List of revolutions and rebellions
See also: List of coups d'état and coup attempts and List of invasions

The storming of the Bastille, 14 July 1789, during the French Revolution.
This is a list of revolutions and rebellions.
This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
- c. 2730 BC The Set rebellion during the reign of the pharaoh Seth-Peribsen of the Second Dynasty of Egypt.[1]
- c. 2690 BC Khasekhemwy, the final pharaoh of the Second Dynasty of Egypt, squashed a rebellion, reuniting Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.[2]
- c. 2380 BC (short chronology): A popular revolt in the Sumerian city of Lagash deposes King Lugalanda and puts the reformer Urukagina on the throne.
- 842 BC: After the Compatriots Rebellion exiled King Li of Zhou, China was ruled by the Gonghe Regency until the king died in exile.
- 615 BC: The Babylonians revolt against rule from the Assyrian Empire.
- 570 BC: A revolt breaks out among native Egyptian soldiers, giving Amasis II opportunity to seize the throne.
- 522 BC: Multi scattered rebellion against the king Darius the Great and suppress all rebels. Story of that is at Behistun Inscription
- 509 BC: A political revolution in ancient Rome, following the rape and subsequent suicide of the noblewoman Lucretia, resulted in the Overthrow of the Roman monarchy and the establishment of the Roman Republic.
- 508/7 BC: The Athenian Revolution establishing democracy in Athens.[3]
- 499–493 BC: The Ionian Revolt. Most of the Greek cities occupied by the Achaemenid Persians in Asia Minor and Cyprus rose up against their Persian rulers.
- 494 BC: First Plebeian revolt against Patrician (ancient Rome). The revolt was made in the Monte Sacro, Rome
- 464 BC: The Helot slaves revolt against their Spartan masters.
- 460 BC: Inaros II revolted against the Persians in Egypt with the help of his Athenian allies.
- 206 BC: Ziying, last ruler of the Qin dynasty of China surrenders himself to Liu Bang, leader of a popular revolt and founder of the Han dynasty.
- 181–174 BC: The Celtiberian revolt in Spain; Romans eventually subdue the Celtiberians.
- 167–160 BC: The Jews revolt, in the Hasmonean Revolt, against the Seleucid Empire because of the Hellenization of Judea and the high taxes; Leader of the rebellion is Judah the Maccabi, achieving independence as the Hasmonean Kingdom of Judah.
- 154 BC: The failed Rebellion of the Seven States by members of the royal family of the Han dynasty.
- 153–133 BC: The Celtiberians revolted again, and were not finally overcome until the capture of Numantia.
- 147–139 BC: The Lusitanian Rebellion against the Roman forces in modern-day Portugal, led by Lusitanian leader named Viriatus.
- 135-132 BC: First Servile War, organized by the Sicilian slaves and gladiators captained by Eunus, which goal was to free themselves by their Roman owners.
- 73–71 BC: The failed Roman slave rebellion, led by the gladiator Spartacus.
- 52–51 BC: The revolt of the Celtic Gauls, led by Vercingetorix, was crushed by Julius Caesar.
- 49–45 BC: Julius Caesar crossed the river Rubicon heading part of the Roman army and marched on Rome. After overthrowing and assuming control of Pompeian government, he was proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity".
1–999 AD
- 6–9: The Great Illyrian Revolt of various Illyrian tribes against the Roman Empire
- 9: The Arminius revolt against the Roman Empire; alliance of Germanic tribes led by Arminius ambushed and annihilated three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
- 18–25: The Red Eyebrow Rebellion and Green Forest Rebellion against Xin dynasty in China, in which the Green Forest Army later defeated Red Eyebrow Army and restored Han dynasty.
- 40–43: Trưng Sisters Uprising of Vietnam against Chinese Domination
- 60–61: Boudica, queen of the Celtic Iceni people of Norfolk in Roman-occupied Britain, led a major uprising of the Briton tribes against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire.[4]
- 66–70: The Great Jewish Revolt, the first of three Jewish–Roman wars that took place in Iudaea Province against the Roman Empire.[5]
- 69–70: The Batavian rebellion in the Roman province of Germania Inferior.
- 115–117: The Kitos War, the second of the Jewish–Roman wars.
- 132–135: The Bar Kokhba revolt, the third and last of the Jewish–Roman wars.
- 184: Zhang Jue led an unsuccessful peasant revolt called the Yellow Turban Rebellion during the later Han dynasty, which later collapsed due to destabilization and lack of co-ordination with other Yellow Turban forces across China.
- 248: Lady Triệu Uprising of Vietnam against Chinese Domination
- 286: Rebels in Gaul, known as Bagaudae, are crushed by the Caesar Maximian and his subordinate Carausius, working for Augustus Diocletian.
- 251, 255, 257–258: Three Rebellions in Shouchun are 3 failed attempts to remove the Sima clan from power in Cao Wei dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period of China.
- 291–306: War of the Eight Princes in Jin dynasty of China
- 351–352: Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus Jewish Palestinian revolts against Constantius Gallus and the Eastern Roman Empire
- 484-572: Samaritan Revolts against the Byzantine empire led by the Samaritans.
- 496: Mazdak led a Persian socialistic movement and converted Shahanshah Kavadh I of the Persian empire before the latter was overthrown by the nobility.
- 532: The Nika revolt in Constantinople.
- 541: Lý Nam Đế Uprising of Vietnam against Chinese domination
- 613: A rebellion by Yang Xuangan in China was crushed by the Sui dynasty.
- 614–625: Jewish revolt against Heraclius a Jewish insurrection against the Byzantine Empire and its leader Heraclius.
- 623: An uprising of Slavs led by Samo against Avars.
- 656: Muslim Egyptians revolt against the Caliph Uthman
- 685–699: The Azraqi Khariji revolt in Iraq and Iran against the Umayyad Caliphate.
- 713: Mai Thúc Loan Uprising of Vietnam against Chinese domination
- 734–736: Revolt of Al-Harith ibn Surayj in Khurasan against the Umayyads.
- 740: The Zaidi Revolt against the Umayyad dynasty.
- 740–743: The Great Berber Revolt in Maghreb against the Umayyads marked the first successful secession from the Arab caliphate (ruled from Damascus).
- 744–746/7: Alid uprising of Abdallah ibn Mu'awiya.
- 747–750: The Abbasid Revolution overthrows the Umayyad dynasty. Under Abdallah ibn Ali, most of the members of the Umayyad house are persecuted and killed.
- 754: Abdallah ibn Ali's bid for the Caliphate against al-Mansur after al-Saffah's death. Abdallah's army is defeated by Abu Muslim.
- 755: Abd al-Rahman I landed at Almuñécar in al-Andalus. Abd ar-Rahman I was the founder of a Muslim dynasty that ruled the greater part of Iberia for nearly three centuries.
- 755–763: The An Lushan Rebellion by powerful Jiedushi An Lushan in Tang dynasty, which caused heavy damage in China in terms of population and economy.
- 762: Alid Revolt of Muhammad ibn Abdallah in Medina and of his brother Ibrahim in Basra against the second Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mansur.
- 782–785: The Saxon revolt against Charlemagne. Rebellion was part of Saxon Wars.
- 791: Phùng Hưng Uprising of Vietnam against Chinese domination
- 811–825: Qaysi rebellion in Upper Mesopotamia under Nasr ibn Shabath al-Uqayli.
- 814: Al-Hakam I crushed a rebellion of Iberian Muslims led by clerics in a suburb called al-Ribad on the south bank of the Guadalquivir river.
- 815: Muhammad ibn Ja'far al-Sadiq led an unsuccessful revolt against the Abbasid Caliph Al-Ma'mun.
- 817–837: The revolt of the Iranian Khurramites led by Babak Khorramdin.
- 821–823: The rebellion of Thomas the Slav against Michael II the Amorian engulfs most of the Byzantine Empire.
- 824–836: The revolt of Arab troops in Tunisia against Aghlabids was only put down with the help of the Berbers.
- 828: The failed rebellion by Kim Heon-chang against Silla.
- 841: Failed pro-Umayyad rebellion of al-Mubarqa in Palestine against the Abbasid Caliphate.
- 845: The rebellion by the famous naval commander Jang Bogo against Silla, ended when Jang was assassinated.
- 861: Ya'qub bin Laith as-Saffar established Saffarid dynasty. He seized control of the Seistan region, conquering modern-day eastern Iran, much of Afghanistan, and parts of Pakistan. Ya'qub bin Laith as-Saffar started his campaign as a bandit and formed his own army.
- 864: Yahya ibn Umar lead an abortive uprising from Kufa against the Abbasid Caliph Al-Musta'in.
- 869–883: The Zanj Rebellion of black African slaves in Iraq. The Zanj Rebellion was crushed in 883 by the Abbasids.[6]
- 875–884: A rebellion by salt smuggler Huang Chao against Tang dynasty China, which later collapsed due to the destabilization caused by the rebellion.
- 884: Umar ibn Hafsun led anti-Umayyad dynasty forces in southern Spain.
- 899–906: The Qarmatians, an extremist Ismā'īlī Muslim sect centered in eastern Arabia, revolted against Abbasids.
- 923: The revolt against Bulgaria in the frontier region of Bulgaria and Serbia, instigated by Prince Zaharija of Serbia.
- 943–947: The great revolt of Abu Yazid, a Khariji Berber leader who assembled a large tribal coalition against Fatimid rule.
- 970: Abortive revolt of Bardas Phokas the Younger following the usurpation of John I Tzimiskes from Nikephoros II Phokas.
- 976–979: Rebellion of Bardas Skleros against Basil II.
- 982: The great revolt of the pagan Polabian Slavs of the lower Elbe against the Holy Roman Empire.
- 987–989: Rebellion of Bardas Phokas the Younger against Basil II.
See also: Popular revolt in late medieval Europe
- 1034–1038: The Serbs' revolt against the Byzantine Empire led by Vojislav of Duklja.
- 1090: Hassan-i Sabbah took over Alamut for Hashshashin.
- 1095: Rebellion of northern nobles against William Rufus.
- 1125: The Almohads began a rebellion in the Atlas Mountains.
- 1156: The Hōgen Rebellion succeeded in establishing the dominance of the samurai clans and eventually the first samurai-led government in the history of Japan.
- 1185: The Vlach-Bulgarian Rebellion against Byzantine Empire.
- 1233–1234: The Stedinger revolt in Frisia caused Pope Gregory IX to call on a crusade.
- 1237–1239: The Babai Revolt in Anatolia against Seljuks of Rum.
- 1242–1249: The First Prussian Uprising against the Teutonic Knights, which took place during the Northern Crusades.
- 1250: The Mamluks killed the last sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty, and established the Bahri dynasty.
- 1282: The Sicilian Vespers, an uprising against the rule of the French/Angevin king Charles I on the island resulting in thousands of dead French occupiers and a shift in European power.
- 1296–1328: The First of the Wars of Scottish Independence between Scotland and England, leading to renewed Scottish independence in 1328.
- 1332–1357: The second instalment of the Wars of Scottish Independence, leading again to renewed Scottish independence from England and the Treaty of Berwick.
- 1302: The Battle of the Golden Spurs in Flanders, after which the French were ousted.
- 1323–1328: Beginning as a series of scattered rural riots in late 1323, the Peasant revolt in Flanders escalated into a full-scale rebellion and ended with the Battle of Cassel.
- 1343–1345: the St. George's Night Uprising in Estonia.
- 1354: The revolt of Cola di Rienzi in Rome.
- 1356–1358: Jacquerie: a peasant revolt in northern France, during the Hundred Years' War.

