List of Berkeley, California Landmarks, Structures of Merit, and Historic Districts
This is a list of landmarks, structures of merit and historical districts in Berkeley, California. "Structures of Merit" is a classification given by the City of Berkeley for buildings of local historic importance.
National Historic Landmarks and Districts
- Anna Head School for Girls - 2538 Channing Way
- Berkeley Day Nursery - 2031 6th St.
- Berkeley High School Historic Campus District—1980 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
- Berkeley Hillside Club - 2286 Cedar St.
- Berkeley Historic Civic Center District - Roughly bounded by McKinney Ave., Addison St., Shattuck Ave., and Kittredge St.
- Berkeley Public Library - 2090 Kittredge St.
- Berkeley Women's City Club - 2315 Durant Ave.
- Boone's University School - 2029 Durant Ave.
- Bowles Hall - Stadium and Gayley Way
- California Hall - Oxford St.
- Chamber of Commerce Building - 2140—2144 Shattuck Ave. & 2071—2089 Center St.
- Church of the Good Shepherd-Episcopal - 1001 Hearst St. at Ninth St.
- City Hall - 2134 Grove St.
- Cloyne Court Hotel - 2600 Ridge Rd.
- College Women's Club - 2680 Bancroft Way
- Corder Building - 2300—2350 Shattuck Ave.
- Cowell Memorial Hospital - 2215 College Ave.
- Doe Memorial Library - Oxford St.
- Drawing Building - Hearst Ave., University of California campus
- Durant Hall - Oxford St.
- Edwards Stadium - junction of Bancroft Way and Fulton St., UC Berkeley campus
- Faculty Club - Oxford St.
- First Church of Christ, Scientist - 2619 Dwight Way
- First Unitarian Church - 2401 Bancroft Way
- Founders' Rock - Oxford St.
- Fox Court - 1472—1478 University Ave.
- Garfield Intermediate School - 1414 Walnut St.
- Giannini Hall - Oxford St.
- Girton Hall - Off College Ave. next to Cowell Hospital, University of California, Berkeley campus
- Golden Sheaf Bakery - 2069—2071 Addison St.
- Haviland Hall - University of California Campus
- Hearst Greek Theatre - Oxford St.
- Hearst Gymnasium for Women - Oxford St.
- Hearst Memorial Mining Building - Oxford St.
- Hilgard Hall - Oxford St.
- Hillside School - 1581 Leroy Ave.
- LeConte Hall - Hearst and Gayley
- Loring House - 1730 Spruce St.
- Masonic Temple - 2105 Bancroft Way and 2295 Shattuck Ave.
- North Gate Hall - Oxford St.
- Phi Delta Theta Chapter House - 2717 Hearst Ave.
- Room 307, Gilman Hall, University of California - University of California at Berkeley campus
- Sather Gate and Bridge - U.C.Berkeley
- Sather Tower
- Senior Hall - University of California, Berkeley campus
- South Hall - Oxford St.
- St. John's Presbyterian Church - 2640 College Ave.
- State Asylum for the Deaf,Dumb and Blind - bounded by Dwight Way, City line, Derby and Warring Sts.
- Studio Building - 2045 Shattuck Ave.
- Thorsen, William R., House - 2307 Piedmont Ave.
- Toverii Tuppa - 1819 10th St.
- Tupper and Reed Building - 2275 Shattuck Ave.
- U.S. Post Office - 2000 Milvia St.
- University House - Oxford St.
- Wellman Hall - Oxford St.
- Wheeler Hall - Oxford St.
