List of companies of Russia
Russia is a transcontinental country in Eurasia.[1] At 17,075,200 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq mi),[2] Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one eighth of Earth's inhabited land area,[3][4][5] and the ninth most populous, with over 146.6 million people at the end of March 2016.[6][7] Extending across the entirety of northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms.
Russia has a upper-middle income[8] mixed economy with state ownership in strategic areas of the economy. Market reforms in the 1990s privatized much of Russian industry and agriculture, with notable exceptions to this privatization occurring in the energy and defense-related sectors.
Russia's vast geography is an important determinant of its economic activity, with some sources estimating that Russia contains over 30 percent of the world's natural resources.[9][10][11] The World Bank estimates the total value of Russia's natural resources at $75 trillion US dollars.[12][13] Russia relies on energy revenues to drive most of its growth. Russia has an abundance of oil, natural gas and precious metals, which make up a major share of Russia's exports. As of 2012 the oil-and-gas sector accounted for 16% of the GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of total exports.[14][15]
Largest firms
This list shows firms in the Fortune Global 500, which ranks firms by total revenue for 2016.[16] Only the top five firms (if available) are included as a sample.
Rank | Image | Name | 2016 Revenues (USD $M) | Employees | Notes |
56 | ![]() |
Gazprom | $99,464 | 462,400 | Extracts, produces, transports and sells natural gas. Also has a diversified set of subsidiaries. |
76 | |
Lukoil | $84,677 | 106,200 | Large oil & gas firm in Moscow with a chain of retail distributors. |
118 | |
Rosneft | $64,749 | 261,500 | State-owned oil firm, including extraction and refinement. |
199 | ![]() |
Sberbank | $45,608 | 330,677 | Russian banking and financial services firm in Moscow with operations across Europe. Largest bank in Russia and Eastern Europe, and the third largest in Europe. |
478 | |
VTB Bank | $22,449 | 92,882 | Universal bank and financial group providing banking services and financial products globally. |
Notable firms
This list includes notable companies with primary headquarters located in the country. The industry and sector follow the Industry Classification Benchmark taxonomy. Organizations which have ceased operations are included and noted as defunct.
Active firms
State-owned firms
Defunct firms
Name | Russian | Industry | Sector | Headquarters | Founded | Notes |
1C Company | Фирма "1С" | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1991 | Software and video games |
ABBYY | Компания ABBYY | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1989 | OCR |
Acron Group | Акрон | Basic materials | Chemicals | Nizhny Novgorod | 1961 | MCX: AKRN LSE: AKRN |
Aeroflot | Аэрофлот | Consumer services | Travel & leisure | Moscow | 1923 | MCX: AFLT |
Airport Tolmachevo | Аэропорт «Толмачево» | Instrumentals | Industrial transportation | Novosibirsk | 1957 | MCX: ATLM |
Akella | Акелла | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1993 | Video games |
Alawar Entertainment | Компания Alawar Entertainment | Technology | Software | Novosibirsk| | 1999 | Video games |
Alfa Group | Альфа-Групп | Conglomerate | Moscow | 1989 | Banks, insurance, water | |
All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK)| | Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания (ВГТРК) | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1990 | State-owned media |
Almaz-Antey | Алмаз-Антей | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 2002 | |
ALROSA | АЛРОСА | Basic materials | Basic resource | Mirny | 1987 | Diamonds & gemstones |
AST | АСТ | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1993 | |
Atomenergoprom | Атомэнергопром | Utilities | Electricity | Moscow | 2007 | |
ATV | АТВ Продакшн | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1988 | |