The end of the unsuccessful Peasants' Revolt in England 1381. Rebel leader Wat Tyler is killed while Richard II watches. A second image within the painting shows Richard addressing the crowd.
- 1368: Zhu Yuanzhang led peasant Han Chinese in a rebellion against the Mongol Yuan dynasty, establishing the Ming dynasty.
- 1378: The Revolt of the Ciompi in Florence.
- 1381: The Peasants' Revolt, or the Great Rising of 1381, in England.
- 1390s: The revolts that broke out all over Persia while Timur Lenk was away were repressed with ruthless vigour; whole cities were destroyed, their populations massacred, and towers built of their skulls.[7]
- 1400–1415 The Welsh revolt led by Owain Glyndŵr.
- 1418–1427: Vietnamese led by Lê Lợi revolted against Chinese occupation.
- 1420: The Bohemian Hussites begin a rebellion against both Catholicism and the Holy Roman Empire. The wars that ensue are known as the Hussite Wars.
- 1426: Tepanec Civil War a Mesoamerican revolt after a Tepanec king, Tezozomoc, died.
- 1434: A Swedish peasant rebellion breaks out against the Danes.
- 1431–1435: First Irmandiño War in Galicia.
- 1437: The Bobâlna (Bábolna) revolt in Transylvania, using military tactics inspired by the Hussites wars.
- 1444–1468: Skenderbeg's rebellion in Ottoman-ruled Albania.
- 1450: The Kent rebellion led by Jack Cade.
- 1462–1485: The Rebellion of the Remences in Catalonia.
- 1467–1470: Second Irmandiño War in Galicia.
- 1497: The Cornish Rebellion of 1497 in England.

Bolotnikov's Battle with the Tsar's Army at Nizhniye Kotly Near Moscow by a Russian painter Ernst Lissner.

Episode of the Fronde at the Faubourg Saint-Antoine by the Walls of the Bastille

Scene from the Moscow Uprising: Natalya Naryshkina shows Ivan V to the Streltsy to prove that he well.
- 1499-1501: The Rebellion of the Alpujarras by the Muslim population of the Kingdom of Granada, in response to mass and forced conversion of the Muslim population to the Catholic faith.
- 1514: A peasants' war led by György Dózsa in the Kingdom of Hungary.
- 1515: The Slovene peasant revolt.
- 1515–1523: The Frisian rebellion of the Arumer Black Heap, led by Pier Gerlofs Donia and Wijerd Jelckama.
- 1516: Trần Cảo Rebellion in Vietnam, against Lê dynasty
- 1519–1523: The first Revolt of the Brotherhoods in Valencia, an anti-monarchist, anti-feudal, and anti-Muslim autonomist movement inspired by the Italian republics.
- 1519–1610: The Jelali revolts in Anatolia against the authority of the Ottoman Empire.
- 1520–1522: The Revolt of the Comuneros against the rule of Spanish king and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
- 1524–1525: The German Peasants' War of in the Holy Roman Empire.
- 1542: The Dacke War in Sweden.
- 1549: The Prayer Book Rebellion in Cornwall and Devon, England.
- 1549: Kett's Rebellion.
- 1566–1648: Eighty Years' War; revolt of the Low Countries against Spain.
- 1567–1799 and beyond: Philippine revolts against Spain.
- 1568–1571: The Morisco rebellions in Granada by the remnants of the Morisco community (Spanish Christian converts from Islam ["crypto-Muslims"]) in Habsburg Spain.
- 1573: The Croatian–Slovene peasant revolt.
- 1594–1603: The Nine Years' War or 'Tyrone's Rebellion' in Ulster, Ireland against English rule in Ireland.
- 1594: The Banat Uprising.
- 1596: The Club War uprising in Finland.
- 1596–97: The Serb Uprising against the Ottomans.
- 1597: First Guale revolt developed in Florida against the Spanish missions and led by Juanillo (the Juanillo´s revolt).
- 1601: Acaxee Rebellion an insurrection against Spanish rule in Mexico perpetrated by Acaxee Native Americans.
- 1606–1607: The Bolotnikov rebellion for the abolition of serfdom, which was part of the Time of Troubles in Russia.
- 1616–1620: The Tepehuán Revolt was when the Tepehuánes of Durango revolted against the Spaniards.
- 1618–1625: The Bohemian Revolt against the Habsburgs. Rebellion was part of Thirty Years' War.
- 1637–1638: The Shimabara Rebellion of Japanese Christians.[8]
- 1640: The Portuguese Revolt against Spanish Empire.
- 1640–1652: The Catalan Revolt.
- 1640–1644: The Vlach uprising against Habsburg rule in Moravia.
- 1641: The Irish Rebellion of 1641.
- 1642–1660: The English Revolution, commencing as a civil war between Parliament and the King, and culminating in the execution of Charles I and the establishment of a republican Commonwealth, which was succeeded several years later by the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell.
- 1644: The Li Zicheng Uprising overthrew the Ming dynasty.
- 1645: Second Guale revolt against the Spanish missions in Florida, nearly shaking off the missions.
- 1647: The Naples Revolt.
- 1648: The Khmelnytsky Uprising of Cossacks in Ukraine against Polish nobility in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
- 1648–1653: The Fronde, in France.
- 1664–1670: Magnate conspiracy: The Zrinski, Wesselényi and Frankopan uprising against the Habsburgs.
- 1665–1709: The Kongo Civil War under the Kingdom of the Congo.
- 1668: The Sikhs in the Anandpur revolted against the Mughal Empire.
- 1668–1676: The Solovetsky Monastery Uprising.
- 1669: The Jat uprising under Gokula. The Hindu Jats in the Agra district revolted against the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
- 1672: The Pasthun rebellion against the Mughals.
- 1672–1674: The Lipka Rebellion, an uprising of Polish Tatars against the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
- 1672–1678: The Messina Revolt. The Sicilian revolt against Spanish rule took place during the Franco-Dutch War of Louis XIV; the rebels were supported by France.
- 1675–1676: King Philip's War between Indians and English settlers, sometimes called Metacom's Rebellion.
- 1676: The Bashkir Rebellion against Russian rule.
- 1676: Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia.
- 1680–1692: The Pueblo Revolt against Spanish settlers in New Mexico.
- 1682: The Moscow Uprising of the Moscow Streltsy regiments.
- 1688: The Siamese revolution of 1688, the overthrow of pro-foreign Siamese king Narai by Mandarin Phetracha.
- 1688: The Glorious Revolution in England overthrew King James II and established a Whig-dominated Protestant constitutional monarchy.
- 1688–1746: The Jacobite risings were a series of uprisings, rebellions, and wars in the British Isles occurring between 1688 and 1746.
- 1689: Karposh's Rebellion against Ottoman Empire.
- 1687–1689: The Revolt of the Barretinas in Catalonia, prompted by the quartering & upkeep of Spanish soldiers, and intensified by French agents.
- 1693: The Second Brotherhood in Valencia, prompted by feudal taxation.
- 1698: The Streltsy Uprising in Russia.
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781, during the American Revolutionary War.

Depiction of the Battle of Vinegar Hill during the Irish Rebellion of 1798.