City-designated landmarks, structures of merit, and historic districts
- 1814 Sixth Street - 1814 Sixth Street
- 82 Shattuck Square - 82 Shattuck Square
- A.H. Broad House and Storefronts - 2117 Kittredge Street
- ABSW Campus - 2501 Hillegass Avenue
- Acheson Physicians' Building - 2131 University Avenue
- The Albra Apartments - 2530 Durant Avenue
- Allen Freeman House, Allenoke Manor - 1777 Le Roy Avenue
- Alphonso House - 802 Delaware Street
- American Trust Building - 2140 Shattuck Avenue
- Andrews House - 1812 Sixth Street
- Anna Head School - 2410 Bowditch Street
- Armstrong College - 2222 Harold Way
- Ashkenaz - 1317 San Pablo Avenue
- Ayers House - 2528 Benvenue Avenue
- Barker Building - 2484 Shattuck Avenue
- Bartlett Houses - 2201 & 2205 Blake Street
- Bell House - 2118 Marin Avenue
- Benjamin Ferris House - 2314 Dwight Way
- Benjamin Ide Wheeler House and Garden - 1820 Scenic Avenue
- Bentley House - 2683 Le Conte Avenue
- Berkeley Bay Commons - 1917 Berkeley Way
- Berkeley City Club - 2315 Durant Avenue
- Berkeley High School Community Theater - 2223 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
- The Berkeley Inn (demolished) - 2501 Haste Street
- Berkeley Main Post Office - 2004 Allston Way
- Berkeley Municipal Incinerator - 1120 Second Street
- Berkeley Municipal Rose Garden - 1300 Euclid Avenue
- Berkeley Piano Club - 2724 & 2726 Haste Street
- Berkeley Public Library - 2090 Kittredge Street
- Berkeley Shellmound - Fourth Street at University Ave.
- Berkeley Tennis Club - 2624 Hillegass Avenue
- Bertin Properties - 1952 University Avenue
- Bertin Properties - 1960 University Avenue
- Beta Theta Pi Chapter House - 2607 Hearst Avenue
- Bevatron site - One Cyclotron Road
- Bishop Photo Studio - 2125 Durant Avenue
- Blood House - 2526 Durant Avenue
- Bonita Apartments - 1940 University Avenue
- Bonita House - 1410 Bonita Avenue
- Boone's University School - 2029 Durant Avenue
- Borja House - 1629 Fifth Street
- Bowen's Inn Higgins Grocery - 834 Delaware Street
- Bowles Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- The Brasfield - 2520 Durant Avenue
- Brooks Apartment Bldg. - 2231 Shattuck Avenue
- California Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- California Ink Co. - 1332 Fourth Street
- California Memorial Stadium - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- California School for the Deaf and Blind, now Clark Kerr Campus - 2601 Warring Street
- Captain Boudrow House - 1536 Oxford Street
- Captain Maury House - 1317 Shattuck Avenue
- Carlson's Block - 3228 Adeline Street
- Carrick House & Cottages - 1418 Spruce Street
- Carrington House - 1029 Addison Street
- Casa Bonita Apartments - 2605 Haste Street
- Charles Keeler Place - 1770 Highland Place[1]
- Charles Keeler Studio - 1736 Highland Place
- Charles R. Brown House - 1614 Sixth Street
- Charles Rieber House - 15 Canyon Road
- Charles Wilkinson House - 2730 Dwight Way
- Chase Building - 2107 Shattuck Avenue
- Church by the Side of the Road - 2108 Russell Street
- Church of the Good Shepherd - 1823 Ninth Street
- Civic Center Building - 2180 Milvia Street
- Civic Center Historic District
- Claremont Court Gate and Street Markers - Claremont Court
- Claremont District Public Amenities
- Clephane Building - 3027 Adeline Street
- Cloyne Court - 2600 Ridge Road
- College Women's Club - 2680 Bancroft Way
- Cooper Woodworking Building - 1250 Addison Street
- Corder Bldg - 2300 Shattuck Avenue
- Corkill House (Frederick and Amy) - 2611 Ashby Avenue
- Cornelius Beach Bradley House - 2639 Durant Avenue
- Corporation Yard Building - 1326 Allston Way
- Creamery Livery Stables Red Cross (demolished) - 2112 Allston Way