Aviakor | Авиакор | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Samara | 1941 | |
Aviastar-SP | Авиастар-СП | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Ulyanovsk | 1976 | |
Avtotor | Автотор | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Kaliningrad | 1996 | |
AvtoVAZ | АвтоВАЗ | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Tolyatti | 1966 | MCX: AVAZ |
Baltika Breweries | Пивоваренная компания Балтика | Consumer goods | Food & beverage | Saint Petersburg | 1990 | MCX: PKBA, brewers |
Bank Rossiya | Акционерный Банк «РОССИЯ» | Financials | Banks | Saint Petersburg | 1990 | |
Bank Saint Petersburg | Банк Санкт-Петербург | Financials | Banks | Saint Petersburg | 1990 | MCX: STBK |
Bryansk Avtomobile Plant | Брянский автомобильный завод | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Bryansk | 1958 | Commercial vehicles and trucks, defence |
Channel One | Первый канал | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1938 | Broadcasting & entertainment |
Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant | Группа ЧТПЗ | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 1942 | MCX: CHEP, iron & steel, nonferrous metals |
Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant | Челябинский тракторный завод | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Chelyabinsk | 1933 | Commercial vehicles & trucks |
Cherkizovo | Группа „Черки́зово“ | Consumer goods | Food & beverage | Moscow | 2005 | |
Concern Tractor Plants | Тракторные заводы | Industrials | Industrial engineering | Cheboksary | 2003 | Commercial vehicles & trucks, defence |
CTC Media | СТС Медиа | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1989 | Broadcasting & entertainment, NASDAQ: CTCM |
Dalsvyaz | Дальсвязь | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | Vladivostok | 1994 | MCX: DLSV MCX: ESPK, acquired by Rostelecom |
Derways Automobile Company | Derways | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Cherkessk | 2003 | |
E4 Group | Группа Е4 | Industrials | Construction & materials | Moscow | 2006 | Heavy construction |
Eksmo | Эксмо | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1991 | Publishing, specialty retailers |
En+ Group | En+ Group | Utilities | Electricity | Moscow | 2002 | |
Enel Russia | Энел Россия | Utilities | Electricity | Ekaterinburg | 2004 | MCX: OGKE, formerly OGK-5. |
ER-Telecom | ЭР-Телеком | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | Perm | 2001 | |
Eurocement group | Евроцемент груп | Industrials | Construction & materials | Moscow | 2002 | |
Euroset | Евросеть | Telecommunications | Mobile telecommunications | Moscow | 1997 | |
Evalar | Эвалар | Health care | Pharmaceuticals | Biysk | 1991 | |
GAZ Group | Группа ГАЗ | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Nizhny Novgorod | 2005 | |
Gazprom | Газпром | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Moscow | 1989 | MCX: GAZP |
Gazprom Media | Газпром-Медиа | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 2000 | Part of Gazprom |
Gazprom Neft | Газпром нефть | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Moscow | 1995 | MCX: SIBN, part of Gazprom |
Gazprombank | Financials | Banks | Газпромбанк | Moscow | 1990 | Part of Gazprom |
Gorky Film Studio | Киностудия имени М. Горького | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1915 | |
International Industrial Bank | Международный Промышленный Банк | Financials | Banks | Moscow | 1992 | |
Ilyushin | Авиационный комплекс имени С. В. Ильюшина | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 1933 | |
Ingosstrakh | Ингосстрах | Financials | Insurance | Moscow | 1947 | Full line insurance, life, reinsurance |
Interfax | Интерфакс | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1989 | News agency |
Intourist | Интурист | Consumer services | Travel & leisure | Moscow | 1929 | Former state travel agency, now private |
Irkut Corporation | Иркут | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Irkutsk | 1932 | MCX: IRKT |
Irkutskenergo | Иркутскэнерго | Utilities | Electricity | Irkutsk | 1992 | Hydroelectric, MCX: IRGZ |
