List of members of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium, 1999–2003
This is a list of members of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives during the 50th legislature (1 July 1999–10 April 2003).
Election results (13 May 1999)
Summary of the 13 June 1999 Belgian Chamber of Representatives election results
← 1995 • 1999 • 2003 → |
Party |
Main ideology |
Leader(s) |
Votes |
% |
+/– |
E.c. % |
Seats |
+/– |
Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) |
Liberalism |
Guy Verhofstadt |
888,861 |
14.30 |
1.15  |
23 |
2  |
Christian People's Party (CVP) |
Christian democracy |
Marc Van Peel |
875,455 |
14.09 |
3.09  |
22 |
7  |
Socialist Party (Wallonia) (PS) |
Social democracy |
Elio Di Rupo |
631,653 |
10.16 |
1.71  |
19 |
2  |
Liberal Reformist Party (PRL) + Democratic Front of Francophones (FDF) |
Liberalism |
Louis Michel |
630,219 |
10.14 |
0.12  |
18 |
0  |
Flemish Block (VB) |
Flemish nationalism |
Frank Vanhecke |
613,399 |
9.87 |
2.04  |
15 |
4  |
Socialist Party (Flanders) (SP) |
Social democracy |
Fred Erdman |
593,372 |
9.55 |
3.01  |
14 |
6  |
Confederated Ecologists (ECOLO) |
Green politics |
Isabelle Durant |
457,281 |
7.36 |
3.35  |
11 |
5  |
Living Differently (AGALEV) |
Green politics |
Jos Geysels |
434,449 |
6.99 |
2.56  |
9 |
4  |
Christian Social Party (PSC) |
Christian democracy |
Philippe Maystadt |
365,318 |
5.88 |
1.85  |
10 |
2  |
People's Union–ID (VU-ID) |
Flemish nationalism |
Patrik Vankrunkelsven |
345,576 |
5.56 |
0.86  |
8 |
3  |
National Front (FN) |
Nationalism |
90,401 |
1.45 |
0.83  |
1 |
1  |
Vivant (VIVANT) |
Social liberalism |
Roland Duchâtelet |
130,701 |
2.10 |
new |
— |
— |
— |
Others (parties that received less than 1% of the national vote) |
157,389 |
2.53 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Valid votes |
6,214,074 |
93.44 |
Blank and invalid votes |
435,941 |
6.56 |
Totals |
6,650,015 |
100.00 |
— |
— |
150 |
— |
Electorate and voter turnout |
7,343,464 |
90.56 |
Source: 1999 Federal Election. |
By party
VB (15)
| Representative | Electoral district |
Annemans, GerolfGerolf Annemans | Antwerp |
Bouteca, RogerRoger Bouteca | Kortrijk-Roeselare-Tielt |
Bultinck, KoenKoen Bultinck | Veurne-Diksmuide-Ieper-Ostend |
Colen, AlexandraAlexandra Colen | Antwerp |
D'haeseleer, GuyGuy D'haeseleer | Aalst-Oudenaarde |
De Man, FilipFilip De Man | Brussels |
Goyvaerts, HagenHagen Goyvaerts | Leuven |
Laeremans, BartBart Laeremans | Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde |
Mortelmans, JanJan Mortelmans | Mechelen-Turnhout |
Schoofs, BertBert Schoofs | Hasselt-Tongeren-Maaseik |
Sevenhans, LucLuc Sevenhans | Antwerp |
Spinnewyn, JohnJohn Spinnewyn | Turnhout |
Tastenhoye, GuidoGuido Tastenhoye | |
Van den Broeck, JaakJaak Van den Broeck | |
Van den Eynde, FrancisFrancis Van den Eynde | |
SP (14)
| Representative | Electoral district |
Bartholomeeussen, MarcelMarcel Bartholomeeussen | |
Bonte, HansHans Bonte | |
De Meyer, MagdaMagda De Meyer ← Willockx | |
Douifi, DalilaDalila Douifi ← Landuyt | |
Erdman, FredFred Erdman | |
Haegeman, ElsEls Haegeman ← Derycke | |
Lansens, PatrickPatrick Lansens ← Vande Lanotte | |
Peeters, JanJan Peeters | |
Schalck, DaanDaan Schalck ← Van den Bossche | |
Schellens, AndréAndré Schellens | |
Van der Maelen, DirkDirk Van der Maelen | |
Vandenhove, LudwigLudwig Vandenhove Baldewijns | |
Vanvelthoven, PeterPeter Vanvelthoven | |
Verlinde, HenkHenk Verlinde | |
| Representative | Electoral district |
De Cock, LilianeLiliane De Cock ← Tavernier | |
Descheemaeker, Anne-MieAnne-Mie Descheemaeker | |
Grauwels, KristienKristien Grauwels | |
Laenens, LeenLeen Laenens ← Boutmans | |
Leen, SimonneSimonne Leen | |
Talhaoui, FauzayaFauzaya Talhaoui | |
Vanhoutte, PeterPeter Vanhoutte | |
Vanoost, LodeLode Vanoost | |
Wauters, JoosJoos Wauters | |
VU (8)
| Representative | Electoral district |
Borginon, AlfonsAlfons Borginon | |
Bourgeois, GeertGeert Bourgeois | |
Brepoels, FriedaFrieda Brepoels | |
Pieters, DannyDanny Pieters | |
Van de Casteele, AnnemieAnnemie Van de Casteele | |
Van Hoorebeke, KarelKarel Van Hoorebeke | |
Van Weert, ElsEls Van Weert | |
Willems, FerdyFerdy Willems | |