List of music students by teacher: R to S

This is part of a list of students of music, organized by teacher.
Alexander Raab
- Ernst Bacon [pupils][1]
- Vera Bradford[2]
- George J. Buelow[3]
- Muriel Kerr[4]
- Wanda Krasoff[5]
- Mortimer Markoff[6]
- Sumner Marshall[7]
- Robert Owens[8]
- Allan Willman[9]
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Robert Radeke
Jean-Théodore Radoux
Joachim Raff
Jean-Philippe Rameau
- Claude Balbastre [pupils][13]
- Thérèse des Hayes
Günther Ramin
James K. Randall
Alberto Randegger
Bernard Rands
Agosto Rattenbach
Felix Rault
Einojuhani Rautavaara
Venanzio Rauzzini
Maurice Ravel
See talk page
Napoléon Henri Reber
Max Reger
Willy Rehberg
Anton Reicha
- Adolphe Adam [pupils][15]
- Hector Berlioz
- Henri Cohen
- Charles Dancla [pupils][42]
- Antoine Elwart[42]
- Friedrich von Flotow[15]
- César Franck [pupils][43]
- Narcisse Girard [pupils]
- Charles Gounod [pupils]
- Albert Grisar[44]
- Henri Herz [pupils]
- Henry Lemoine [pupils]
- Franz Liszt [pupils]
- Napoléon Henri Reber [pupils][45]
- Eugène Sauzay
- Ludwig Schuncke[46]
- Waldemar Thrane[47]
- Pauline Viardot [pupils]
- Henri Vieuxtemps [pupils][48]
Carl Reinecke
- Isaac Albéniz
- Max Bruch [pupils][49]
- Ferruccio Busoni [pupils]
- Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis
- Constanta Erbiceanu
- Max Fiedler
- Felix Fox
- Richard Franck
- Edvard Grieg [pupils][50]
- Basil Harwood
- Ernest Hutcheson [pupils]
- Leoš Janáček [pupils]
- Aleksander Michałowski [pupils]
- Walter Niemann[51]
- Felix vom Rath[52]
- Julius Röntgen [pupils]
- Cornelius Rübner[53][54]
- Christian Sinding
- Max Spicker[55]
- Charles Villiers Stanford [pupils]
- Johan Svendsen
- Willi and Louis Thern[56]
- Frank Van der Stucken[57]
- Max Vogrich[58]
- Felix Weingartner
- August Winding[59]
Fritz Reiner
N. M. Reingbald
Johann Georg Reinhardt
Nadia Reisenberg
Ottorino Respighi
- Mario Labroca[64]
- Normand Lockwood [pupils]
- Vittorio Rieti [pupils][65]
- Gianluca Tocchi[66]
Jean de Reszke
Roger Reynolds
University of California, San Diego
- Mark Applebaum, Associate Professor of Music, Stanford University
- Rick Bidlack, Signals and Noises, software development
- Lam Bun-Ching[29][67]
- Juan Campoverde, Composer, Chicago
- Rick Carrick, Composer and Conductor
- Benjamin Leeds Carson, Associate Professor of Music, University of California, Santa Cruz
- John Celona, Professor of Composition, University of Victoria School of Music
- Antonio Cuñha, Professor of Music, University of Rio del Sol, Porto Allegre, Brazil
- Wendy Mae Chambers[68]
- Chaya Czernowin, Walter Bigelow Rosen Professor of Music, Harvard University
- Nicholas Deyoe, Composer, Los Angeles
- Paul Dresher,[28] Director, The Paul Dresher Ensemble, Oakland, California
- Peter Ivan Edwards, Associate Professor, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (Singapore)
- David Felder, Distinguished Professor, University at Buffalo – SUNY
- Peter Gordon[69]
- Adam Greene, Composer
- Larry Groupé, Emmy-winning composer
- Ben Hackbarth, Lecturer in Music at University of Liverpool
- Kerry Hagan, Lecturer, University of Limerick
- Aaron Helgeson, Assistant Professor of Composition, Oberlin Conservatory of Music
- Martin Hiendl, Composer, New York
- Brenda Hutchinson [pupils], Composer and Author
- Jan Järvlepp, Freelance cellist, composer, teacher, recording technician, and contractor for chamber music groups, Canada
- Keith Johnson, Mission College, Humanities and Fine Arts, Music Instructor, Santa Clara, California
- David Evan Jones, Professor of Music and UCSC Porter College Provost, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Joseph Julian, Composer
- Jarosław Kapuściński, Assistant Professor of Composition and Director of Intermedia Performance Lab, Stanford University
- Derek Keller, Composer, William Jessup University
- Joseph Klein, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Division of Composition, University of North Texas
- Paul Koonce, Professor of Music, University of Florida; former Assistant Professor, Princeton University
- Olli Kortekangas, Composer, Finland
- Keith Kothman, Director of Music Technology, Ball State University
- Kei-ju Lin, Music Director M.O.V.E. (Taipei)
- Larry Livingston, Professor of Conducting at the University of Southern California
- Andrew May, Associate Professor and Director of CEMI, University of North Texas
- Mizue Mizushima, Composer, Stringraphy Ensemble
- Nathaniel Phillips, Composer, Educator, Sound Artist, Portland, Oregon
- Thanassis Rikakis, Provost and Executive Vice President, Virginia Tech
- François Rose, Professor of Composition, University of the Pacific
- Benjamin Sabey, Composer, Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University
- Robert Scott Thompson, Professor of Music Composition, Georgia State University
- Steven Takasugi, Associate of the Music Department, Harvard University
- Johan Tallgren, Director, Helsinki Biennale, Viitasaari, Finland
- Michael Theodore, Associate Professor of Music Composition and Technology, University of Colorado Boulder
- Eric Simonson, Professor, Danville Community College, Virginia
- Ung Wha Son, Instructor, UC Irvine
- Christopher Tonkin, Head of Composition Studies and Music Technology, University of Western Australia
- Erik Ulman, Lecturer, Stanford University
- Nicolas Vérin, Professor of Music, École Nationale de Musique et de Danse d'Évry
- Rolf Wallin, Composer