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant | Ижевский механический завод | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Izhevsk | 1942 | |
Kalashnikov Concern | АО Концерн Калашников | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Izhevsk | 1807 | MCX: IGMA |
Kamaz | КамАЗ | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Naberezhnye Chelny | 1969 | MCX: KMAZ |
Kazan Helicopter Plant | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Казанский вертолетный завод | Kazan | 1940 | MCX: KHEL |
Kazanorgsintez | Казаньоргсинтез | Basic materials | Chemicals | Kazan | 1959 | MCX: KZOS |
Kaspersky Lab | Лаборатория Касперского | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1997 | |
Kirov Plant | Кировский завод | Industrials | Industrial machinery | Saint Petersburg | 1801 | MCX: KIRZ |
Komus | Комус | Consumer goods | Personal & household goods | Moscow | 1990 | |
Krasnoye Sormovo Factory | Красное Сормово | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Nizhny Novgorod | 1849 | Marine Transportation |
Kuzbassenergo | Кузбассэнерго | Utilities | Electricity | Barnaul | 1943 | MCX: KZBE |
Kuznetsov | Кузнецов | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Samara | 1952 | |
Lebedyansky | Лебедянский | Consumer goods | Food & beverage | Lebedyan | 1967 | MCX: LBDO MCX: LEKZ |
Lenfilm | Киностудия «Ленфильм» | Consumer services | Media | Saint Petersburg | 1914 | Film studio |
LOMO | ЛОМО | Consumer goods | Personal & household goods | Saint Petersburg | 1914 | |
LUKoil | ЛУКОЙЛ | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Moscow | 1991 | MCX: LKOH LSE: LKOD OTC Pink: LUKOY FWB: LUK |
Magnit | Магнит | Consumer goods | Food & beverage | Krasnodar | 1994 | MCX: MGNT LSE: MGNT |
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works | Магнитогорский металлургический комбинат | Basic materials | Basic resources | Magnitogorsk | 1932 | Iron and steel, MCX: MAGN |
Mail.Ru Group | Mail.Ru Group | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1998 | Internet, software, publishing, LSE: MAIL |
Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau | Государственный ракетный центр имени академика В. П. Макеева | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Miass | 1947 | Missile design |
Mechel | Мечел | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 2003 | Coal, iron and steel, MCX: MTLR NYSE: MTL |
MegaFon | МегаФон | Telecommunications | Mobile Telecommunications | Moscow | 2002 | LSE: MFON MCX: MFON |
Melodiya | Мелодия | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1964 | Record label |
Metalloinvest | Металлоинвест | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 1999 | Steel |
Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant | Московский вертолетный завод им. М.Л. Миля | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 1948 | MCX: MVZM |
Molodaya Gvardiya | Consumer services | Media | Молодая гвардия | Moscow | 1922 | Publishing |
Moscow City Telephone Network | Московская городская телефонная сеть | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | Moscow | 1882 | MCX: MGTS |
Mosfilm | Киноконце́рн «Мосфи́льм» | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1920 | Film studio |
Motovilikha Plants | Мотовилихинские заводы | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Perm | 1736[17] | MCX: MOTZ |
MTS | Мобильные ТелеСистемы | Telecommunications | Mobile telecommunications | Moscow | 1993 | MCX: MTSI MCX: MTSS | | М.Видео | Consumer services | Retail | Moscow | 1993 | Retail electronics chain, MCX: MVID |
NEWSru | | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 2000 | News agency |
Nizhnekamskneftekhim | Нижнекамскнефтехим | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Nizhnekamsk | 1967 | MCX: NKNC |
Norilsk Nickel | Норильский никель | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 1993 | MCX: GMKN LSE: MNOD |
North-West Telecom | Северо-Западный Телеком | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | Saint Petersburg | 2011 | MCX: SPTL |