- Cutter Laboratories - 700 Parker Street
- Daggett House - 1427 Hawthorne Terrace
- Dakin Warehouse - 2750 Adeline Street
- Daley's Scenic Park Tract Street Improvements
- Davis-Byrne Building - 2134 Dwight Way
- Davis-Harmes House - 1828 Fifth Street
- Delaware Street Historic District District
- Dickman House - 2551 Benvenue Avenue
- Doe Memorial Library - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Donogh Arms - 2276 Shattuck Avenue
- Downtown YMCA - 2001 Allston Way
- Durant Hall, formerly Boalt Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Durant Hotel - 2600 Durant Avenue
- Durkee Famous Foods Plant - 740 Heinz Street
- EBMUD Vine Street Pumping Plant - 2113 Vine Street
- Edgar Jensen House - 1650 La Vereda Road
- Edwards Stadium - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Eleanor Smith House and Cottage - 2527 Hillegass Avenue
- Elizabeth M. Kenney Cottage - 1275 University Avenue
- Elks' Club - 2018 Allston Way
- Elmer Buckman House - 920 Shattuck Avenue
- Elmwood Hardware Building - 2947–2993 College Avenue
- Epworth Hall - 2521 Channing Way
- Ernest V. Cowell Memorial Hospital - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Everett Glass House - 70 Twain Avenue
- F.A. Thomas House - 883 Arlington
- Faculty Club & Faculty Glade - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Farley House - 147 Tunnel Road
- Fidelity Savings Building - 2323 Shattuck Avenue
- First Church of Christ, Scientist - 2619 Dwight Way
- First Unitarian Church - 2401 Bancroft Way
- Former Garfield School - 1414 Walnut Avenue
- Founders' Rock - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Fox Commons - 1670 University Avenue
- Fox Court - 1472 University Avenue
- Framat Lodge - 1900 Addison Street
- Francis K. Shattuck Building - 2100 Shattuck Avenue
- Fred Turner Building - 2546 Bancroft Way
- Fullen Market Building - 1531 San Pablo Avenue
- George Edwards House - 2530 Dwight Way
- Ghego House - 1809 Fourth Street
- Giannini Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Golden Sheaf Bakery - 2071 Addison Street
- Gorman & Son Bldg. - 2597 Telegraph Avenue
- Grace Baptist Church - 936 Channing Way
- Grace North Church - 2138 Cedar Street
- Greenwood Common - 1 through 10 Greenwood Common
- H.J. Heinz Co. Factory - 2900 San Pablo Avenue
- Harmon Gymnasium - Haas Pavilion - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Haviland Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Hearst Greek Theater - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Hearst Mining Building - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Heron Building - 2136-2140 University Avenue
- Heywood Apartment Bldg - 2119 Addison Street
- Heywood House - 1808 Fifth Street
- Hilgard Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Hillside Club - 2286 Cedar Street
- Hillside School - 1581 Le Roy Avenue
- Hobart Hall - 2600 Dwight Way
- Hoffman Building - 2988–2992 Adeline Street
- Howard Automobile Showroom - 2140 Durant Avenue
- Hunrick Grocery - 2211 Rose Street
- Hunter House - 2418 California Street
- India Block - 3250 Adeline Street
- James Edgar House - 2437 Dwight Way
- Jefferson School - 1475 Rose Street
- Jeffress House - 2944 Elmwood Court
- Jennie C. Smith House - 2539 Benvenue Avenue
- Jensen House - 1675 La Loma Avenue
- John Brennan House - 1124 Addison Street
- John Galen Howard House - 1401 Le Roy Avenue
- John Hinkel Park
- John Muir School - 2955 Claremont Avenue
- Josiah J. Rose-Goldsmith House - 2919 Lorina Street
- Judah Magnes Memorial Museum - 2905 Russell Street
- Kappa Sigma House - 2220 Piedmont Avenue
- Kawneer Manufacturing Co. - 2547 Eight Street
- Kerna Maybeck Gannon House - 2780 Buena Vista Way