- Robert Wannamaker, Associate Dean, California Institute of the Arts
- Charlie Wilmoth, Instructor, Otterbein University
Yale (while visiting professor)
- Michael Daugherty, Professor of Composition, University of Michigan
- Michael Gordon, Faculty member, NYU Steinhardt; Co-founder, Bang on a Can
- David Lang, Co-Founder, Bang on a Can[70][71]
- Joseph Waters, Professor of Music, San Diego State University
- Scott Lindroth, Professor and Vice Provost of the Arts, Duke University
Josef Rheinberger
- William Berwald
- George Whitefield Chadwick [pupils]
- Frederick Converse [pupils][72]
- Wilhelm Furtwängler[73]
- Henry Holden Huss
- Engelbert Humperdinck [pupils]
- Hans von Koessler
- Bruno Klein [pupils]
- Horatio Parker [pupils][74]
- Joseph Pembaur [pupils][75]
- Percy Pitt [pupils]
- Josef Renner[76]
- Max von Schillings [pupils][73]
- Hermann Scholtz[77]
- Arthur Smolian[78]
- Ferdinand Thieriot[79]
- Ludwig Thuille [pupils][75][80]
- Adolf Weidig [pupils][81]
- Friedrich Weigmann[82]
- Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari [pupils][83]
- Philipp Wolfrum[84]
Ernst Richter
- Max Spicker[55]
- Otto Zimmer[85]
Franz Xaver Richter
- Joseph Ignaz Bieling[86]
- František Xaver Pokorný[87]
- Carl Stamitz[88]
Hans Richter
Jaroslav Řídký
Carl Riedel
- Julius Reubke
- Hermann Scholtz[77]
Wallingford Riegger
Hugo Riemann
- Ignaz Friedman [pupils][94]
- Walter Niemann[51]
- Henryk Opieński[95]
- Max Reger [pupils]
- Vladimir Alexievitch Seniloff[96]
- Adolf Weidig [pupils][81]
Joseph Riepel
Vittorio Rieti
- Marc-Antonio Consoli[98]
Julius Rietz
André-Jean Rigade
- Felice Bambini[99]
Terry Riley
- Beth Anderson[100][101][102]
- Barbara Golden[103]
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- Anton Arensky [pupils][104]
- Alexander Glazunov [pupils][105][106]
- Mikhail Gnessin[107]
- Konstanty Gorski
- Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov [pupils]
- Artur Kapp
- Nikolai Kazanli [pupils][108]
- Ivan Kryzhanovsky [pupils][108]
- Anatoly Lyadov [pupils][109]
- Mykola Lysenko
- Witold Maliszewski[110]
- Nikolai Myaskovsky [pupils][111]
- Alexander Ossovsky
- Sergei Prokofiev[112]
- Ottorino Respighi [pupils][113]
- Leonid Sabaneyev [pupils]
- Lazare Saminsky
- Vladimir Alexievitch Seniloff[96]
- Alexander Spendiaryan
- Igor Stravinsky [pupils]
- Nikolai Tcherepnin [pupils]
- Yuliya Veysberg
Berthe Ringold
Christian Heinrich Rinck
Théodore Ritter
Achille Rivarde
Jean Rivier
- Charles Chaynes[115]
- Pedro Ipuche Riva
- Antoine Tisné[116]
- Gareth Walters
Richard Robert
- Theo Buchwald[117]
- Julius Chajes[118][119]
- Hans Gál
- Wilhelm Grosz[120] (aka Hugh Williams)
- Clara Haskil[117][121]
- Rawicz Marjan[122]
- Alfred Rosé[123]
- Marcel Rubin[124]
- Rudolf Serkin [pupils]
- Rudolf Schwarz[117]
- George Szell [pupils][125]
- Vally Weigl[117]
- Viktor Zuckerkandl[117]
- Frederic Waldmann[126]
Louise Robyn
George Rochberg
W. S. Rockstro
Pierre Rode
- Joseph Böhm [pupils][128]
- Jean-Henri Simon [pupils][129]
Johann Theodor Roemhildt
Bernard Rogers
- Dominick Argento [pupils][131]
- Jack Beeson [pupils]
- Frank Bencriscutto
- William Bergsma [pupils][132]
- David Borden
- John Davison
- David Diamond [pupils]
- John Diercks
- Walter Hartley
- Joseph Willcox Jenkins
- Ulysses Kay
- John La Montaine [pupils]
- Richard Lane
- Caroline Lloyd
- Martin Mailman
- Peter Mennin [pupils][133]
- Burrill Phillips [pupils]
- Raymond Premru
- Gardner Read
- H. Owen Reed
- Gloria Wilson Swisher
- Mary Jeanne van Appledorn
- Robert Ward
- John Weinzweig [pupils]
Ray Luke
José Rolón
Bernhard Romberg
- Friedrich Dotzauer[135]
- Ferdinand Ries[65]
- Julius Rietz [pupils]
- Count Matwei Georgevitch Vielhorsky[136]
Julius Röntgen
William Michael Rooke
Cipriano de Rore
Ned Rorem
Leonard Rose
Thomas Roseingrave
Hilding Rosenberg
David Rosenboom
Jakob Rosenhain
- Julius Sachs[144]
Orla Rosenhoff
Lauro Rossi
Christopher Rouse
Albert Roussel
Pietro Rovelli
Nicolas Roze
Alexsander Różycki
Edmund Rubbra
Anton Rubinstein
- Ella Adayevskaya
- Sandra Drouker[157]
- Josef Hofmann [pupils][157][158]
- Cornelius Rübner[54]
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky [pupils][157]
- Eugen von Volborth[159]
Arthur Rubinstein
Nikolai Rubinstein
Dane Rudhyar
Ernst Rudorff
Josef Rufer
Johann Rufinatscha
Francesco Ruggi
Carl Friedrich Rungenhagen
Wilhelm Karl Rust
Ferdinando Rutini
- Michele Neri-Bondi[167]
Kaija Saariaho
- Johan Tallgren
Boris Sabaneyev
Leonid Sabaneyev
Antonio Sacchini
Vasily Safonov
Camille Saint-Saëns
Nicola Sala
Michele Saladino
- Vittore de Sabbata[144]
Charles Kensington Salaman
Baltasar Saldoni
Antonio Salieri
- Marianna Auenbrugger[177]
- Ludwig van Beethoven [pupils][178][179]
- Antonio Casimir Cartellieri[180]
- Carl Czerny [pupils]
- Johann Nepomuk Hummel [pupils][181]
- Franz Liszt [pupils]
- Giacomo Meyerbeer [pupils]
- Ignaz Moscheles [pupils]
- Maria Theresia von Paradis [pupils]
- Franz Xaver Süssmayr[182]
- Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart[183]
- Franz Schubert[184]
- Franz Xaver Süssmayr [pupils]
- Ignaz Umlauf [pupils]
- Joseph Weigl[185]
- Peter Winter[186]
Thomas Salignac
Aulis Sallinen
Johann Peter Salomon
- Christian Friedrich Müller[189]
- George Pinto[190]
Giovanni Salvatore
Carlos Salzedo (1885-1961)
Carol Baum|Marjorie Call|Alice Chalifoux|Marilyn Costello Dannenbaum|Danis Kelly|Margarita Czonka Montanaro|Edward Druzinsky|Reinhard Elster|Ruth Berman Harris|Elyze Ilku|Lucile Lawrence|Heidi Lehwalder|Lucy Lewis|Judy Loman|Marie Miller Satterlee|Djina Ostrowska|Lynne Wainwright Palmer|Casper Reardon|Edna Phillips Rosenbaum|Marjorie Tyre|Florence Wightman|
Felix Salzer
Giovanni Battista Sammartini
Marcel Samuel-Rousseau
Cesare de Sanctis
György Sándor
Alfredo Sangiorgi
Pedro Sanjuan
Domingo Santa Cruz
Giuseppe Santarelli
Cláudio Santoro
Giuseppe Saratelli
- Andrea Luchesi
- Johann Gottfried Schwanberg[196]
Giuseppe Sarti
Emil von Sauer
- Gisa Adler
- Isolde Ahlgrimm
- Webster Aitken [pupils]
- Stefan Askenase
- Elfi von Dassanowsky
- Robert Goldsand
- Edward Goll
- Ernst Gröschel
- Else Herold
- Ignace Hilsberg
- Maryla Jonas
- Lubka Kolessa
- Ozan Marsh
- Elly Ney
- Dario Raucea
- Marie Aimée Varro
- Paul Weingarten
Émile Sauret
Marie Gabriel Augustin Savard
Georges Savaria
Giovanni Sbriglia
Marco Scacchi
Rosario Scalero
- Milton Adolphus (1913–1988)
- Samuel Barber [pupils] (1910–1981)[202][203]
- David Barnett
- Leonard Bernstein [pupils]
- Marc Blitzstein[204]
- Carl Bricken
- Lukas Foss [pupils] (1922–2009)[205][206]
- Muriel Hodge
- Leonard Gregory Kastle
- Roland Leich (1911–1995)
- Gian Carlo Menotti [pupils] (1911–2007)[207]
- George Rochberg [pupils] (1918–2005)[208][209]
- Ned Rorem [pupils] (b. 1923)
- Nino Rota (1911–1979)
- Rolf C. Scheurer (1918–2006)
- Virgil Thomson [pupils][210]
- George Theophilus Walker[14] (1922 – )
- Hugo Weisgall [pupils] (1912–1997)
- Luigi Zaninelli (1932 – )
Alessandro Scarlatti
- Gaetano Carpani [pupils][211]
- Carlo Cotumacci [pupils][169]
- Francesco Durante [pupils][198]
- Francesco Geminiani [pupils]
- Johann Adolph Hasse [pupils][198][212]
- Nicola Logroscino[198]
Bogusław Schaeffer
Pierre Schaeffer
Philipp Scharwenka
Xaver Scharwenka
Heinrich Scheidemann
Johann Schelle
Johann Baptist Schenk
Heinrich Schenker
Hermann Scherchen
Arnold Schering
- Hans Mersmann[200]
Johann Gottfried Schicht
Poul Schierbeck
- Jørgen Jersild (1913–2004)[221]
- Leif Kayser (1919–2001)[221]
- Leif Thybo (1922–2001)[222]
Joseph Schillinger
Max von Schillings
Anton Schindler
Philipp Schindlöker
Victor Schiøler
Henry Schmidt
Aloys Schmitt
- Carl Almenräder
- Ferdinand Hiller [pupils]
- George Aloys Schmitt[225]
- Edward Hugh Lindsay Sloper[226]
- Karl Wilhelm[227]
Hans Schmitt
Artur Schnabel
- Adrian Aeschbacher[228]
- Victor Babin[228][229]
- Stefan Bardas[228]
- Alan Bush[228]
- Maria Curcio [pupils][228]
- Clifford Curzon [pupils][228][230]
- Rudolf Firkušný [pupils][228]
- Leon Fleisher[228]
- Claude Frank[228]
- Frank Glazer[231]
- Boris Goldovsky [pupils]
- Karl Haas[228]
- Henry Jolles[228]
- Lili Kraus[228]
- Waldemar Liachowsky[157]
- Adele Marcus[228]
- Noel Mewton-Wood[228]
- Eunice Norton[228]
- Victor Schiøler [pupils]
- Leonard Shure [pupils][228]
- Jascha Spivakovsky[228]
- Aube Tzerko[232]
- Vitya Vronsky[228]
- Nancy Weir[228]
- Gavin Williamson[228]
- Konrad Wolff[228]
- Carlo Zecchi[228]
- Charlotte Lois Zelka[228]
Friedrich Schneider
- Friedrich Lux
- Albert Niemann[51]
- Gustav Rebling[45]
- Wilhelm Rust
- Theodor Schneider[233]
- Eduard Thiele[234]
Johann Gottlob Schneider
Arnold Schoenberg
- Hans Erich Apostel[235]
- Alban Berg [pupils][178][236][237]
- Marc Blitzstein[204]
- Dave Brubeck[178]
- John Cage [pupils][15][238][239]
- Edward Clark
- Richard Cumming[240]
- Max Deutsch[15]
- Hanns Eisler[241][242]
- Roberto Gerhard [pupils][241][243][244]
- Alexander Goehr [pupils][245]
- Norbert von Hannenheim[241]
- Lou Harrison [pupils][246][247][248]
- Kunihiko Hashimoto [pupils]
- Richard Hoffman[249]
- Heinrich Jalowetz[241]
- Hanns Jelinek [pupils][250]
- Earl Kim [pupils]
- Leon Kirchner [pupils][251]
- Józef Koffler[15]
- Rudolf Kolisch[15][241]
- Ernst Krenek [pupils][241]
- René Leibowitz [pupils][252][253]
- Paul Pisk [pupils][241]
- David Raksin[254]
- Karl Rankl[241]
- Josef Rufer [pupils][162][241]
- Alfredo Sangiorgi [pupils][15]
- Nikos Skalkottas[241]
- Erwin Stein[241]
- Leonard Stein [pupils]
- Eduard Steuermann [pupils][241]
- Viktor Ullmann[241]
- Anton Webern [pupils][178][237]
- Egon Wellesz [pupils][241]
- Winfried Zillig[241]
Bernhard Scholz
- Hermann Hans Wetzler[255]
Anna Eugénie Schön-René
Barry Schrader
Henry Schradieck
Franz Schreker
Johann Samuel Schroeter
Christoph Gottlieb Schröter
Edmund Schuëcker
- Myrtle Hart
- Johannes Snoer[262]
Julius Schulhoff
Gunther Schuller
- Riccardo Dalli Cardillo[263]
- Michael Carnes
- Charles Dodge[264][265]
- Mohammed Fairouz
- John Ferritto
- Oliver Knussen
- Barbara Kolb[266]
- Steve Martland[267]
- Ralph Patt[268]
- Irwin Swack[269]
- Nancy Zeltzman
Johann Abraham Peter Schulz
- Karl Bernhard Wessely[270]
- Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse[255]
William Schuman
Clara Schumann
- Carl Friedberg [pupils][272]
- Adine O'Neill[95]
- Hermann Hans Wetzler[255]
Robert Schumann
Ignaz Schuppanzigh
Heinrich Schütz
Heinrich Schütz, often called the "father of German music," (Of German music: a symposium Hans Hubert Schönzeler – 1976 "... covered with the dust which customarily pervades historical archives, but they had the misfortune to be superseded by that man who, with a large measure of justification, has been termed the father of German music: Heinrich Schutz.") composer of what is traditionally regarded as the "first German opera" Dafne (1627, lost), and transmitter of the Italian style of his teacher Giovanni Gabrieli to Germany had many pupils, including many of the musicians who sang or played under him as Kapellmeister in composition.
- Heinrich Albert,[196] Schütz' cousin
- Christoph Bernhard[196]
- Giovanni Andrea Bontempi
- Anton Colander, childhood friend of Schütz
- Princess Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg
- Carlo Farina
- Johann Wilhelm Furchheim
- Johann Kaspar Horn
- Caspar Kittel
- Christoph Kittel
- Johann Klemm
- Adam Krieger[196]
- Johann Jacob Löwe
- Gabriel Möhlich
- Johann Nauwach
- David Pohle
- Johann Schelle [pupils]
- Johann Theile [pupils][56][234]
- Clemens Thieme
- Johann Vierdanck
- Matthias Weckmann[196][275][276]
- Friedrich Werner
- Friedrich von Westhoff, father of:
- Johann Paul von Westhoff
Joseph Schwantner
- Martin Amlin
- Roger Briggs[139]
- Eric Ewazen
- Daron Hagen
- Yoshihisa Hirano
- Kamran Ince
- Daniel Kellogg
- Joseph Lukasik
- Marc Mellits[148]
- Carter Pann
- Robert Paterson[149]
- Joseph Pehrson
- Kevin Puts
- Paul Reller
- D. J. Sparr
- Gordon Stout
- Michael Sidney Timpson
- Christopher Theofanidis
- Michael Torke
- Ye Xiaogang[277]
- Evan Ziporyn
Heinrich Schwemmer
- Nikolaus Deinl
- Johann Krieger
- Johann Löhner
- Johann Pachelbel [pupils]
- J. B. Schütz
- Maximilian Zeidler
Christian Friedrich Gottlieb Schwenke
Salvatore Sciarrino
Peter Sculthorpe
Friedrich Schwindl
Gregorio Sciroli
Alexander Scriabin
Humphrey Searle
Simon Sechter
- Anton Bruckner [pupils]
- Theodor Döhler
- Anton Door [pupils]
- Johann Nepomuk Fuchs [pupils]
- Robert Fuchs [pupils]
- Adolf von Henselt [pupils]
- Béla Kéler
- Louis Köhler [pupils]
- Franz Lachner [pupils]
- Ferdinand Laub [pupils][283]
- Theodor Leschetizky [pupils][284]
- Eduard Marxsen
- Gustav Nottebohm [pupils]
- Karl Ferdinand Pohl[285]
- Gottfried von Preyer [pupils]
- Eduard Rappoldi[286]
- Kornelije Stanković
- Sigismond Thalberg [pupils]
- Karl Umlauf
- Henri Vieuxtemps [pupils][48]
- Antonio Zamara [pupils][287]
William Charles Ernest Seeboeck
Charles Seeger
Josef Seger
Mátyás Seiber
Waldemar Seidel
- Don Banks
- Phyllis Batchelor
- Glen Carter-Varney
- May Clifford
- Douglas Gamley
- Peggy Glanville-Hicks
- Bernice Lehmann
- Noel Mewton-Wood
- Margaret Schofield
Isidor Seiss
- Volkmar Andreae [pupils]
- Frederick Corder [pupils]
- Engelbert Humperdinck [pupils]
- Karl Krill
- Carl Lachmund
- Maurits Leefson
- Willem Mengelberg
- Elly Ney
- Alfred Sittard[291]
- Henri Weil
Bernhard Sekles
Thomas Selle
Daria Semegen
Tullio Serafin
Rudolf Serkin
Paolo Serrao
Stanisław Serwaczyński
Roger Sessions
- John Adams[15]
- Milton Babbitt [pupils][296]
- Jack Behrens
- Elmer Bernstein
- Robert Black
- Benjamin Boretz [pupils][297]
- Mark Brunswick[298]
- Robert Cogan
- Edward T. Cone [pupils]
- Richard Cumming[240]
- Sir Peter Maxwell Davies[299]
- David Del Tredici
- David Diamond [pupils][300]
- Edwin Dugger[301]
- John Eaton [pupils][302]
- David Epstein[303]
- Robert Erickson [pupils][245]
- Ross Lee Finney [pupils][282][304]
- Alan Fletcher
- Kenneth Frazelle
- Carlton Gamer
- Steven Gellman
- Miriam Gideon
- John Harbison [pupils]
- Walter Hekster
- Robert Helps
- Lejaren Hiller [pupils][305][306]
- Sydney Hodkinson [pupils][307]
- Andrew Imbrie [pupils]
- Grant Johannesen
- Earl Kim [pupils]
- Leon Kirchner [pupils][251]
- Jonathan Kramer [pupils][308]
- Emanuel Leplin
- Fred Lerdahl [pupils]
- David Lewin [pupils]
- Donald Martino[309][310]
- Richard Maxfield [pupils][311]
- William Mayer
- Conlon Nancarrow
- Dika Newlin
- Roger Nixon
- Will Ogdon
- Claire Polin
- Stephen Pruslin
- Einojuhani Rautavaara
- Leonard Rosenman
- Frederic Rzewski[312]
- Eric Salzman[313]
- William Schimmel
- Richard St. Clair
- Roland Trogan
- Richard Aaker Trythall[314]
- George Tsontakis[315]
- John Veale
- Henry Weinberg
- Hugo Weisgall [pupils]
- Peter Westergaard [pupils]
- Rolv Yttrehus
- Ellen Taaffe Zwilich
Otakar Ševčík
Ignaz von Seyfried
Giovanni Sgambati
- Lucia Contini Anselmi
- Augusta Mary Wakefield[20]
- Mikhail Ivanov (composer) [pupils]
Ravi Shankar
Harold Shapero
Yuri Shaporin
Vissarion Shebalin
Jessie Shefrin
Harry Rowe Shelley
Bright Sheng
- Lembit Beecher [pupils]
- Bret Bohman [pupils]
- Joseph R. Bozich [pupils]
- Matthew Bridgham [pupils]
- Paul Dooley [pupils]
- Michael Djupstrom [pupils]
- Stephen Eddins [pupils]
- Recep Gul [pupils]
- Iman Habibi [pupils]
- Ching-chu Hu [pupils]
- Takuma Itoh [pupils]
- Daniel J. Knaggs [pupils]
- James Lee, III [pupils]
- Payton MacDonald [pupils]
- David Maki [pupils]
- Joel Puckett [pupils]
- Andrea Reinkemeyer [pupils]
- Brandon Scott Rumsey [pupils]
- Yaniv Segal [pupils]
- Michael Schachter [pupils]
- Garrett Schumann [pupils]
- Steven Simpson [pupils]
- Matthew Tommasini [pupils]
Roy Shepherd
- Michael Bertram
- Tony Fenelon
- Helen Gifford
- Antony Gray
- Keith Humble
- Bruce Hungerford
- Alan Kogosowski
- George Logie-Smith
- Ian Munro
- Nehama Patkin
- Victor Sangiorgio
- James Helme Sutcliffe
- Warren Thomson
- Lawrence Whiffin
Robert Sherlaw Johnson
Seymour Shifrin
- Elaine Barkin
- Peter Child[330]
- James Dashow
- David Del Tredici [pupils]
- Tamar Diesendruck
- Jonathan Kramer [pupils]
- Ned Lagin
- Ray Loring
- Michael Lowenstern
- John McGuire
- Henry Mollicone
- Pauline Oliveros [pupils]
- Terry Riley [pupils]
- Loren Rush
- Allen Shearer
- Sheila Silver
- Joel Eric Suben
- Donald Sur
- John Patrick Thomas
- Peter Winkler
- La Monte Young [pupils][331]
Verdina Shlonsky
- Mira Zakai [pupils]
- Benjamin Pearl
Leonard Shure
Jean Sibelius
- Toivo Kuula
- Leevi Madetoja
- Bengt de Törne
Balthasar Siberer
Nikolai Sidelnikov
Murry Sidlin
Elie Siegmeister
- Stephen Albert (Pulitzer Prize winner)
- Naomi Drucker (clarinetist)
- Michael Jeffrey Shapiro
- Daniel Dorff
- Leonard Lehrman
- Herbert Deutsch
- Joseph Pehrson
- Jack Gallagher (Grammy-winner)
- Richard White
Roberto Sierra
Kazimierz Sikorski
Alexander Siloti
Jean-Henri Simon
- Lambert Joseph Meerts[129]
