism that followed yellow journalism, and lasted from approximately 1919–1924. Jazz journalism tended to cover subjects such as Hollywood, sex, violence, and money, with an emphasis on photography rather than writing.Jazz Journalism is the the sensationalism style of news that followed the somber news stories of World War I. Jazz Journalism typically consisted of bold titles and stirring photographs the stories ranged from details of the lives of celebrities and Hollywood actors to sex scandals and murder trials. There were two thousand daily newspapers published in the 1920s and read across the country.[1]

In 1987, "jazz journalism" was the term taken by a coterie of writers, photographers and broadcasters concerned professionally with jazz who met in Chicago and subsequently founded the Jazz Journalists Association (incorporated in 2005). The JJA is active in fomenting higher profile in the media of jazz and the people who criticize, photograph and/or broadcast it on radio, television and online platforms. The JJA produces annual Jazz Awards and maintains several online sites, including www.JJANews.org.


The beginning of jazz journalism was Joseph Medill Patterson's The New York Daily News in 1919. It was followed by William Randolph Hearst's New York Daily Mirror.In 1920, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer extended yellow journalism into tabloid journalism with an emphasis on sex, violence, murder, and celebrity affairs. Papers such as the New York Daily News used big headlines, large photos, and short, punchy text. It was a New York Daily News reporter who secretly took a photo of Ruth Snyder as she was being electrocuted at Sing Sing prison in 1928.A group the most notable Jazz Journalism reporters at the time were Walter Winchell,Ed Sullivan, Louella Parsons, and Hedda Hopper.[2]


The original tabloids put a heavy emphasis on blood and gore. When supermarket sales became a major outlet, this was replaced by emotional stories, celebrity gossip, psychic tales, religious anecdotes, and various bizarre accounts. Advertisements were an important part of these newspapers, and were usually for soaps and various creams, ointments and tonics.


  1. Willis, Jim (2010). 100 Media moments that changed America. Greenwood Press.
  2. Greenburg, Brian. Social History of The United States the 1900s. ABC-CLIO Inc.

Further reading

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