- King Building - 2501 Telegraph Avenue
- Kingman Hall - 1730 La Loma Avenue
- Kluegel House - 2667–2669 Le Conte Avenue
- Kress Store - 2036 Shattuck Avenue

A historic Kress inset at the entrance of another store at the same location as the historic Kress store in Berkeley, California
- Kueffer House - 2430 Fulton Street
- La Loma Park Historic District District
- La Loma Steps - between Le Roy Avenue & Buena Vista Way
- Landscape Features - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Lawson House - 1515 La Loma Avenue
- Longfellow Middle School - 1500 Derby Street
- Lorin Theater - 3332 Adeline Street
- Loring House - 1730 Spruce Street
- Manasse-Block Tanning Company - 1300 Fourth Street
- Marsh House - 2308 Durant Avenue
- Marshall House #3 - 2740 Telegraph Avenue
- Marshall House #4 - 2744 Telegraph Avenue
- Marshall-Lindblom House - 2601 Hillegass Avenue
- Martin House - 2411 Fifth Street
- Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park
- Mason-McDuffie Company - 2107 Shattuck Avenue
- Masonic Temple - 2295 Shattuck Avenue
- Maurer House - 1448 Sixth Street
- Maybeck Cottage - 1 Maybeck Twin Drive
- McCreary/Greer House - 2318 Durant Avenue
- McGregor House - 1962 Yosemite Road
- McKinley School - 2419 Haste Street
- Mercantile Trust Co. - 2959 College Avenue
- Merton J. Cogdon House - 2527 Piedmont Avenue
- Mikkelsen & Berry Building - 2124 Center Street
- Montgomery House - 45 Oak Ridge Road
- Morgan Building - 2053 Berkeley Way
- Morning Glory House - 2007 Berkeley Way
- Morrill Apartments - 2429 Shattuck Avenue
- Morrison House- 2532 Benvenue Avenue
- Morse Block - 2276 Shattuck Avenue
- Naval Architecture Building-Drawing Building - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Niehaus House - 839 Channing Way
- Nixon/Kennedy House - 1537 Euclid Avenue
- Normandy Village - 1781 Spruce Street
- Normandy Village - 1785 Spruce Street
- Normandy Village - 1793 Spruce Street
- Normandy Village - 1815 Spruce Street
- Normandy Village - 1831 Spruce Street
- Normandy Village - 1835 Spruce Street
- North Branch Berkeley Public Library - 1170 The Alameda
- Northbrae Public Improvements Areas
- Northern Bertha Bosse Cottage - 2424 Fulton Street
- Northgate Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Oaks Theatre - 1861 Solano Avenue
- Odd Fellows Temple - 2288 Fulton Street
- Old City Hall - 2134 MLK Jr Way
- Old City Hall Annex - 1835 Allston Way
- Orchard Lane - Panoramic Hill
- Oscar Maurer Studio - 1772 Le Roy Avenue
- People's Bicentennial Mural - 2500 Haste Street
- People's Park - 2526 Haste Street
- Phi Delta Theta Chapter House - 1822 Highland Place
- Phi Delta Theta Chapter House - 2717 Hearst Avenue
- Phi Gamma Delta Chapter House - 2395 Piedmont Avenue
- Phi Kappa Psi Chapter House - 1770 La Loma Avenue
- Piedmont Avenue Areas
- Plachek Building - 2014 Shattuck Avenue
- Ralph White House - 1841 Marin Avenue
- Richfield Oil Company - 1952 Oxford Street
- The Robcliff Apartments - 2515 Channing Way
- Roberts Studio (YWCA) - 2134 Allston Way
- Room 307, Gilman Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Roos Bros. Building - 63 Shattuck Square
- Rose Berteaux Cottage - 2350 Bowditch Street
- Rose Walk - 60 Codornices Road
- Rose Walk - 1400 Le Roy Avenue
- Rose Walk - 2500 Rose Walk
- Rose Walk - 2501 Rose Walk
- Rose Walk - 2518 Rose Walk
- Rose Walk - 2555 Rose Walk
- Rose Walk Areas
- St. John's Presbyterian Church - 2640 College Avenue
- Saint Joseph the Worker - 1640 Addison Street
- Samuel Davis House - 2547 Channing Way
- Samuel Hume House (AKA Hume Castle) - 2900 Buena Vista Way [2]
- Santa Fe Railway Station - 1310 University Avenue
- Sather Gate and Bridge - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Sather Tower - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Sell Building - 2154–2160 University Avenue
- Senior Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Shattuck Hotel - 2200 Shattuck Avenue
- Shattuck Square - 48 Shattuck Square
- Sill’s Grocery & Hardware Company - 2139 University Avenue
- Silva House - 1824 Fifth Street
- Sisterna Historic District - West Berkeley
- Site of Byrne House - 1301 Oxford Street
- Smith House - 2301 Hearst Avenue

Spenger's Fish Grotto
- Soda Water Works Building - 2509-2513 Telegraph Avenue
- South Berkeley Bank - 3286 Adeline Street
- South Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Southern Bertha Bosse Cottage - 2426 Fulton Street
- Southern Pacific Railroad Station - 700 University Avenue
- Spenger's Fish Grotto - 1915 Fourth Street
- Spring Estate - 1960 San Antonio Avenue
- Squires Building - 2100 Vine Street
- Standard Die & Specialty Company - 2701 Eighth Street
- Strand Theater Elmwood Theater - 2966 College Avenue
- Stuart House - 2524 Dwight Way
- Studio Building - 2037 Shattuck Avenue
- Suendermann Building - 921 University Avenue
- Sutcliff Picnic Rock - 550 Santa Rosa Avenue
- Swink House, Cottage and Garden - 1525 Shattuck Avenue
- Tellefsen Hall Volney Moody House - 1755 Le Roy Avenue
- Temple of Wings - 2800 Buena Vista Way
- Thorsen House Sigma Phi - 2806 Bancroft Way
- Thousand Oaks School - 840 Colusa Avenue
- Toverii Tuppa Building - 1819 Tenth Street
- Town & Gown Club - 2447 Dana Street
- Tufts House #3 - 2733 Buena Vista Way
- Tupper & Reed Building - 2271 Shattuck Avenue
- UC Theater - 2018 University Avenue
- Underwood Building - 2110 Addison Street
- Unit 1 - 2650 Durant Avenue (includes Freeborn Hall)
- Unit 2 - 2650 Haste Street
- University House - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- University of California Press Building - 2120 Oxford Street
- U.S. Realty Company - 1987 Shattuck Avenue
- Veterans Memorial Building - 1931 Center Street
- Villa Wiley House and Cottages - 2545 Benvenue Avenue
- Wallace W. Clark Building - 2375–2377 Shattuck Avenue
- Warren Cheney Houses - 2241 College Avenue
- Waste & Clark Apts. - 2126 Bancroft Way
- Webb Block - 1985 Ashby Avenue
- Weisbrod Building - 2001 San Pablo Avenue
- Wellman Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- West Berkeley Branch Library - 1125 University Avenue
- West Berkeley Children's Center Day Nursery - 2031 Sixth Street
- West Berkeley Macaroni Factory - 2215 Fifth Street
- West Berkeley YWCA - 2009 Tenth Street
- Westenberg House - 2811 Benvenue Avenue
- Westminster Hall - 2700 Bancroft Way
- Westminster Presbyterian Church - 1901 Eight Street
- Wheeler Hall - U.C. Berkeley Campus
- Whittier School - 1645 Milvia Street
- William E. Colby House - 2901 Channing Way
- William Such Building - 2140 Oxford Street
- Williams Building - 2126 Dwight Way
- Williamson Building - 2120 Dwight Way
- Woodworth House - 2237 Carleton Street
- Woolley House - 2509 Haste Street
- ↑ Elocutioning in his Front Yard Instead of Hiring a Hall: Charles Keeler recites poetry to an audience of 300 in his front yard, Popular Science monthly, February 1919, page 53, Scanned by Google Books:
- ↑
External links
- City of Berkeley Landmarks Preservation Commission
- Berkeley Landmarks - published by the Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association (BAHA). This is the most complete and up-to-date listing of designated landmarks, structures of merit, and historic districts in Berkeley. Includes photographs and articles.
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 10/15/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.