- Henri Vieuxtemps [pupils][129]
Giuseppe Simoni
Gardell Simons
Roman Simovych
Hans Sitt
František Zdeněk Skuherský
Nicolas Slonimsky
Leland Smith
Alfredo Soffredini
Harvey Sollberger
Nicolai Soloviev
- Artur Lemba
- Mihkel Lüdig
- Samuel Maykapar
- Peeter Süda
- Alexander Nikolaievitch Vinogradsky[338]
Giovanni Battista Somis
Enrique Soro
Leo Sowerby
- Robert Beadell [pupils]
- Paul Callaway
- William Ferris
- Gail Kubik
- Norman Luboff
- Edwin R. Fissinger
- Michael McCabe
- Mahlon Merrick (Jack Benny's longtime music director)
- William Partridge
- Florence Price
- Ned Rorem [pupils]
- Robert Stewart
- David Van Vactor
- Robert Whitney
Philipp Spitta
Louis Spohr
- Henry Blagrove
- Ferdinand David [pupils]
- Moritz Hauptmann [pupils]
- Henry Holmes
- Johann Hermann Kufferath[128]
- Theodor Amadeus Müller[128]
- Hans Michel Schletterer[344]
- Jean F. Schucht[345]
- Frederick Tivendell[41]
- Carl Friedrich Weitzmann [pupils][346]
- Frederik Thorkildsen Wexschall [pupils][255]
Johann Staden
Maximilian Stadler
John Stainer
Camille-Marie Stamaty
- Louis Moreau Gottschalk[348]
- Charles Émile Poisot[349]
- Camille Saint-Saëns [pupils][348][350]
Anton Stamitz
Johann Stamitz
Enrico Stancabiano
Charles Villiers Stanford
- Edgar Bainton[356]
- Arthur Benjamin [pupils][357][358]
- Arthur Bliss[359]
- Rutland Boughton[298][359]
- Herbert Brewer[360]
- Frank Bridge [pupils][156][359]
- Thomas O'Brien Butler
- George Butterworth[357]
- Clive Carey [pupils]
- Rebecca Clarke[361]
- Samuel Coleridge-Taylor[359]
- Walford Davies [pupils][359]
- Thomas Dunhill [pupils][362]
- George Dyson[359]
- Cecil Forsyth
- Eugene Aynsley Goossens[357][363]
- Ivor Gurney[357]
- Leslie Heward[364]
- Gustav Holst[156][359]
- Herbert Howells [pupils][359]
- Herbert Hughes
- William Hurlstone[357]
- John Ireland [pupils][359]
- Gordon Jacob [pupils][365]
- Ernest John Moeran[357]
- Geoffrey Molyneux Palmer
- Lloyd Powell[366]
- Arthur Somervell[367]
- Leopold Stokowski[368]
- Ralph Vaughan Williams [pupils][156][359][369]
- Charles Wood [pupils] (who succeeded him as professor at Cambridge)[370]
Roman Statkowski
Bernhard Stavenhagen
- Ernest Hutcheson [pupils]
- Otto Urbach[12]
Joseph Anton Steffan
Agostino Steffani
Daniel Steibelt
Leonard Stein
Emil Steinbach
Fritz Steinbach
Maximilian Steinberg
David Steinbrook
Wilhelm Stenhammar
Václav Štěpán
Constantin Sternberg
Eduard Steuermann
Bernard Stevens
Robert Prescott Stewart
- Annie Jessy Curwen
- W. H. Grattan Flood
- Vincent O'Brien [pupils]
- Margaret O'Hea
- Edith Oldham
- Annie Patterson
- Charles Villiers Stanford [pupils]
- John Millington Synge
Julius Stockhausen
Karlheinz Stockhausen
- David Ahern[386][387]
- Liana Alexandra
- Maryanne Amacher[388]
- Gilbert Amy[389]
- Junsang Bahk[387]
- Clarence Barlow[390][391]
- Gerald Barry[392][393]
- Mary Bauermeister[394][395]
- David Behrman [pupils][389]
- Michael von Biel[395][396]
- Konrad Boehmer[389]
- Jean-Yves Bosseur[386][397][398]
- Karl Gottfried Brunotte[399]
- Boudewijn Buckinx[387]
- Sylvano Bussotti[389]
- Cornelius Cardew [pupils][400]
- Friedrich Cerha[389]
- Stephen Chatman[401][402]
- Aldo Clementi[395]
- Tom Constanten[403]
- Holger Czukay (born Holger Schüring)[396][397][404][405]
- Hugh Davies[406]
- Michel Decoust[397]
- Jean-Claude Éloy[404]
- Péter Eötvös[404]
- Julio Estrada[386]
- Johannes Fritsch[396][404][407]
- Renaud Gagneux[398]
- Rolf Gehlhaar[407][408]
- Jacob Gilboa[396]
- Friedrich Goldmann [pupils][389]
- Gérard Grisey [pupils][409]
- Jon Hassell[386][397][398][404]
- York Höller[410]
- Eleanor Hovda[411]
- Nicolaus A. Huber[407]
- Jean Michel Jarre[412]
- Alden Jenks[408]
- David C. Johnson[397][398][404]
- Will Johnson[408]
- Milko Kelemen [pupils][389]
- Jonathan Kramer [pupils][308][408]
- Helmut Lachenmann [pupils][396][404]
- André Laporte[397][404]
- Mario Lavista[386]
- Henning Lohner
- Luca Lombardi[386]
- Robin Maconie[404]
- Mesías Maiguashca[387][398][407]
- Pierre Mariétan[396][397][398][404]
- Tomás Marco[407]
- Gérard Masson[397][398]
- Vincent McDermott[413]
- John McGuire[387][390][398][407][414]
- Jenny McLeod[397]
- Paul Méfano[415]
- Gilberto Mendes
- Costin Miereanu[387]
- Dary John Mizelle[408]
- Emmanuel Nunes[397][398]
- Gonzalo de Olavide[397][398][404]
- Jorge Peixinho[387][407]
- Robert H.P. Platz[390][391]
- Zoltán Pongrácz[397]
- Horațiu Rădulescu[416]
- Wolfgang Rihm[390][391][417]
- Eric Salzman[313]
- Ingo Schmitt[397]
- Irmin Schmidt[397]
- Kurt Schwertsik[389]
- Gerald Shapiro[408]
- Makoto Shinohara[395][396][404]
- Roger Smalley[418]
- Avo Sõmer[407]
- Tim Souster[419]
- Atli Heimir Sveinsson[396]
- Zsigmond Szathmáry[404]
- Ivan Tcherepnin [pupils][404]
- Serge Tcherepnin [pupils][397][398]
- Gilles Tremblay[420]
- George Tsontakis[315]
- Claude Vivier[390][391][421]
- Kevin Volans[390][391]
- Thomas Wells[387]
- La Monte Young [pupils][389]
- Hans Zender[404]
Gustave J. Stoeckel
Albert Stoessel
Eric Stokes
Josip Štolcer-Slavenski
Benno Stolzenberg
Alan Stout
Veselin Stoyanov
Robert Strassburg
Igor Stravinsky
Edwin Stringham
Marco Stroppa
Gustav Strube
Steven Stucky
Made Subandi
Morton Subotnick
Arthur Sullivan
Kenneth Sutherland
- Joseph Macdonald[430]
I Wayan Suweca
- Rachel Ann Cooper
- David Harnish
- André Éric Létourneau
- Michael Tenzer [pupils][431]
- William Winant
- Sandra Wong
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Richard Swift
Bolesław Szabelski
Ferenc Szabó
Tadeusz Szeligowski
George Szell
Karol Szymanowski
- ↑ About Ernst Bacon at the Wayback Machine (archived 6 February 2006)
- ↑ Australian Women's History Forum: Vera Bradford at the Wayback Machine (archived 5 March 2013)
- ↑ Mathiesen, Thomas J.; Rivera, Benito V.; Buelow, George J. (1995). Festa Musicologica: Essays in Honor of George J. Buelow. Pendragon Press. p. 491. ISBN 978-0-945193-70-8.