Battle at "Snake Gully" during the Haitian Revolution against French rule.
- 1702–1715: The Camisard Rebellion in France.
- 1703–1711: The Rákóczi Uprising against the Habsburgs.
- 1707–1709: The Bulavin Rebellion in Imperial Russia.
- 1709: Mir Wais Hotak, an Afghani tribal leader, led a successful rebellion against Gurgin Khan, the Persian governor of Kandahar.
- 1711: Cary's Rebellion, an uprising against the government in North Carolina.
- 1715: The First Jacobite Rebellion in the north of England and in Cornwall, advocating the claims of James Stuart, the Old Pretender against the newly installed House of Hanover.
- 1722: Afghan rebels defeated Shah Sultan Hossein and ended the Safavid dynasty.
- 1729: Natchez revolt – Attack by the Natchez on French colonists.
- 1731: Samba Rebellion – Plot by African slaves in French Louisiana to rebel.
- 1743: The Fourth Dalecarlian Rebellion in Sweden.
- 1744–1829: The Dagohoy Rebellion in the Philippines that lasted for 85 years.
- 1745–1746: The Jacobite Rising in Scotland.
- 1748: Uprising led by Juan Francisco de León in Panaquire, Venezuela, against monopoly interests and the dominance of the Royal Company Guipuzcoana in terms of trade cocoa.
- 1749: The Conspiracy of the Slaves, a slave rebellion in Malta.
- 1763–1766: Pontiac's Rebellion by numerous North American Indian tribes who joined the uprising in an effort to drive British soldiers and settlers out of the Great Lakes region.
- 1768: The Rebellion of 1768 by Creole and German settlers objecting to the turnover of the Louisiana Territory from New France to New Spain.
- 1769 - 1773: First Carib War, military conflict between the Carib inhabitants of Saint Vincent and British military forces supporting British efforts at colonial expansion on the island.
- 1770: The Orlov Revolt in Peloponnese.
- 1773–1775: Pugachev's Rebellion was the largest peasant revolt in Russia's history. Between the end of the Pugachev rebellion and the beginning of the 19th century, there were hundreds of outbreaks across Russia.[9]
- 1775: The Rising of the Priests in Malta.
- 1775–1783: The American Revolution establishes independence of the thirteen North American colonies from Great Britain, creating the republic of the United States of America.
- 1771–1802?: The Tây Sơn Revolt, annihilation of the ruling Trịnh and Nguyễn clans as well as the Lê Dynasty in Đại Việt.
- 1780–1782: José Gabriel Condorcanqui, known as Túpac Amaru II, raises an indigenous peasant army in revolt against Spanish control of Peru. Julián Apasa, known as Tupac Katari allied with Tupac Amaru and lead an indigenous revolt in Alto Peru (preset day Bolivia) nearly destroying the city of La Paz in a siege.
- 1786–1787: Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts against court proceedings collecting taxes and debts
- 1788: Kočina Krajina Serb rebellion, against the Ottoman Empire
- 1789: The French Revolution is regarded as one of the most influential of all modern socio-political revolutions and is associated with the rise of the bourgeoisie and the downfall of the aristocracy.
- 1789-1790: Brabant Revolution in the Austrian Netherlands (modern Belgium) crushed in 1790.
- 1789-1791: Liège Revolution, the price-bishops of Liège were overthrown by a popular uprising
- 1790: Saxon Peasants' Revolt sparked by noble gamekeeping rights and exacerbated by a harsh winter and summer drought. Raged during summer 1790, but crushed militarily by September.
- 1791–1804: The Haitian Revolution: A successful slave rebellion, led by Toussaint Louverture, establishes Haiti as the first free, black republic.
- 1793: Slave rebellion produced in the Guadeloupe island following the outbreak of the French Revolution.
- 1793–1796: The Revolt in the Vendée was popular uprising against the Republican government during the French Revolution.
- 1794: The Polish revolt.
- 1794: Protests over taxes leads to the Whiskey rebellion in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Monongahela Valley. President George Washington invokes martial law and squashes insurrection with 13,000 troops.
- 1795-1796: In those years broke out several slave rebellions in entire the Caribbean, influenced by the Haitian Revolution: in Cuba, Jamaica (Second Maroon War), Dominica (Colihault Uprising), Saint Lucia (Bush War, so-called “Guerre des Bois”), Saint Vicent (Second Carib War), Grenada (Fedon Rebellion), Curaçao (led by Tula), Guyana (Demerara Rebellion) and in Coro, Venezuela (led by José Leonardo Chirino).[10]
- 1796–1804: The White Lotus Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty of China.
- 1797: The Spithead and Nore mutinies were two major mutinies by sailors of the British Royal Navy.
- 1798: The Irish Rebellion of 1798 failed to overthrow British rule in Ireland.
- 1798: The Maltese Revolt in September 1798 against French administration in Malta. The French capitulated in September 1800 after they were blockaded inside the islands' harbour fortifications for two years.

Castle Hill convict rebellion:The Battle of Vinegar Hill.
Siege of Saragossa (1809): The French assault on the San Engracia monastery.

Cheering revolutionaries during the Revolutions of 1848
- pre-1800–1872: Philippines revolts against Spain (See also 1896 and 1898 in this list).
- 1803: The rebellion of Robert Emmet in Dublin, Ireland against British rule.
- 1804: Castle Hill convict rebellion
- 1804–1817: The Serbian Revolution against Ottoman rule erupts.
- 1804–1813: The First Serbian Uprising against Ottomans.
- 1807: Tican's Rebellion in Serbia against Austrian rule.
- 1808: Rum Rebellion
- 1808: Kruščica Rebellion in Serbia against Austrian rule.
- 1808: The Dos de Mayo Uprising against the occupation of Madrid by French troops.
- 1808–1814: The Peninsular War.
- 1808–1833: Spanish American Wars of independence, successful war in which had an important role Simón Bolivar and, saw the creation of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and many other countries
- 1809–1810: The rebellion of Velu Thampi Dalawa of Travancore.
- 1809: The city of Chuquisaca, modern Sucre, starts the Chuquisaca Revolution.
- 1809: The city of La Paz starts the La Paz revolution, headed by Pedro Murillo.
- 1809: Tyrolean Rebellion against French occupation forces, crushed after two months with the execution of its main leader Andreas Hofer
- 1810: The West Florida rebellion against Spain, eventually becomes a short-lived republic.
- 1810–1821: The Mexican War of Independence, a revolution against Spanish colonialism.
- 1810: The Viceroy of the Río de la Plata Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros is deposed during the May Revolution.
- 1811: Paraguayan Revolt; Successful bloodless overthrow of the Spanish government in Paraguay by José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, Fulgencio Yegros, Pedro Caballero and other military members.
- 1812: The peasant rebellion of Hong Gyeong-nae against Joseon Dynasty of Korea.
- 1814: Hadži Prodan's Revolt in Serbia against Ottoman rule.
- 1815–1817: The Second Serbian Uprising against Ottomans.
- 1817: The Pernambucan Revolt, a republican separatist movement which resulted in the creation of the short-lived Republic of Pernambuco (7 March 1817 – 20 May 1817).
- 1817: The Pentrich Revolution, Derbyshire; an ill-fated attempt to overthrow the Government, unknowingly it was instigated by William Oliver, aka Oliver the Spy. Three men were executed in November 1817, and fourteen men were transported to NSW. The event is known as 'England's Last Revolution' (9–10 June 1817).
- 1820: Radical War or "Scottish Insurrection".
- 1820: Revolutions in Spain and Portugal.
- 1820-1822: Ecuadorian War of Independence, fight between several South American armies and Spain over control of the lands of the Royal Audience of Quito.
- 1820–1824: The revolutionary war of independence in Peru led by José de San Martín.
- 1821–1829: The Greek War of Independence.
- 1822–1823: The republican revolution in Mexico overthrows Emperor Agustín de Iturbide.
- 1825: The Decembrist revolt in Russian Empire.
- 1825–1830: The Java War or Dipanegara Revolution, when the prince of Mataram Islam against the tax and land rent dommination from Dutch.
- 1826: The Janissary revolt in Ottoman Empire.
- 1826–1828: The Lao rebellion an attempted but suppressed rebellion to restore the former kingdom of Lan Xang.
- 1827–1828: The failed conservative rebellion in Mexico led by Nicolás Bravo.
- 1829: The Bathurst War in New South Wales in Australia. Aboriginal Australian resistance against British rule.
- 1829-1832: The War of the Maidens in Ariège, France. Countrymen dressed as women resisted the new forestry law, which restricted their use of the forest.
- 1830: The July Revolution, or the French Revolution of 1830, was a revolt by the middle class against Bourbon King Charles X which forced him out of office and replaced him with the Orleanist King Louis-Philippe (the "July Monarchy").
- 1830–1833: Yagan's War A revolt by the Noongar people against British rule. Aboriginal Australian resistance.
- 1830: The Belgian Revolution was a conflict in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands that began with a riot in Brussels in August 1830 and eventually led to the establishment of an independent, Catholic and neutral Belgium.
- 1830–1831: The November Uprising in Poland.
- 1831: The Merthyr Rising in South Wales.
- 1831–1832: The Bosnian uprising in Ottoman Empire.
- 1832: The June Rebellion in France.
- 1832–1843: Abdelkader's rebellion in French-occupied Algeria.
- 1833–1835: Lê Văn Khôi revolt in Vietnam, against Nguyễn dynasty
- 1834–1859: Imam Shamil's rebellion in Russian-occupied Caucasus.
- 1835–1836: Texas secedes from Mexico in the Texas Revolution.
- 1835–1845: The Ragamuffin War, Separatists gauchos revolutionaries declared the independence of the Rio Grande do Sul from Brazil.
- 1837–1838: The Rebellions of 1837 and the Upper Canada Rebellion: failed republican revolutions against British rule in Canada.
- 1841–1842: The Afghan uprising. Hostile Afghan tribes massacred Elphinstone's British army including some 12,000 civilian dependents and camp followers.[11]
- 1847: The Maya Rebellion in Yucatán.
- 1847: The Taos Revolt in New Mexico against the United States.
- 1848: The Revolutions of 1848 were a wave of failed liberal and republican revolutions that swept Europe.
- The French Revolution of 1848 led to the creation of the French Second Republic.
- The Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states.
- The Revolutions of 1848 in the German states.
- The Revolutions of 1848 in the Danish States started in the German speaking cities of Altona and Kiel. It spilled into a peaceful revolution in Copenhagen, which abolished absolutism in favor of parliamentary constitutional monarchy, and a counter-revolutionary war against the German speaking minority.
- The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 grew into a war for independence from Austrian Empire.
- The Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848 took place during the Great Famine.
- Wallachian Revolution of 1848
- Moldavian Revolution of 1848.
- 1848: Matale Rebellion A rebellion in British-ruled Ceylon.

