Lycée Montaigne (Paris)
The Lycée Montaigne is a famous French public secondary school. It is located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, near the Jardin du Luxembourg, and was founded in the 1880s.
The school currently has around 800 pupils at the Collège level, and 1,000 pupils at the Lycée level. The school also offers classes préparatoires for 150 pupils. The lycée has science (S), literature (L) and economics (ES) sections. The classes préparatoires are specialized in economics (ECE and ECS).
It also has two international sections, in Portuguese and Polish.

Lycée Montaigne
Famous alumni of the Lycée Montaigne include:
- Alexis Bossard, musician and drummer.
- André Weinfeld, writer, director, producer.
- Frédéric Beigbeder, writer.
- René Clair, filmmaker.
- