List of churches in Taungoo
Taungoo is in the Bago region of Burma.
- Paku Karen Baptist Association
- Bwe Karen Baptist Association
- Keh Ko Keh Ba Karen Baptist Association
- Seventh-day Adventist, Central Myanmar Mission
- Toungoo Diocese, Anglican Communion
- Diocese of Taungoo, Roman Catholic

Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cathedral

Taungoo Burmese Church

Trinity Church

Paku Church
- Paku Town Baptist Church, (English, Burmese, Karen)
- Trinity Baptist Church (Karen)
- Keh Ko Keh Ba Baptist Church (Karen)
- Taungoo Myanmar Baptist Church (Burmese)
- Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cathedral
- St. Paul Church (Karen, Burmese)
- St. Luke Church
- St. John The Baptist Church (English, Burmese, Karen)
- Mingyi Nyo Baptist Church
- AG Del Su Church
- AG Mingyi Nyo Church
- Kyaut Twin Church
- Saw Htee Karen Church
- Par-Pun Karen Church
- Kaw Thay Del Karen Baptist Church
- Seventh-day Adventist Church
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