- ↑ "Muriel Kerr". Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. Retrieved 12 September 2014.
- ↑ Steven Heitman website at the Wayback Machine (archived 7 January 2009)
- ↑ "Mortimer Markoff". Palo Alto online. Retrieved 12 September 2014.
- ↑ "Sumner Marshall". Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. Retrieved 12 September 2014.
- ↑ "Robert Owens". The African American Art Song Alliance.
- ↑ "Allan Willman". University of Wyoming News.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.40.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.75.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.241.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.329.
- 1 2 3 Randel (1996), p.963.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Griffiths, Paul (2004). The Penguin Companion to Classical Music, [unpaginated]. Penguin UK. ISBN 978-0-14-190976-9.
- ↑ Baker, Theodore (1992), "Lehmann, Liza", in Slonimsky, Nicolas, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Eighth Edition, New York: Schirmer Books, pp. 1030 –31, ISBN 978-0-02-872415-7
- ↑ Wyndham, Henry Saxe & L'Epine, Geoffrey (1915). Who's who in music: a biographical record of contemporary musicians (2nd ed.) New York: I. Pitman & Sons.
- ↑ Walters, Michael. "Madame Ellen Beach Yaw" in Daly's Issue, vol. 1, Gaiety Publications (2002), Ed. Roderick Murray, pp. 29 –38.
- ↑ Artists appearing at the 1878 and 1879 Covent Garden Promenade Concerts
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.265.
- 1 2 A. Eaglefield-Hull, A Dictionary of Modern Music and Musicians (Dent, London 1924)
- ↑ John William Leonard, The book of Chicagoans: A biographical dictionary of leading living men and women of the city of Chicago, A.N. Marquis, 1917, p. 134
- ↑ The Musical Times, Vol. 52, No. 815, 1 January 1911, p. 29
- ↑ Putnam Griswold at
- ↑ William Stocking and Gordon K. Miller. "The city of Detroit, Michigan, 1701 – 1922, Vol. 5, pp. 562 –63". Google Books.
- ↑ G. Davidson, Opera Biographies (Werner Laurie, London 1955), pp. 236 –38.
- ↑ "North American Works Directory: Noach by Sidney Corbett",
- 1 2 "Paul Dresher Bio", . "Paul Dresher Biography", "Dresher Bio",
- 1 2 "Biography".
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.160.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.296.
- ↑
- ↑
- 1 2 3 4 Emerson, Isabelle Putnam (2005). Five Centuries of Women Singers. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 101.
- 1 2 van Boer (2012), p.542.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.302.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.61.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.373.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.588.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1247.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.229.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.113.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.279.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.268.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.111.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.174.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.226.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.251.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.721.
- ↑ "Edvard and Nina Grieg",
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.49.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.109.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.239.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.140.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.197.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.223.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.244.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.257.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.287.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1458.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.35.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.309.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1483.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.475.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.746.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1070.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.155.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.59.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.117.
- 1 2 3 4 Randel (1996), p.482.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.156.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.60.
- 1 2 3 Greene (1985), p.1160.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.67.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.893.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.117.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.165.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.191.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.224.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.917.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.274.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.275.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p. 733.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.292.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.304.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.82.
- 1 2 3 Randel (1996), p.699.
- ↑ Highfill (1991), p.234.
- ↑ Gann, Kyle (2012). Robert Ashley. Urbana: University of Illinois. p. 16.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.40.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.211.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.874.
- ↑ "Gilbert Harry Trythall, Artist Biography by Michael Morrison".
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.285.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.56.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.181.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.584.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.172.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.58.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.21.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.54.
- 1 2 Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.13.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.92.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.8.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.252.
- ↑ Gillespie (2013), p.275.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.104.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1094.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.366.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.179.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.416.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1187.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.541.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.690.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.64.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.291.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Schenker Documents Online; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑ A Finding Aid to the Julius Chajes Papers; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑ promusicahebraica; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑ Stephen Lehmann and Marion Faber, Rudolf Serkin: A Life, p.21.
- ↑; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑ The Canadian Encyclopedia; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑ musiclexikon; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- 1 2 3 Jones (2014), p.648.
- ↑ Karl Weigl Foundation; Retrieved 28 August 2013
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.130.
- 1 2 3 4 Augener (1889), p.56.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.188.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.32.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.25.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.65.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1484.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.292.
- 1 2 Augener (1889), p.55.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.250.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.186.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.383.
- 1 2 "Biography",
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.112.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.613.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.82.
- ↑ "Gino Robair",
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.144.
- ↑ Dahlerup, Elisabeth (2003) [Printed version 2000–2001]. "Tekla Griebel Wandall". Dansk kvindebiografisk leksikon (in Danish). KVINFO.
- ↑ Ahlgren Jensen, Lisbeth (2008). Translated by David Fanning. "The Rosenhoff Affair". Carl Nielsen Studies. III: 50–64 – via
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.258.
- 1 2 3 "Marc Mellits Biography",
- 1 2 3 4 "Famous Composers I (Almost) Studied With",
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.60.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.168.
- 1 2 3 Gagné (2012), p.229.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.236.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.283.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1140.
- 1 2 3 4 Jones (2014), p.626.
- 1 2 3 4 5 "The Julius Block Cylinders",
- ↑ Wyndham, Geoffrey L'Epine (1915), p.135.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.258.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), pp.36 –7.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.175.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1470.
- ↑ Augener (1889), p.29.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.141.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.295.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.363.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.405.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1182.
- 1 2 3 "Composers",
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.569.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.101.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.184.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.219.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.383.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.218.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.657.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.44.
- 1 2 3 4 Griliches, Diane Asséo (2008). Teaching Musicians: A Photographer's View. Bunker Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-1-59373-060-4.
- 1 2 van Boer (2012), p.66.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.120.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.399.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.545.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.614.
- ↑ Swafford (1992), p.209.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.973.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.731.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.472.
- ↑
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.396.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.694.
- ↑ Dinko Fabris Music in seventeenth-century Naples: Francesco Provenzale (1624–1704) p230 2007
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1512.
- 1 2 3 "Gyorgy Sandor, Pianist Who Trained Under Bartok, Is Dead at 93 ",
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.58.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.783.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Mason (1917), p.176.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.310.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mason (1917), p.153.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.118.
- 1 2 3 Thomas Christensen, ed. (2002). The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory, unpaginated. Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-316-02548-2.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.67.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.26.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.26.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.38.