Battle of the Yangtze during the Taiping Rebellion.

Confederate soldiers killed behind wall during the Battle of Chancellorsville of the American Civil War.

Paris Commune, May 29, 1871

Boxer rebellion fighting Eight-Nation Alliance

The current Puerto Rican Flag was flown for the first time in Puerto Rico by Fidel Vélez and his men during the "Intentona de Yauco" revolt
- 1851–64: The Taiping Rebellion by the God Worshippers against the Qing Dynasty of China. In total between 20 and 30 million lives had been lost, making it the second deadliest war in human history.
- 1852–62: The Herzegovina Uprising (1852–62) in Ottoman Herzegovina.
- 1853–55: The Small Knife Society rebellion in Shanghai, China
- 1854: A revolution in Spain against the Moderate Party Government
- 1854: The Eureka Rebellion (Eureka Stockade) in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Miners battled British Colonial forces against taxation policies of the Government.
- 1854–56: Peasant Rebel in Vietnam, led by Cao Ba Quat, against Nguyen Dynasty
- 1854–56: The Red Turban Rebellion (1854–1856) in Guangdong (Canton), China
- 1854–73: The Miao Rebellion in China.
- 1854–55: The Revolution of Ayutla in Mexico.
- 1855–73: The Panthay Rebellion by Chinese Muslims against the Qing Dynasty.
- 1857: The Indian rebellion against British East India Company, marking the end of Mughal rule in India. Also known as the 1857 War of Independence and, particularly in the West, the Sepoy Mutiny.
- 1858: The Mahtra War in Estonia.
- 1858: Pecija's First Revolt, in Ottoman Bosnia.
- 1858–61: The War of the Reform in Mexico.
- 1859: The Second Italian War of Independence.
- 1861–65: The American Civil War in the United States, between the United States and the Confederate States of America, which was formed out of eleven southern states.
- 1861–66: Quantrill's Raiders in Missouri.
- 1862: The Sioux Uprising in Minnesota.[12]
- 1862–77: The Muslim Rebellion by Chinese Muslims against the Qing Dynasty.
- 1863: The New York Draft Riots.[13]
- 1863–65: The January Uprising was the Polish uprising against the Russian Empire.
- 1865: The Morant Bay rebellion.
- 1866: The Uprising of Polish political exiles in Siberia.
- 1866–68: The Meiji Restoration and modernization revolution in Japan. Samurai uprising leads to overthrow of shogunate and establishment of "modern" parliamentary, Western-style system.
- 1867: The Fenian Rising: an attempt at a nationwide rebellion by the Irish Republican Brotherhood against British rule.
- 1868: The Glorious Revolution in Spain deposes Queen Isabella II.
- 1868: In the Grito de Lares, rebels proclaim the independence of Puerto Rico from Spain.
- Ten Years' War (1868–1878), also known as the Great War (Guerra Grande) and the War of '68, was part of Cuba's fight for independence from Spain, led by Cuban-born planters (especially by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes) and other wealthy natives.
- 1869–70: The Red River Rebellion, the events surrounding the actions of a provisional government established by Métis leader Louis Riel at the Red River Colony, Manitoba, Canada.
- 1871: The Paris Commune.
- 1871–72: Porfirio Díaz rebels against President Benito Juárez of Mexico.
- 1871: The liberal revolution in Guatemala.
- 1875: The Deccan Riots.
- 1875–77: The Herzegovinian rebellion, the most famous of the rebellions against the Ottoman Empire in Herzegovina; unrest soon spread to other areas of Ottoman Bosnia.
- 1875: The Stara Zagora Uprising, a revolt by the Bulgarian population against Ottoman rule.
- 1876: The second rebellion by Porfirio Díaz against President Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada of Mexico.
- 1876: The April uprising, a revolt by the Bulgarian population against Ottoman rule.
- 1877: The Satsuma Rebellion of Satsuma ex-samurai against the Meiji government.
- 1879: Little War (Cuba) or Small War, second of three conflicts between Cuban rebels and Spain. It started on 26 August 1879 and ended in rebel defeat in September 1880.
- 1882: The Urabi Revolt: an uprising in Egypt on June 11, 1882 against the Khedive and European influence in the country. It was led by and named after Colonel Ahmed Urabi.
- 1885: A peasant revolt in the Ancash region of Peru led by Pedro Pablo Atusparía succeeds in occupying the Callejón de Huaylas for several months.
- 1885–96: Can Vuong movement of Vietnam, led by emperor Ham Nghi, against French colonialism
- 1885: The North-West Rebellion of Métis in Saskatchewan.
- 1888: The Peasant Rebellion in Banten, Indonesia.
- 1893: A liberal revolt brings José Santos Zelaya to power in Nicaragua.
- 1894–95: The Donghak Peasant Revolution: Korean peasants led by Jeon Bong-jun revolted against Joseon Dynasty; the revolt was crushed by Japanese and Chinese intervention, leading to First Sino-Japanese War.
- 1895: The revolution against President Andrés Avelino Cáceres in Peru ushers in a period of stable constitutional rule.
- 1895–1896: The First Italo-Ethiopian War in which Ethiopians fought against Italians colonizers.
- Cuban War of Independence (1895–1898), the last of three liberation wars that Cuba fought against Spain, being this initiated by Jose Marti.
- 1896–98: The Philippine Revolution, a war of independence against Spanish rule directed by the Katipunan society.
- 1897: The Intentona de Yauco a.k.a. the "Attempted Coup of Yauco", was the second and last major revolt against Spanish colonial rule in Puerto Rico, staged by Puerto Rico's pro-independence movement.
- 1898: The Dukchi Ishan (Andican Uprising): Kirgiz, Uzbek, and Kipcak peoples rebelled against Tsarist Russia in Turkestan (Fargana Valley).
- 1898: A mob of white supremacists forced out the city government of Wilmington, North Carolina.[14]
- 1899–1902: The Philippine–American War, an insurgency against the imposition of colonial rule by the United States following the transfer of the Philippines from Spain to the U.S. in the Treaty of Paris which ended the Spanish–American War.
- 1899–1901: The Boxer Rebellion against foreign influence in areas such as trade, politics, religion and technology that occurred in China during the final years of the Qing Dynasty, which was defeated by the Eight-Nation Alliance.

Demonstrations in Istanbul during the Young Turk Revolution
- 1901-1936: Holy Man's Rebellion
- 1903: The Ilinden–Preobrazhenie Uprising of the Macedonians in the Ottoman Empire breaks out.
- 1904: A liberal revolution in Paraguay.
- 1904-1908: Macedonian Struggle
- 1904-1908: Herero Wars
- 1905: The failed bourgeois-liberal revolution against Tsar Nicholas II in Russia.
- 1905: The revolution of Therisso
- 1905: Argentine Revolution of 1905
- 1905–1906: The Persian/Iranian constitutional revolution.
- 1905–1906: The Maji Maji Rebellion in German East Africa.
- 1905: Shoubak Revolt
- 1905: Łódź insurrection (1905)
- 1905-1907: Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland (1905–07)
- 1905-1906: 1905 Tibetan Rebellion
- 1905-1907: 1905 Russian Revolution
- 1906: Bambatha Rebellion
- 1906-1908: Theriso revolt
- 1907: The Romanian Peasants' Revolt.
- 1908: The Young Turk Revolution: Young Turks force the autocratic ruler Abdul Hamid II to restore parliament and constitution in the Ottoman Empire.
- 1909: HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën (1909)
- 1909: Hauran Druze Rebellion

Leaders of the 1910 revolt after the First Battle of Juárez. Seen are José María Pino Suárez, Venustiano Carranza, Francisco I. Madero (and his father), Pascual Orozco, Pancho Villa, Gustavo Madero, Raul Madero, Abraham Gonzalez, and Giuseppe Garibaldi Jr.

Establishment of Republic of China Hubei Military Government on October 11, 1911, the day after Wuchang Uprising