Novatek | Новатэк | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Tarko-Sale | 1944 | MCX: NVTK MCX: NVTK |
Novolipetsk Steel | Новолипецкий металлургический комбинат | Basic materials | Basic resources | Lipetsk | 1931 | MCX: NLMK |
Novoroscement | Новоросцемент | Industrials | Construction & materials | Novorossiysk | 1922 | Cement |
OAO Kondopoga | ОАО «Ко́ндопога» | Basic materials | Basic resources | Kondopoga | 1922 | Paper |
OAO TMK | Трубная металлургическая компания | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 2001 | Iron & steel, LSE: TMKS MCX: TRMK |
Oboronprom | Объединённая промышленная корпорация «Оборонпром» | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 2002 | |
OGK-1 | Оптовая генерирующая компания № 1 | Utilities | Electricity | Tyumen | 2005 | Defunct 2012 |
OGK-2 | Оптовая генерирующая компания № 2 | Utilities | Electricity | Moscow | 2005 | MCX: OGKB |
OGK-3 | Оптовая генерирующая компания № 3 | Utilities | Electricity | Ulan-Ude | 2004 | Defunct 2012 |
OGK-6 | Оптовая генерирующая компания № 6 | Utilities | Electricity | Rostov-on-Don | 2005 | Defunct 2011 |
Omsk Engine Design Bureau | Омское моторостроительное конструкторское бюро | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Omsk | 1947 | |
OMZ | Объединённые машиностроительные заводы | Industrials | Electronic & electrical equipment | Moscow | 1996 | LSE: OMZD | | | Consumer services | Retail | Moscow | 1998 | Internet, apparel, specialty, home improvement |
Petersburg - Channel 5 | Пятый канал | Consumer services | Media | Saint Petersburg | 1938 | |
Petersburg Fuel Company | Петербургская топливная компания | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Saint Petersburg | 1994 | |
Petrodvorets Watch Factory | Петродворцовый часовой завод | Consumer goods | Personal goods | Petergof | 1721 | Oldest factory in Russia. |
Pharmstandard | Фармстандарт | Health care | Pharmaceuticals | Dolgoprudny | 2003 | LSE: PHST MCX: PHST |
PIK Group | Группа компаний ПИК | Financials | Real estate | Moscow | 1994 | MCX: PIKK |
Polyus Gold | Полюс Золото | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 2005[18] | MCX: PLZL LSE: PLZL NASDAQ: OPYGY |
Power Machines | Силовые машины | Industrials | Electronic & electrical equipment | Saint Petersburg | 2000 | RTSI:SILM |
Progress State Research and Production Rocket Space Center | Ракетно-космический центр «Прогресс» | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Samara | 1996 | |
PROMT | PROMT | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1991 | |
Rambler | Рамблер-Афиша-SUP | Technology | Internet | Moscow | 1996 | |
Razgulay | Разгуля́й | Consumer goods | Food & beverage | Moscow | 1992 | MCX: GRAZ |
RBC | РБК | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1993 | |
REGNUM | Regnum | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 2002 | |
Rolf | Рольф | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Moscow | 1991 | |
Rosenergomash | Росэнергомаш | Industrials | Electronic & electrical equipment | Moscow | 2007[19] | |
Rosgosstrakh | Росгосстрах | Financials | Insurance | Moscow | 1921 | Life insurance, MCX: RGSS |
Rosneft | Роснефть | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Moscow | 1993 | MCX: ROSN |
Rostelecom | Ростелеком | Telecommunications | Mobile Telecommunications | Moscow | 1992 | MCX: RTKM NYSE: ROS |
Rostselmash | Ростсельмаш | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Rostov-on-Don | 1929 | Commercial vehicles & trucks, RTSI:RTLM |
RUSAL | Российский алюминий | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 2007 | Aluminium |
Russian Helicopters | Вертолёты России | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 2007 | |
Russian Railways | Российские железные дороги | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Moscow | 1992 | |
S7 Airlines | Авиакомпания «Сибирь» | Consumer services | Travel & leisure | Novosibirsk | 1992 | Airline |
Sberbank of Russia | Сбербанк | Financials | Banks | Moscow | 1841 | MCX: SBER |
Severnaya Verf | Судостроительный завод «Северная верфь» | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Saint Petersburg | 1912[20] | RTSI:SZVE |