- ↑ "Lukas Foss". Grace Notes.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.103.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.171.
- ↑ Anderson, E. Ruth (1982). Contemporary American Composers (2nd ed.). Boston: G. K. Hall. pp. 434 –435. ISBN 978-0-8161-8223-7.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.227.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.275.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.118.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.284.
- 1 2 Jones (2014), p.93.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.219.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.12.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.35.
- 1 2 3 4 Mason (1917), p.183.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.256.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.157.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.172.
- 1 2 "Poul Schierbeck". Dacapo Records. Retrieved 5 December 2014.
- ↑ Beyer, Anders. "In search of the ultimate simplification". NOMUS. Retrieved 5 December 2014.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.24.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p..
- ↑ Green & Thrall (1908), p.280.
- ↑ Green & Thrall (1908), p.330.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.284.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "Maria Curcio Obituary". The Guardian. 14 April 2009.
- ↑ Hinson (1999), p.11.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.190.
- ↑ "Frank Glazer Obituary". Portland Press Herald. 23 January 2015.
- ↑ | LA Times obituary
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.164.
- 1 2 Green & Thrall (1908), p.388.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.7.
- ↑ Schoenberg, Arnold. Trans. Joe Monzo. "Schoenberg's Harmonielehre", Sonic Arts at the Wayback Machine (archived 5 April 2012)
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.31.
- ↑ Kostelanetz, Richard (2003). Conversing with John Cage. Routledge. p. 61. ISBN 978-0-415-93792-4.
- ↑ Griffiths (2011), p.57.
- 1 2 McGraw (2001), p.57.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rudolf Stephan, "Wiener Schule", Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik, second, revised edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, 26 volumes in two parts, (Kassel, Basel, London, [etc.]: Bärenreiter-Verlag; Stuttgart and Weimar: J. B. Metzler, 1998): Part 1 (Sachteil), vol. 9 (Sy–Z): cols. 2034 –45. ISBN 978-3-7618-1128-3 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 978-3-476-41025-2 (Metzler). citation from cols. 2035 –36.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.191.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.244.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.113.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1532.
- ↑ Miller, Leta. "Lou Harrison – In Retrospect". Liner notes. New World Records.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.283.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.126.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.133.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.143.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.150.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.494.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.158. "Despite his claims to the contrary, he never studied with Anton Webern or Arnold Schoenberg."
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.98.
- 1 2 3 4 Mason (1917), p.281.
- 1 2 Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.79.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.53.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.94.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.274.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1324.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.63.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.192.
- ↑ "A music life",
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.174.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.80.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.152.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.401.
- ↑ P. 36: Peterson, Jonathon (2002). "Tuning in thirds: A new approach to playing leads to a new kind of guitar". American Lutherie: The Quarterly Journal of the Guild of American Luthiers. 8222 South Park Avenue, Tacoma WA 98408: USA.: The Guild of American Luthiers. 72 (Winter): 36 –43. ISSN 1041-7176. Retrieved 9 October 2012.
- ↑ Dwight Winenger (13 June 2001). "Irwin Swack Music". Retrieved 26 October 2010.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.280.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.603.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.278.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.577.
- ↑ Cooper, Barry (2008). Beethoven, pp. 47,54. Oxford University Press US. ISBN 978-0-19-531331-4.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.115.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.273.
- ↑ "Xiaogang Ye",
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.486.
- ↑ Griffiths (2011), p.421.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.299.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.268.
- 1 2 3 Jones (2014), p.218.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.487.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.499.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.88.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.108.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.300.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1046.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.45.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.380.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.189.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.124.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.824.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.12-13.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.707.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.25.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.94.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.97.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.162.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.78.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.229.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.237.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.249.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.100.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.382.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.130.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.385.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.465.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.557.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.400.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.568.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.233.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.781.
- ↑ "Richard Aaker Trythall, The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music".
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.927.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1291.
- ↑ S. Joseph Krause. Harding, His Presidency and Love Life Reappraised, p.328. AuthorHouse
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.560.
- ↑ Harris, Craig. "Biography: Krishna Bhatt". Allmusic. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
- ↑ Borah, Prabalika M. (2009-02-12). "Soul Stirring Music". The Hindu. Chennai, India.
- ↑ Leggett, Steve. "Peter Walker - Biography". Allmusic.
- ↑ Miller-Keller, Andrea; ed. (2012). Alvin Lucier: A Celebration, p.31. Wesleyan University. ISBN 9780819572806.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1533.
- ↑ Kholopov, Tsenova and Kohanovskaya's Biography of Edison Denisov at Google Books
- ↑ See Laurel Fay – Shostakovich: A Life at Google Books
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.332.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.152.
- ↑ "Andrew Deutsch",
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.575.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.156.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.301.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.175.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.225.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.393.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.738.
- ↑ Gann (1997), p.105.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.504.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.253.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.277.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.490.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.716.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.784.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.217.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.160.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.171.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.277.
- ↑ Green & Thrall (1908), p.25.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.200.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.89.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.710.
- ↑ Silvela, Zdenko (2001). A new history of violin playing: the vibrato and Lambert Massart's revolutionary discovery. USA: Universal Publishers. p. 107. ISBN 978-1-58112-667-9. Retrieved 23 December 2007.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.58.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.201.
- 1 2 (1889), p.30.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.919.
- ↑ Jones, Michael. "Bainton, Edgar Leslie (1880–1956)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dibble, Jeremy. "Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers", Grove Music Online, Oxford Music Online, accessed 11 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.64.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Firman, Rosemary. "Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers (1852–1924)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 11 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ Dibble, Jeremy, "Brewer, Sir (Alfred) Herbert (1865–1928)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ Ponder, Michael. "Clarke, Rebecca Helferich (1886–1979)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ Davies, Walford et al. "Charles Villiers Stanford, by some of his pupils", Music & Letters, Vol. 5, No. 3 (July 1924), pp. 193 – 207 (subscription required)
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1218.
- ↑ Jones, Michael. "Heward, Leslie Hays (1897–1943)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ Wetherell, Eric. '"Jacob, Gordon Percival Septimus (1895–1984)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ The Spokesman-Review, 18 March 1961
- ↑ Dibble, Jeremy. "Somervell, Sir Arthur (1863–1937)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 22 December 2011
- ↑ Holden, Raymond. "Stokowski, Leopold Anthony (1882–1977)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.285.
- ↑ Dibble, Jeremy. "Wood, Charles", Grove Music Online, Oxford Music Online, accessed 21 December 2011 (subscription required)
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.203.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.232.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.52.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.15.
- ↑ Cummings, Robert. Edward Auer at AllMusic. Retrieved 31 October 2013.
- ↑ "Dorothy Stone Mosko and Stephen Lucky Mosko Collection".
- 1 2 Swed, Mark and Pasles, Chris (25 June 2004). "Leonard Stein, 87; Schoenberg Institute Chief, Pianist, Teacher", Los Angeles Times. Accessed 28 October 2013.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.204.
- ↑ Stoddard, Hope (1957). Symphony Conductors of the U.S.A., p.320. Crowell. [ISBN unspecified].