1917 – Execution at Verdun sometime in 1916
Vladimir Lenin leader of the October Revolution
- 1910–1920: The Mexican Revolution overthrows the dictator Porfirio Díaz; seizure of power by the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- 1910: The republican revolution in Portugal.
- 1910: The Albanian Revolt of 1910 against Ottoman centralization policies in Albania.
- 1910–1911: The Sokehs Rebellion erupts in German-ruled Micronesia. Its primary leader, Somatau, is executed soon after being captured.
- 1911–1912: The Xinhai Revolution overthrows the ruling Qing Dynasty and establishment of the Republic of China.
- 1912: The Albanian Revolt of 1912 against Ottoman Empire rule in Albania.
- 1913: The Second Revolution against President Yuan Shikai of China.
- 1914: The Ten Days War was a shooting war involving irregular forces of coal miners using dynamite and rifles on one side, opposed to the Colorado National Guard, Baldwin Felts detectives, and mine guards deploying machine guns, cannon and aircraft on the other, occurring in the aftermath of the Ludlow Massacre. The Ten Days War ended when federal troops intervened.
- 1914–1915: The Boer Revolt against the British in South Africa.
- 1914: The Revolt of Peasants of Central Albania overthrows Prince William of Wied.
- 1915: The Armenian Revolt in city of Van against the Ottomans in Turkey.
- 1915–1916: The National Protection War against the Empire of China headed by Emperor Yuan Shikai. The Republic of China was restored.
- 1916: The Easter Rising in Dublin, Ireland during which the Irish Republic was proclaimed.
- 1916: An anti-French uprising in Algeria.
- 1916: The Central Asian Revolt started when the Russian Empire government ended its exemption of Muslims from military service.
- 1916: Cochinchina uprising of Vietnam against French colonialism
- 1916–1917: The Tuareg rebellion against French colonial rule of the area around the Aïr Mountains of northern Niger.
- 1916–1918: The Arab Revolt with the aim of securing independence from the Ottoman Empire.
- 1916–1923: The Irish War of Independence, the period of nationalist rebellion, guerrilla warfare, political change and civil war which brought about the establishment of the independent nation, the Irish Free State. Sparking the Irish Civil War between pro-treaty forces and pro-republic forces
- 1916–1947: The Indian people's struggle against the British for Indian Independence.
- 1917: The French Army Mutinies.
- 1917: Thai Nguyen uprising of Vietnam, led by Trinh Van Can, against French colonialism
- 1917: The February Revolution in Russia overthrows Tsar Nicholas II.
- 1917: The Green Corn Rebellion takes place in rural Oklahoma.
- 1917: The October Revolution in Russia: Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia and the establishment of the Soviet Union, sparking the Russian Civil War.
- 1917–1921: The Ukrainian Revolution.
- 1918: The Finnish Civil War.
- 1918: The Wilhelmshaven mutiny.
- 1918: The German Revolution overthrows the Kaiser; establishment of the Weimar Republic.
- 1918–1919: A wave of strikes and student unrest shakes Peru. These events influence two of the dominant figures of Peruvian politics in the 20th century: Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre and José Carlos Mariátegui.
- 1918–1919: The Greater Poland Uprising, Polish uprising against German authorities.
- 1918–1919: The 1919 Egyptian revolution against the British occupation of Egypt and Sudan.
- 1918–1920: The Georgian–Ossetian conflict, the southern Ossetians revolted against Georgian rule.[15]
- 1918–1922: The Third Russian Revolution, a failed anarchist revolution against Bolshevism.
- 1918–1931: The Basmachi Revolt against Soviet Russia rule in Central Asia.
- 1919: The Christmas Uprising in Montenegro: Montenegrins (Zelenaši) rebelled against unification of the Kingdom of Montenegro with the Kingdom of Serbia.
- 1919–1920: Iraqi revolt against the British and British-Indian troops, attempting to create a Muslim regime or the restoration of Ottoman rule.
- 1919–1921: The Tambov Rebellion, one of the largest peasant rebellions against the Bolshevik regime during the Russian Civil War.
- 1919–1921: The Silesian Uprisings of the ethnic Poles against Weimar rule.
- 1919–1922: The Turkish War of Independence commanded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
- 1919: Simko Shikak revolt in Persia.
- 1919: A revolution in Hungary, resulting in the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic.
- 1919: March 1st movement In Korea against the Japanese occupation (1910). Ultimately fails but those who died are still remembered today.
- 1920: The Pitchfork Uprising was a peasant uprising against the Soviet policy of the war communism in what is today Tatarstan.
- 1920–1922: Gandhi led Non-cooperation movement.
- 1920-1922: The fascist national revolution in Italy. Led by the former socialist leader Benito Mussolini.
- 1920: The Husino uprising in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 1921: The Battle of Blair Mountain ten to fifteen thousand coal miners rebel in West Virginia, assaulting mountain-top lines of trenches established by the coal companies and local sheriff's forces in the largest armed, organized uprising in American labor history.
- 1921: The Kronstadt rebellion of Soviet sailors against the government of the early Russian SFSR.
- 1921: The rebellion of Mirdita led by Markagjoni declares the independence of Republic of Mirdita from Albania.
- 1921–1923: The Yakut Revolt.
- 1921–1924: A revolution in (Outer) Mongolia re-establishes the country's independence and sets out to construct a Soviet-style socialist state.
- 1921: The Moplah rebellion, uprising against the colonial British authority and Hindu landlords in the Malabar in South India by Mappila Muslims, aftermath of a series of peasant uprising in the past centuries.
- 1922–1923: The Irish Civil War, between supporters of the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the government of the Irish Free State and more radical members of the original Irish Republican Army who opposed the treaty and the new government.
- 1923: Bajram Curri attacks gendarmerie of Kruma, Albania.
- 1923: The founding of the Republic of Turkey by overthrow of the Ottoman Empire and introduction of Atatürk's Reforms.
- 1923: The Klaipėda Revolt in the Memel territory that had been detached from Germany after World War I.
- 1923: The Adwan Rebellion in Jordan.
- 1925: The Sheikh Said Rebellion.
- 1925: The July Revolution in Ecuador.
- 1925–1927: The Great Syrian Revolt, a revolt initiated by the Druze and led by Sultan al-Atrash against French Mandate.
- 1926: Angry catholic peasants of Dukagjin, Shkoder fight against army and gendarmerie.
- 1926: The National Revolution in Portugal initiated a period known as the National Dictatorship.
- 1926–1929: The Cristero War in Mexico, an uprising against anti-clerical government policy.
- 1926–1927: The first PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) rebellion against colonialism and imperialism of Dutch Hindie.
- 1927: KMT Military forces in Nanchang uprising under the leadership of He Long and Zhou Enlai, attempting to seize control of the city after the end of the first Kuomintang-Communist alliance, marking the Nanchang Uprising and the establishment of the People's Liberation Army.
- 1927: Sheikh Abdurrahman rebellion by Kurdish Zazas against Turkey.
- 1927–1930: The Wahhabi Rebellion of Ikhwan against Ibn Saud in Arabia.
- 1927–1931: The Ağrı Rebellion by Kurds against Turkey.
- 1927–1933: A rebellion led by Augusto César Sandino against the United States presence in Nicaragua.
- 1928–1931: A rebellion led by Bhagat Singh against the British Rule in India.

Soldiers assembled in front of the Throne Hall, Siam, 24 June 1932
- 1930: The Brazilian Revolution of 1930 led by Getúlio Vargas.
- 1930–1931: Nghe-Tinh Revolt of Vietnam, led by Vietminh, against French colonialism
- 1930–1934: The Saya San Rebellion of British Burma, led by Saya San, against British colonialism.
- 1930: Yen Bai mutiny of Vietnam, led by Vietnamese Nationalist Party, against French Occupation
- 1930: The Salt Satyagraha, a campaign of non-violent protest against the British salt tax in colonial India.
- 1932: The Constitutionalist Revolution against the provisional president Getúlio Vargas led Brazil to a short civil war.
- 1932: The Aprista revolt in Trujillo, Peru.
- 1932: The 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising,(known as La matanza/"The Slaughter"), Pipil and peasant rebellion led by Farabundo Martí
- 1932: The Siamese coup d'état of 1932, sometimes called the "Promoters Revolution", ends absolute monarchy in Thailand.
- 1933: The popular revolution against Cuban dictator Gerardo Machado.
- 1933: Dutch sailors on the cruiser HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën mutiny.
- 1934: In October, workers including radical socialists and anarchists stage coups in the Spanish regions of Asturias and Catalonia. The immediate cause was the entrance of a right-wing Catholic party into the government of the unstable Second Spanish Republic. The Asturian uprising was put down by General Francisco Franco.
- 1935: Former Aide-de-camp of King Zog, Muharrem Bajraktari led a revolt against government in North Albania.
- 1935: A secret anti-zogist organization led an uprising against government and King Zog in Fier and Lushnje.
- 1935–1936: Iraqi Shia revolts against Hashemite central rule.
- 1935: Imam Reza shrine rebellion in Iran of Shi'ite radicals against Reza Shah.
- 1935–1936: Second Italo-Ethiopian War in which Ethiopians overthrew Italian colonization.
- 1936: The Febrerista Revolution, led by Rafael Franco, ended oligarchic Liberal Party rule in Paraguay.
- 1936: General Francisco Franco led a coup and started the Spanish Civil War.
- 1936: Civil revolutionary war led by Anarchist, Communist, and Socialist working people against the coup of fascist forces, in second Spanish Republic.
- 1936–1939: Arab revolt in Palestine attempts to gain control over the British Mandate.
- 1936–1939: A period of so-called "military socialism" in Bolivia follows a revolution in which celebrated war hero David Toro takes power. A constitution establishing a corporative state is promulgated in 1938, following the nationalization of Standard Oil and the passage of progressive labor laws.
- 1937–1938: The Dersim Rebellion was the most important[16] Kurdish rebellion in modern Turkey.
- 1937: The "Fets de Maig" or May Days, a clash between anarchists and communists during the workers' revolution in Catalonia.
- 1937: The Revolt of Delvina, a revolt of gendarmerie and local peasants against King Zog.

Patrol of Lieut. Stanisław Jankowski ("Agaton") from Battalion Pięść, 1 August 1944: "W-hour" (17:00)

The PLA enters Beijing in the Pingjin Campaign and control the later capital of PRC
- 1940–1944: The Insurgency in Chechnya.
- 1940: Cochinchina Uprising of Vietnam, led by Vietminh, against French and Japanese Occupation
- 1940: Bac Son Uprising of Vietnam, led by Vietminh, against French and Japanese Occupation
- 1940–1947: Mohammad Ali Jinnah's struggle for a separate state for the Muslims of India.
- 1941: The June Uprising against the Soviet Union in Lithuania.
- 1941: Legionnaires' rebellion and Bucharest pogrom, Romania
- 1941–1945: Yugoslav People's Liberation War against the Axis Powers in World War II.
- 1941–1944: Greek Resistance
- 1941: Do Luong Mutiny of Vietnam, led by Doi Cung, against French Occupation
- 1942: Sri Lankan soldiers ignite the Cocos Islands Mutiny in an unsuccessful attempt to transfer the islands to Japanese control.
- 1942: The destruction of the German garrison in Lenin.
- 1943: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
- 1943: The uprising at Treblinka extermination camp.
- 1943: The uprising at Sobibór extermination camp.
- 1943: The Woyane Rebellion in northern Ethiopia threatens to topple the newly restored government, and is put down with British help.
- 1943–1945: Italian Resistance Movement against the Fascist Italian Social Republic, culminating in the 25th April final insurrection in Northern Italy.
- 1944: The Guatemalan Revolution overthrows the dictator Federico Ponce Vaides by liberal military officers.
- 1944: The Warsaw Uprising was an armed struggle during the Second World War by the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa) to liberate Warsaw from German occupation and Nazi rule. It started on 1 August 1944.
- 1944: The Paris Uprising staged by the French Resistance against the German Paris garrison.
- 1944: The Slovak National Uprising against Nazi Germany.
- 1944: The uprising at Auschwitz extermination camp.
- 1944-1947: The Jewish insurgency in Palestine.
- 1944–1947: A Communist-friendly government was installed in Bulgaria following a coup d'état and the Soviet invasion.
- 1944: Following the liberation of Albania, the Communist Party of Albania under Enver Hoxha consolidated its control and declared the People's Republic of Albania in January 1946.
- 1944–1949: The Greek Civil War.
- 1944–1965: The Forest Brothers Rebellion in Baltic states against Soviet Union.
- 1945: The first anti-communist revolt in Eastern Europe in Koplik, Albania led by bayraktars and intellectuals.
- 1945–1949: The Indonesian National Revolution against Dutch after their independence from Japan. Led by Soekarno, Hatta, Tan Malaka, etc. with the Dutch led by Van Mook.
- 1945: The Prague uprising against German occupation during World War II.
- 1945: Ba To Uprising of Vietnam, led by Vietminh, against French and Japanese Occupation
- 1945: The August Revolution led by Ho Chi Minh and Vietminh declared the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from French rule.
- 1945: A democratic revolution in Venezuela, led by Rómulo Betancourt.
- 1946: The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny takes place in Bombay, and spreads to different parts of British India, demanding Indian independence.
- 1946: Another attempt of anti-communist forces in Albania to take out the government takes place in Shkoder.
- 1946: The Battle of Athens, Tennessee (aka the McMinn County War); a local revolt against officials accused of rigging local elections.
- 1946–1951: The Telangana Rebellion: a Communist-led peasant revolt in Hyderabad State, India.
- 1947: Three months after an abortive coup, civil war broke out in Paraguay. The rebellion was crushed by the government of dictator Higinio Morínigo.
- 1947 : Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan waged and led a guerrilla war against the Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir and formed a revolutionary Government on 24 October under his Presidency. He captured a large area of Kashmir called Azad Kashmir.
- 1947–1952: In the Albanian Subversion, the intelligence services of the United States and Britain deployed exiled fascists, Nazis, and monarchists in a failed attempt to foment a counterrevolution in Communist-ruled Albania.
- 1947: Angami Zapu Phizo declared the independence of Nagaland from India only to be subdued by the Indian army.
- 1947: The 228 Massacre occurred following discontent and resentment of the native Taiwanese under the early rule of the KMT of the island.
- 1947: India wins independence from Britain.
- 1948: The Costa Rican Civil War precipitated by the vote of the Costa Rican Legislature, dominated by pro-government representatives, to annul the results of the presidential election of 1948.
- 1948: Following the liberation of Korea, Marxist former guerrillas under Kim Il Sung work to rapidly industrialize the country and rid it of the last vestiges of "feudalism.".
- 1948–1960: The Malayan Emergency.
- 1948: Al-Wathbah (the Leap) uprising in Iraq.
- 1949: The communists under chairman Mao Zedong expels the ruling Nationalist Party in the Civil War and establishes the People's Republic of China. The Republic of China's control is reduced to Taiwan and its outlying islands.
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Barricades in Algiers. "Long live Massu" (Vive Massu) is written on the banner. (January 1960)

Raúl Castro (left), with his arm around second-in-command, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, in their Sierra de Cristal Mountain stronghold in Oriente Province Cuba, 1958.
- 1950: The Cazin uprising in the town of Cazin, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 1950: The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Revolts of the 1950s in Puerto Rico, attempt on the life of US president Harry S. Truman in the Blair House, and shooting at Congress, was a call for Puerto Rico's independence and uprising by the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party against United States Government rule of Puerto Rico.
- 1954–1962: The Algerian War of Independence: an uprising against French colonialism.
- 1950s: The Mau Mau Uprising.
- 1952: A popular revolution in Bolivia led by Víctor Paz Estenssoro and the Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR) initiates a period of multiparty democracy lasting until a 1964 military coup.
- 1952: The Rosewater Revolution in Lebanon.
- 1952: Egyptian Revolution of 1952
- 1953: The Vorkuta uprising was a major uprising of the Gulag inmates in Vorkuta in the summer of 1953. Like other camp uprisings it was bloodily quelled by the Red Army and the NKVD.[17]
- 1953–1975: The Laotian Civil War in Laos.
- 1954: The Kengir uprising in the Soviet prison labor camp Kengir.
- 1954: The Uyghur uprising against Chinese rule in Hotan.
- 1955–1960: The Guerrilla war against British colonial rule of Cyprus led by the EOKA (National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters).
- 1955–1972: The First Sudanese Civil War was a conflict between the northern part of Sudan and a south that demanded more regional autonomy.
- 1956–1959: The Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro removes the government of General Fulgencio Batista. By 1962 Cuba had been transformed into a declared socialist republic.
- 1956–1962: The Border Campaign led by the Irish Republican Army against the British, along the border of the independent Republic of Ireland and British Northern Ireland.
- 1956: The Hungarian Revolution, a failed workers' and peasants' revolution against the Soviet-supported communist state in Hungary.
- 1956: The Tibetan rebellions against Chinese rule broke out in Amdo and Kham.
- 1958: A popular revolt in Venezuela against military dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez culminates in a civic-military coup d'état.
- 1958: The Iraqi Revolution (14 July Revolution) led by nationalist soldiers abolishes the British-backed monarchy, executes many of its top officials, and begins to assert the country's independence from both Cold War power blocs.
- 1959: The failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule led to the flight of the Dalai Lama.
- 1959–1962: In the Rwandan Revolution, the Tutsi king of Rwanda is forced into exile by Hutu extremists; racial pogroms follow an assassination attempt on Hutu leader Grégoire Kayibanda.

Portuguese soldiers in Angola
- 1960: A group of disaffected Ethiopian officers make an unsuccessful attempt to depose Emperor Haile Selassie and replace him with a more progressive government, but are defeated by the rest of the Ethiopian military.
- 1960: April Revolution erupts in South Korea, leading to the end of the First Republic of South Korea.
- 1961–1970: First Kurdish Iraqi War erupts as a result of Barzanji clan uprising.
- 1961–1991: The Eritrean War of Independence led by Isaias Afewerki against Ethiopia.
- 1961–1975: The Angolan War of Independence began as an uprising against forced cotton harvesting, and became a multi-faction struggle for control of Portugal's Overseas Province of Angola.
- 1962–1974: The leftist African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) wages a revolutionary war of independence in Portuguese Guinea. In 1973, the independent Republic of Guinea-Bissau is proclaimed, and the next year the republic's independence is recognized by the reformist military junta in Lisbon.
- 1962: The military coup of 1962 in Burma, led by General Ne Win, who became the country's strongman.
- 1962: A revolution in northern Yemen overthrew the imam and established the Yemen Arab Republic.
- 1962–1975: Dhofar Rebellion in Oman.
- 1963: White Revolution in Iran.
- 1963: Syrian coup d'état in Syria who bring Ba'ath Party to Power
- 1963–1970: The Bale Revolt in southern Ethiopia, was a guerrilla war by local Somali and Oromo against Amhara settlers.
- 1964: Simba Rebellion in the Congo.
- 1964: The Zanzibar Revolution overthrew the 157-year-old Arab monarchy, declared the People's Republic of Zanzibar, and began the process of unification with Julius Nyerere's Tanganyika.
- 1964–1979: The Rhodesian Bush War, also known as the Second Chimurenga, was a guerrilla war which lasted from July 1964 to 1979 and led to universal suffrage, the end of white minority rule in Rhodesia, and the creation of the Republic of Zimbabwe.
- 1964: The October Revolution in Sudan, driven by a general strike and rioting, forced President Ibrahim Abboud to transfer executive power to a transitional civilian government, and eventually to resign.
- 1964–1975: The Mozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO), formed in 1962, commenced a guerrilla war against Portuguese colonialism. Independence was granted on June 25, 1975; however, the Mozambican Civil War complicated the political situation and frustrated FRELIMO's attempts at radical change. The war continued into the early 1990s after the government dropped Marxism as the state ideology.
- 1964–present: The Colombian Armed Conflict.
- 1965: The March Intifada in Bahrain: a Leftist uprising demanding an end to the British presence in Bahrain.
- 1966: Kwame Nkrumah is removed from power in Ghana by coup d'état.
- 1966-1990: A South African Police patrol clashes with militants of the South West African People's Organization in 1966, sparking the Namibian War of Independence. The conflict is part of the larger South African Border War and linked closely with South Africa's intervention in the Angolan Civil War. It largely ended with Namibia's first democratic elections in 1989.
- 1966–1993: A guerrilla warfare was conducted against the government of François Tombalbaye from the Sudan-based group FROLINAT.
- 1966–1998: The Ulster Volunteer Force was recreated by militant Protestant British loyalists in Northern Ireland to wage war against the Irish Republican Army and the Roman Catholic community at large.
- 1966- The year it is estimated the Black Power movement began, with no exact official end date.
- 1967–1968 Iraqi communists launched an insurgency in southern Iraq.[18]
- 1967–1970: Biafra: The former eastern Nigeria unsuccessfully fought for a breakaway republic of Biafra, after the mainly Igbo people of the region suffered pogroms in northern Nigeria the previous year.
- 1967: The Naxalite Movement begins in India, led by the AICCCR.
- 1967: Anguillans resentful of Kittitian domination of the island expelled the Kittitian police and declared independence from the British colony of Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla. British forces retook the island in 1969 and made Anguilla a separate dependency in 1980. There was no bloodshed in the entire episode.
- 1967 - 1973: The Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War begins to turn violent, the violence later escalates. Incidents include the Weather High School Jailbreaks and the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion
- 1968: The revolution in the Republic of Congo.
- 1968: The May 1968 revolt: students' and workers' revolt against the government of Charles de Gaulle in France.
- 1968: A coup by Juan Velasco Alvarado in Peru, followed by radical social and economic reforms.
- 1968: A failed attempt by leader Alexander Dubček to liberalise Czechoslovakia in defiance of the Soviet-supported communist state culminates in the Prague Spring.
- 1969–1998: The Troubles: the Provisional Irish Republican Army and other Republican Paramilitaries waged an armed campaign against British Security forces and Loyalist Paramilitaries in an attempt to bring about a United Ireland.
- 1969: A mass movement of workers, students, and peasants in Pakistan forced the resignation of President Mohammad Ayub Khan.
- 1969: The Days of Rage occur, part of the Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War.