Severstal | Северсталь | Basic materials | Basic resources | Cherepovets | 1993 | Steel, mining, MCX: CHMF |
Siberian Coal Energy Company | Сибирская угольная энергетическая компания | Basic materials | Basic resources | Moscow | 2001 | Coal |
Sibirtelecom | Сибирьтелеком | Telecommunications | Fixed line Telecommunications | Novosibirsk | 1992 | MCX: STKM MCX: ENCO, defunct 2011 |
Sinara Group | Группа Синара | Conglomerate | Ekaterinburg | 2001 | Commercial vehicles & trucks, real estate, hotels | |
Sistema | Система | Conglomerate | Moscow | 1993 | MCX: AFKS LSE: SSA | |
Sitronics | Ситроникс | Industrials | Electronic & electrical equipment | Moscow | 1997 | LSE: SITR RTSI:SITRG |
Sollers JSC | Северсталь-Авто | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Cherepovets | 2002 | MCX: SVAV |
Southern Telecom | Южная телекоммуникационная компания | Telecommunications | Fixed line Telecommunications | Krasnodar | 2001 | MCX: UTEL MCX: KUBN |
Sovcomflot | Совкомфлот | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Saint Petersburg | 1995 | |
Sozvezdie | Концерн «Созвездие» | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Voronezh | 1958 | Electronic Equipment, Defence |
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia | Ракетно-космическая корпорация «Эне́ргия» имени С. П. Королёва | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Korolyov, Moscow Oblast | 1946 | MCX: RKKE |
SU-155 | СУ-155 | Conglomerate | Moscow | 1993 | Real estate, building materials, commercial vehicles, industrial machinery | |
Sukhoi | Сухой | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 1939 | |
Surgutneftegas | Сургутнефтегаз | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Surgut | 1993 | MCX: SNGS |
Svyazinvest | Связьинвест | Telecommunications | Fixed line Telecommunications | Moscow | 1994 | Defunct 2013 |
Svyaznoy | Связной | Consumer services | Retail | Moscow | 1997 | Specialty retailer |
Tactical Missiles Corporation | Корпорация „Тактическое ракетное вооружение“ | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Korolyov, Moscow Oblast | 2002 | |
Tasma | Тасма | Industrials | Chemicals | Kazan | 1933 | Specialty chemicals |
Tatneft | Татнефть | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Almetyevsk | 1950 | MCX: TATN LSE: ATAD FWB: TTFB |
I-Fly | Consumer services | Travel & leisure | Moscow | 2009 | Charter airline | |
TNK-BP | ТНК-BP | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Moscow | 2003 | MCX: TNBP |
TogliattiAzot | Тольяттиазот | Industrials | Chemicals | Togliatti | 1974 | Commodity chemicals |
Transmashholding | Трансмашхолдинг | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Moscow | 2002 | Commercial vehicles & trucks |
Transneft | Транснефть | Oil & gas | Oil equipment, services & distribution | Moscow | 1992 | State-owned pipelines |
Trolza | Тролза | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Engels, Saratov Oblast | 1868 | Trolleys |
TsUM Trading House | Торговый дом ЦУМ | Consumer services | Retail | Moscow | 1857 | MCX: TZUM |
Tupolev | Туполев | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 1922 | |
Tverskoy Vagonostroitelniy Zavod | Тверской вагоностроительный завод | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Tver | 1898 | MCX: TVAG |
TV Tsentr | Телекомпания „ТВ Центр“ | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1956 | |
Inter RAO | Интер Рао | Utilities | Electricity | Moscow | 1997 | MCX: EESR |
Unipro | Оптовая генерирующая компания № 4 | Utilities | Electricity | Surgut | 2006 | MCX: OGKD, formerly OGK-4. |
United Aircraft Corporation | Объединённая авиастроительная корпорация | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 2006 | MCX: UNAC |
United Shipbuilding Corporation | Объединённая судостроительная корпорация | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Saint Petersburg | 2007 | Shipyards |
Uralkali | Уралкалий | Basic materials | Basic resources | Berezniki | 1930 | MCX: URKA LSE: URKA |
Uralmash | Машиностроительная корпорация „Уралмаш“, УЗТМ | Industrials | Industrial machinery | Ekaterinburg | 1933 | |
Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company | Уральская горно-металлургическая компания | Basic materials | Basic resources | Verkhnyaya Pyshma | 1999 | |
Uralsib | Страховая группа «Уралсиб» | Financials | Insurance | Moscow | 1993[21] | Life, property & casualty insurance |
UAZ | УАЗ | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Ulyanovsk | 1941 | MCX: UAZA |
Uralsvyazinform | Уралсвязьинформ | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | Ekaterinburg | 1992 | MCX: URSI, defunct 2011 |
Uralvagonzavod | Научно-производственная корпорация „Уралвагонзавод“ имени Ф. Э. Дзержинского | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Nizhny Tagil | 1936 | Railroads, RTSI:URVZ |
UTair Aviation | Авиакомпания «ЮТэйр» | Consumer services | Travel & leisure | Khanty-Mansiysk | 1967 | Airline, MCX: UTAR MCX: TMAT |
VAZInterService | Вазинтерсервис | Consumer goods | Automobiles & parts | Togliatti | 1991 | |
Vologodskiy mechanical plant | Вологодский механический завод | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Vologda | 1994 | |
VK | ВКонтакте | Technology | Internet | Saint Petersburg | 2006 | |
Voenizdat | Воениздат | Consumer services | Media | Moscow | 1919 | Publishing |
VolgaTelecom | Telecommunications | Fixed line telecommunications | ВолгаТелеком | Nizhny Novgorod | 2002 | MCX: VTEL MCX: NNSI |
Volgotanker | Волготанкер | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Samara | 1938 | Defunct 2008 |
Volzhanin | Волжанин | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Volzhsky, Volgograd Oblast | 1993 | |
Voronezh Aircraft Production Association | Воронежское акционерное самолётостроительное общество | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Voronezh | 1932 | RTSI:VASOP |
VSMPO-AVISMA | ВСМПО-АВИСМА | Basic materials | Basic resources | Verkhnyaya Salda | 1933 | MCX: VSMO |
VTB Bank | Банк ВТБ | Financials | Banks | Moscow | 1990 | MCX: VTBR |
Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods | Вимм-Билль-Данн Продукты питания | Consumer goods | Food & beverage | Moscow | 1992 | MCX: WBDF NYSE: WBD |
X5 Retail Group | X5 Retail Group | Consumer services | Retail | Moscow | 2006 | LSE: FIVE |
Yakovlev | Опытно-конструкторское бюро им. А. С. Яковлева | Industrials | Aerospace & defense | Moscow | 1934 | RTSI:OKBY |
Yandex | Яндекс | Technology | Software | Moscow | 1997 | MCX: YNDX NASDAQ: YNDX |
Yuganskneftegaz | Юганскнефтегаз | Oil & gas | Oil & gas producers | Nefteyugansk | 1964 | |
ZiL | ЗИЛ | Industrials | Industrial transportation | Moscow | 1916 | MCX: ZILL |
- The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is Russia's most recent civilian aviation product of its industry.
See also
- ↑ "Russia". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 31 January 2008.
- ↑ crimea not included
- ↑
- ↑ Russia
- ↑ Рекорды и антирекорды России
- ↑ Official estimate
- ↑ When including the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the total population of Russia rises to 146,519,759.
- ↑ , World Bank
- ↑ Kevin M. Korabik, Russia's Natural Resources and their Economic Effects, Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, 1 December 1997
- ↑
- ↑ "Pre-empting Russia's Year of Ecology". Ocean Unite.
- ↑ "Russian natural resources". European Parliamentary Research Service Blog.
- ↑
- ↑ "World Development Indicators: Contribution of natural resources to gross domestic product". World Bank. Retrieved 21 July 2014.
- ↑ "Russia - Analysis". EIA. 12 March 2014. Archived from the original on 2014-03-24. Retrieved 21 July 2014.
- ↑ DeCarlo, Scott (22 July 2016). "The Fortune 2016 Global 500". Fortune.
- ↑ Public Joint Stock Company Motovilicha Plants: Private Company Information - Businessweek
- ↑ Polyus Gold International Limited: Private Company Information - Businessweek
- ↑ Rosenergomash OJSC: Private Company Information - Businessweek
- ↑ USC Companies: "Severnaya verf" shipbuilding plant
- ↑ Public Joint Stock Company BANK URALSIB: Private Company Information - Businessweek