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1337.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.143.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1297.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.19.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.150.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.156.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Karlheinz Stockhausen (1971). Dieter Schnebel, ed. Kölner Kurse für Neue Musik. Texte zur Musik 3:1963 – 1970. DuMont Dokumente. Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg. pp. 196–211 (citation on 207). ISBN 978-3-7701-0493-2.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Karlheinz Stockhausen, "Musik für ein Haus", in his Texte zur Musik 1963 – 1970 3, edited by Dieter Schnebel, 216 – 21. DuMont Dokumente (Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1971): 217. ISBN 978-3-7701-0493-2.
- ↑ Kozinn, Allan (28 October 2009). "Maryanne Amacher, 71, Visceral Composer, Dies". The New York Times (A30 (New York edition)).
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kurtz, Michael (1992). Stockhausen: A Biography. London and Boston: Faber and Faber. p. 96. Translated by Richard Toop. ISBN 978-0-571-14323-8 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-571-17146-0 (pbk).
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kurtz (1992), 194.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Toop, Richard (2001). "Stockhausen, Karlheinz". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Cox, Gareth (2001). "Barry, Gerald". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Whittall, Arnold (2002). Latham, Alison, ed. Barry, Gerald. The Oxford Companion to Music. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- ↑ Karlheinz Stockhausen, "Mary Bauermeister", in his Texte zu eigenen Werken, zur Kunst Anderer, Aktuelles 2: Aufsätze 1952 – 1962 zur musikalischen Praxis, edited by Dieter Schnebel, 167 –69. DuMont Dokumente (Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1964): 167. ISBN 978-3-7701-0493-2.
- 1 2 3 4 Kurtz (1992), 112.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stockhausen, "Kölner Kurse für Neue Musik" (1971), p.196.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Stockhausen, "Kölner Kurse für Neue Musik" (1971), p.200.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Stockhausen, "Kölner Kurse für Neue Musik" (1971), p.204.
- ↑ Anon., "Ton In Ton—'Kafka singt DA' (K-G. Brunotte/O. Leibl)" (Ton In Ton website, 1994; accessed 11 May 2014).
- ↑ Kurtz (1992), 189.
- ↑ Meckna, Michael (2001). "Chatman, Stephen". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Tara Wohlberg, "Stephen Chatman: Composer", Stephen Chatman website (2004, revised 2012; accessed 11 May 2014).
- ↑ Prendrergast, Mark (2000). The Ambient Century: From Mahler to Trance: The Evolution of Sound in the Electronic Age. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 242. ISBN 978-1-58234-134-7.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Stockhausen, "Kölner Kurse für Neue Musik" (1971), p.198.
- ↑ Hans Hoff, "Die anarchische Methode: Musiklegende Holger Czukay", Süddeutsche Zeitung (22 March 2008).
- ↑ Roberts, David (2001). "Davies, Hugh (Seymour) (ii)". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Karlheinz Stockhausen, "Ensemble", in his Texte zur Musik 1963 – 1970 3, edited by Dieter Schnebel, 212 – 15. DuMont Dokumente (Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1971): 213. ISBN 978-3-7701-0493-2.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jonathan Kramer, "Karlheinz in California", Perspectives of New Music 36, no. 1 (Winter 1998): 247 –61. Citation on 248.
- ↑ David Bündler, "Gérard Grisey", 20th-century Music (1996, copy on Angelfire website accessed 11 May 2014); Paul Griffiths, "Gérard Grisay, 52, a Composer and Pioneer in 'Spectral Music'", The New York Times 148, no. 51,349 (22 November 1998): 54.
- ↑ Jürg Stenzl, "York Höller's The Master and Margarita: A German Opera", translated by Sue Rose, Tempo new series, no. 179 (December 1991): 8 – 15. Citation on 12.
- ↑ Karin Pendle, "For the Theatre: Opera, Dance, and Theatre Piece", Contemporary Music Review 16, nos. 1 – 2 (1997: American Women Composers): 69 –80. Citation on 74.
- ↑ Christian Bos, "Synthesizer sind etwas Sinnliches", Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (28 November 2007; accessed 12 May 2014).
- ↑ David Stabler, "'The King of Bali' a Crowning Achievement", The Oregonian (Friday, 20 April 1990, fourth edition): R32.
- ↑ Jonathan Kramer, "Karlheinz in California", Perspectives of New Music 36, no. 1 (Winter 1998): 247 –61. Citation on 261n2.
- ↑ Drake, Jeremy (2001). "Méfano, Paul". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Toop, Richard (2001). "Radulescu, Horatiu". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Griffiths (2011), p.265.
- ↑ Mark, Christopher (2001). "Smalley, (John) Roger". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Griffiths, Paul (2001). "Souster, Tim(othy Andrew James)". In Sadie & Tyrrell (2001).
- ↑ Reichenbächer, Helmut (2002). Latham, Alison, ed. Gilles Tremblay. The Oxford Companion to Music. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- ↑ Bob Gilmore, "On Claude Vivier's Lonely Child", Tempo 61, no. 239 (January 2007): 2 – 17. Citation on 4 –5.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.184.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1397.
- ↑ "Bio: Richard Marriott",
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.174.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.147.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.387.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.60.
- ↑ "Tobias Matthay",
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.353.
- ↑ "Bio". Retrieved September 13, 2014.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.794.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.116.
- ↑ Gillespie (2013), p.118.
- The Monthly Musical Record. 19. London: Augener & Co. 1899.
- van Boer, Bertil H. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Music of the Classical Period. Scarecrow. ISBN 978-0-8108-7183-0.
- Gagné, Nicole V. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music. Lanham, MD; Plymouth (UK): Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-6765-9.
- Gann, Kyle (1997). American Music in the Twentieth Century. Schirmer. ISBN 978-0-02-864655-8.
- Green, Janet M. & Thrall, Josephine (1908). The American history and encyclopedia of music. I. Squire.
- Greene, David Mason (1985). Greene's Biographical Encyclopedia of Composers. Reproducing Piano Roll Fnd.. ISBN 978-0-385-14278-6.
- Highfill, Philip H. (1991). A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660 – 1800: S. Siddons to Thrnne, p. 234. SIU Press. ISBN 978-0-8093-1526-0.
- Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth (2006). Women Composers and Music Technology in the United States: Crossing the Line. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7546-0461-7.
- Hinson, Maurice (2001). Music for More than One Piano: An Annotated Guide. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-11306-1.
- Jones, Barrie; ed. (2014). The Hutchinson Concise Dictionary of Music. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-95018-7.
- Mason, Daniel Gregory (1917). The Art of Music: A Comprehensive Library of Information for Music Lovers and Musicians. The National Society of Music. [ISBN unspecified]. (Related books via Google).
- McGraw, Cameron (2001). Piano Duet Repertoire: Music Originally Written for One Piano, Four Hands. Indian University. ISBN 978-0-253-21461-4.
- Randel, Don Michael (1999). The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians. ISBN 978-0-674-00084-1.
- Sadie, Julie Anne & Samuel, Rhian; eds. (1994). The Norton/Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-03487-5.
- Sadie, Stanley; Tyrrell, John (eds.). The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Publishers. New Grove.
- Saxe Wyndham, Henry & L'Epine, Geoffrey; eds. (1915). Who's who in Music: A Biographical Record of Contemporary Musicians. I. Pitman & Sons.
- Wier, Albert Ernest (1938). The Macmillan encyclopedia of music and musicians. Macmillan.