Khomeini returns to Iran after 14 years exile on February 1, 1979
- 1970: The Black Power Revolution occurs in Trinidad.
- 1970: A rebellion in Guinea by what its government identified as Portuguese agents.
- 1970–1971: Black September in Jordan
- 1971: The Bangladesh Liberation War led by the Mukti Bahini establishes the independent People's Republic of Bangladesh from the former East Pakistan.
- 1972: A revolution in Benin.
- 1972: A military-led revolution against the civilian government of President Philibert Tsiranana in the Malagasy Republic; a Marxist faction takes power in 1975 under Didier Ratsiraka, modeled on the North Korean juche theory developed by Kim Il Sung.
- 1973: Wounded Knee Incident. American Indian Movement activists and Oglala Lakota besiege the small town of Wounded Knee in protest of government policies towards Native Americans and the corrupt Wilson Regime. Part of the Red Power movement
- 1973: Mohammad Daud Khan overthrows the monarchy and establishes a republic in Afghanistan.
- 1973: Worker-student demonstrations in Thailand force dictator Thanom Kittikachorn and two close associates to flee the country, beginning a short period of democratic constitutional rule.
- 1974: A revolution in Ethiopia.
- 1974–1975: The Carnation Revolution overthrows the right-wing dictatorship in Portugal. Leads to the independence of Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste and recognition of Guinea-Bissau's self-proclaimed independence.
- 1975–1991: The Western Sahara War was a conflict between the Sahrawi national liberation movement named POLISARIO against the armies of their neighbours, Morocco and Mauritania, who have entered the territory when the Spanish colonizers troops fled.
- 1975: A revolution in Cambodia.
- 1975: Lebanese Civil War lasted from 1975 to 1990.
- 1975: 15 August, coup led by young military officers and the Assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Bangladesh.
- 1975: Coup led by Brigadier Khaled Mosharraf and Colonel Shafaat Jamil in Bangladesh to depose President Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad. Three days later a counter-coup by Colonel Abu Taher puts Ziaur Rahman in power.
- 1976: Student demonstrations and election-related violence in Thailand lead police to open fire on a sit-in at Thammasat University, killing hundreds. The military seizes power the next day, ending constitutional rule.
- 1977: Egyptian Bread Riots the riots were a spontaneous uprising by hundreds of thousands of lower-class people, at least 79 people were killed and 800 wounded.
- 1977: The Market Women's Revolt in Guinea leads to a lessening of the state's role in the economy.
- 1978: The Saur Revolution led by the Khalq faction of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan deposes and kills President Mohammad Daud Khan.
- 1979: New Jewel Movement led by Maurice Bishop launch an armed revolution and overthrow the government of Eric Gairy in Grenada.
- 1979: The popular overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship by progressive/Marxist Nicaraguan Revolution.
- 1979: The Iranian Revolution overthrows Shah Reza Pahlavi, resulting in the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- 1979: Cambodia is liberated from the Khmer Rouge regime by the Vietnam-backed Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party.
- 1979–1992: Salvadoran Civil War
- 1980: National Socialist Council of Nagaland launches its struggle against Indian administration and the establishment of the greater Nagaland.
- 1980: The Santo Rebellion in the Anglo-French condominium of New Hebrides
- 1980–2000: The Communist Party of Peru launched the internal conflict in Peru.
- 1980: First Entumbane uprising in Zimbabwe.
- 1981: Assassination of Ziaur Rahman in Bangladesh sparks protests and riots.
- 1981: Second Entumbane uprising in Zimbabwe.
- 1982: General Hussain Muhammad Ershad seizes power through a bloodless coup, deposing president Abdus Sattar in Bangladesh.
- 1983: Overthrow of the ruling Conseil de Salut du peuple (CSP) by Marxist forces led by Thomas Sankara in Upper Volta, renamed Burkina Faso in the following year.
- 1983: Prime Minister of Grenada, Maurice Bishop, overthrown and subsequently executed by high-ranking government officials.
- 1983 Beginning on July 23, 1983, there was an on-and-off insurgency against the Government of Sri Lanka by the LTTE, also known as the Tamil Tigers.
- 1983–2005: The Second Sudanese Civil War was largely a continuation of the First Sudanese Civil War, and one of the longest lasting and deadliest wars of the later 20th century.
- 1984–1999: Kurdish uprising for independence from the Republic of Turkey
- 1984–1985: Pro-independence Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) forces in New Caledonia revolt following an election boycott and occupy the town of Thio from November 1984 to January 1985. Thio is retaken by the French after the assassination of Éloi Machoro, the security minister in the FLNKS provisional government and the primary leader of the occupation.[19]
- 1985: Soviet and Afghanistan P.O.W.s rose against their captors at Badaber base.
- 1986: The People Power Revolution peacefully overthrows Ferdinand Marcos after his two decade rule in the Philippines.
- 1986–1991: Somali Rebellion as a result of military dictator Siad Barre beginning to attack clan-based dissident groups.
- 1986: Khalistan Commando Force started armed movement for the establishment of Khalistan, an independent Sikh homeland. The movement, as is the case with other Sikh nationalistic movements, was fueled in part by the Indian army's Operation Blue Star. The armed struggle resulted in thousands of mostly civilian deaths.
- 1987–1991: The First Intifada, or the Palestinian uprising, a series of violent incidents between Palestinians and Israelis.
- 1988–1991: The Pan-Armenian National Movement frees Armenia from Soviet rule.
- 1988: The 8888 Uprising In Burma or Myanmar.
- 1989: Armed resistance breaks out in the Kashmir valley against Indian administration.[20]
- 1989–1991: The Singing Revolution, bloodless overthrow of communist rule in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
- 1989: The violent Caracazo riots in Venezuela. In the next few years, there are two attempted coups and President Carlos Andrés Pérez is impeached.
- 1989–1997: The First Liberian Civil War in Liberia
- 1989: Revolutions of 1989
- Communism is peacefully overthrown in Poland and Hungary.
- The Tiananmen Square protests, a series of street demonstrations led by students, intellectuals and labour activists in the People's Republic of China between 15 April and 4 June 1989, ended in a violent crackdown by the People's Liberation Army.
- Demonstrations in East Germany led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
- Demonstrations in the People's Republic of Bulgaria lead to the fall of the communist regime there.
- The bloodless Velvet Revolution overthrows the communist regime in Czechoslovakia.
- The Romanian Revolution kills the dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife, Elena Ceauşescu in the Socialist Republic of Romania.
- 1990–present: United Liberation Front of Asom launch major violent activities against Indian rule in Assam.To date, the resulting clashes with the Indian army have left more than 10,000 dead.[21]
- 1990-1993: Rwandan Civil War
- 1990–1992: Anticommunist forces led a National Democratic Revolution that overthrew President Ramiz Alia and ended with the win of elections by Democratic Party of Albania the biggest anticommunist party in Albania.
- 1990–1995: The Log Revolution in Croatia starts, triggering the Croatian War of Independence.
- 1990–1995: The First Tuareg Rebellion in Niger and Mali.
- 1991–2002: The Sierra Leone Civil War against the administration of president, Joseph Saidu Momoh.
- 1991: The Kurdish uprising against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in Iraqi Kurdistan.
- 1991: The Shiite Uprising in Karbala, Iraq.
- 1991: The failed 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt takes place.
- 1991: The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front take control of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, after dictator Haile Mariam Mengistu flees the country, bringing an end to the Ethiopian Civil War
- 1991: Somali National Movement rebels establish the Somaliland administration in northwestern Somalia, and declare the region independent from the rest of the country.
- 1992–1995: Bosnian War of Independence.
- 1992: An Afghan uprising against the Taliban by United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan, or the Northern Alliance.
- 1994: The 1990s Uprising in Bahrain, Shiite-led rebellion for the restoration of democracy in Bahrain.
- 1994: The Zapatista Rebellion: an uprising in the Mexican state of Chiapas demanding equal rights for indigenous peoples and in opposition to growing neoliberalism in North America.
- 1994–1996: The First Chechen Rebellion against Russia.
- 1996: An Islamic movement in Afghanistan led by the Taliban established Taliban rule.
- 1996–1997: The First Congo War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- 1997: The 1997 rebellion in Albania sparked by Ponzi scheme failures.
- 1997–1999: The Kosovo Rebellion against Yugoslavia.
- 1997–1999: The Republic of the Congo Civil War
- 1998: The election in Venezuela of socialist leader Hugo Chávez known as the Bolivarian Revolution.
- 1998: The Indonesian Revolution of 1998 resulted the resignation of President Suharto after three decades of the New Order period.
- 1998–1999: The Guinea-Bissau Civil War against the administration and government of President Joao Bernardo Vieira.
- 1998–2003: The Second Congo War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- 1999–2003: The Second Liberian Civil War against the government of Liberia.
- 1999–present: The Second Chechen Rebellion against Russia.
- 1999: The Iran student protests, July 1999 were, at the time, the most violent protests to occur against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- 2000–2005: The Second Intifada, a continuation of the First Intifada, between Palestinians and Israel.
- 2000: The bloodless Bulldozer Revolution, first of the four colour revolutions (in 2000, 2003, 2004, and 2005), overthrows Slobodan Milošević's régime in Yugoslavia.
- 2001: The 2001 Macedonia conflict.
- 2001–present: The Taliban insurgency following the 2001 war in Afghanistan which overthrew Taliban rule.
- 2001: The 2001 EDSA Revolution peacefully ousts Philippine President Joseph Estrada after the collapse of his impeachment trial.
- 2001: Supporters of Philippines former president Joseph Estrada violently and unsuccessfully stage a rally, so-called the EDSA Tres, in an attempt of returning him to power.
- 2001: Cacerolazo in Argentina. Following mass riots and a period of civil unrest, popular protests oust the government and two additional interim presidents within months. December 2001 riots in Argentina
- 2003: The Rose Revolution, second of the colour revolutions, displaces the president of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, and calls new elections.
- 2003–present: The Iraqi insurgency refers to the armed resistance by diverse groups within Iraq to the U.S. occupation of Iraq and to the establishment of a liberal democracy therein.
- 2003–present: The Darfur rebellion led by the two major rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM/A) and the Justice and Equality Movement, recruited primarily from the land-tilling Fur, Zaghawa, and Massaleit ethnic groups.
- 2003-present: Conflict in the Niger Delta
- 2004–present: The Shi'ite Uprising against the US-led occupation of Iraq.
- 2004–2005: The Orange Revolution in Ukraine. After Viktor Yanukovych was declared the winner of the presidential elections people took to the streets in protest demanding new elections. This was the third colour revolution.
- 2004: A failed attempt at popular colour-style revolution in Azerbaijan, led by the groups Yox! and Azadlig.
- 2004: War in North-West Pakistan
- 2004–present: The Naxalite insurgency in India, led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
- 2004–2013: The Kivu Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- 2005: The Cedar Revolution, triggered by the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, asks for the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.
- 2005: The Tulip Revolution (a.k.a. Pink/Yellow Revolution) overthrows the President of Kyrgyzstan, Askar Akayev, and set new elections. This is the fourth colour revolution.
- 2005: Paraguayan People's Army insurgency
- 2005: April 15 Intifada – Arab uprising in the Iranian province of Khuzestan.
- 2006: 2006 democracy movement in Nepal.
- 2006: The 2006 Oaxaca protests demanding the removal of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, the governor of Oaxaca state in Mexico.
- 2006–present: The Mexican Drug War.
- 2007–2015: The Civil war in Ingushetia
- 2007–2009: The Second Tuareg Rebellion in Niger.
- 2007: The Burmese anti-government protests, including the Saffron Revolution of Burmese Buddhist monks.
- 2008: 2008 Armenian presidential election protests
- 2008: 2008 Kashmir Unrest
- 2008: A Shiite uprising in Basra.
- 2008: Attacks in Lanao del Norte in the Philippines by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front led by Kumander Bravo and Umbrfa Kato.
- 2008 Anti-austerity protests in Ireland
- 2009: 2009 Iranian presidential election protests, leading to development of Iranian Green Movement
- 2009: 2009 Bangladesh Rifles revolt took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh killing 57 army officers.
- 2009–2011: A civil uprising popularly known as the Kitchenware Revolution brought down the Icelandic government after the collapse of the country's financial system in October 2008.
- 2009: The 2009 Malagasy political crisis in the Madagascar
- 2009: The Dongo conflict In the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- 2009-present: War in Somalia (2009–present)
- 2009-2015: South Yemen insurgency
- 2009: 2009 Boko Haram uprisingµ
- 2009-present: Insurgency in the North Caucasus

Tahrir Square protest during the Arab Spring in Egypt
A line of riot police in the city of Kiev during the Ukrainian revolution.

Ferguson unrest during the first wave of the Ferguson riots.
- 2010 Thai political protests
- 2010-2011: 2010–2011 Ivorian crisis
- 2010-2012: Tajikistan insurgency
- 2010: Kyrgyz Revolution of 2010
- 2010: Kashmir Unrest 2010
- 2010–2012: Arab Spring:
- The Tunisian revolution (2010–2011) forces President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to resign and flee the country, and sets free elections.
- The 2011 Egyptian revolution brings down the regime of President Hosni Mubarak.
- The 2011 Libyan Civil War in which rebel forces gradually take control of the country, and kill leader Muammar Gaddafi.
- 2011 Post-civil war violence in Libya
- Syrian civil war
- Bahraini uprising of 2011
- 2011 Yemeni revolution the revolt that lead to the eventual resignation of Ali Abdullah Saleh as President of Yemen.
- 2011-present: Sinai insurgency
- 2011-present: Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile
- 2011-present: Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon
- 2011-present: Ethnic violence in South Sudan (2011–present)
- 2011-2014: Iraqi insurgency (2011–14)
- 2011–12 Maldives political crisis: Public protests and police mutiny lead to resignation of President Mohammed Nasheed
- 2012-present: Rojava Revolution in Syrian Kurdistan.
- 2012-2015: Northern Mali conflict
- 2012-present: 2012 Tuareg rebellion
- 2012-present: Central African Republic conflict (2012–present)–François Bozizé, president of the Central African Republic, is overthrown by the rebel coalition Seleka, led by Michel Djotodia.
- 2012-2013: M23 rebellion
- 2012–15 unrest in Romania
- June 2013 Egyptian protests, which led to Mohamed Morsi being removed in what he and his organization accuses of being a "coup d'état"
- 2013 Eritrean Army mutiny
- 2013-present: Turkey–ISIL conflict
- 2013-present: RENAMO insurgency (2013–present)
- Insurgency in Egypt (2013–present)
- 2013 South Sudanese political crisis
- 2013-2015: South Sudanese Civil War
- 2013–14 Tunisian protests against the Ennahda-led government.
- 2013-2014: Euromaidan
- 2013–14 Thai political crisis
- 2014-present: 2014 Protests in Venezuela
- 2014-present: 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine
- 2014-present: Iraqi Civil War (2014–present)
- 2014-present: Libyan Civil War (2014–present)
- Abkhazian Revolution
- 2014 Burkinabé uprising
- 2015-present: Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)
- 2015-present: 2015 Burundian unrest
- 2015-present: 2015 PKK rebellion
- 2015-present: ISIL insurgency in Tunisia
- 2015–16 protests in Brazil
- 2016-present: 2016 Niger Delta conflict
- 2016-present: 2016 Kashmir Unrest
- 2016 Ethiopian protests
See also
- List of civil wars
- List of cultural, intellectual, philosophical and technological revolutions
- List of fictional rebellions
- List of guerrillas
- List of invasions
- List of peasant revolts
- List of rebellions in China
- List of riots
- List of strikes
- List of uprisings led by women
- List of usurpers
- List of wars of independence (national liberation)
- List of women who led a revolt or rebellion
- List of active communist armed groups
- Slave rebellion (including list of North American slave revolts)
- ↑ P.E. Newberry, The Seth rebellion of the 2nd Dynasty, in: Ancient Egypt., no. 7. 1922. pp. 40–46.
- ↑ Jimmy Dunn, "Khasekhem/Khasekhemwy of Egypt's 2nd Dynasty", Tour Egypt
- ↑ Ober, Josiah (1996). The Athenian Revolution. Princeton University Press. pp. 32–52.
- ↑ Jason Burke, "Dig uncovers Boudicca's brutal streak", The Observer, 3 December 2000
- ↑ "". Retrieved 14 December 2014.
- ↑ Zanj rebellion
- ↑ Timur, Encyclopædia Britannica
- ↑ "Shimabara Rebellion". Encyclopedia Britannica. Archived from the original on May 27, 2008. Retrieved 14 December 2014.
- ↑ "The Slave Revolts by Herbert Aptheker". Archived from the original on January 12, 2009. Retrieved 14 December 2014.
- ↑ THE FÉDONS OF GRENADA, 1763–1814. Posted by Curtis Jacobs. Retrieved March 10, 2013, to 18: 25 pm.
- ↑ Summary: the First Anglo-Afghan War, 1838–42 Archived May 9, 2008, at the Wayback Machine.
- ↑ Kunnen-Jones, Marianne (2002-08-21). "Anniversary Volume Gives New Voice To Pioneer Accounts of Sioux Uprising". University of Cincinnati. Retrieved 2007-06-06.
- ↑ Renowned author to speak about 1863 New York draft riots at Fairfield University's DiMenna-Nyselius Library Archived June 14, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. press release Fairfield University
- ↑ How The Only Coup D'Etat In U.S. History Unfolded. NPR/Weekend Edition Sunday, August 17, 2008.
- ↑ Analysis: roots of the conflict between Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia
- ↑ Paul J. White, Primitive rebels or revolutionary modernizers?: the Kurdish national movement in Turkey, Zed Books, 2000, p. 79.
- ↑ "I. Baltic Prisoners of the Gulag Revolts of 1953 – L. Latkovskis". Retrieved 14 December 2014.
- ↑ Tripp, Charles (2005). A History of Iraq. Cambridge University Press. pp. 188–189, 196. ISBN 978-0-521-70247-8.
- ↑ Tripp, Charles (2005). A History of Iraq. Cambridge University Press. pp. 116–126. ISBN 978-0-521-70247-8
- ↑ "India Pakistan – Timeline". BBC News. Retrieved 14 December 2014.
- ↑ "Five killed in Assam bomb blasts". Dawn. Retrieved 14 December 2014.
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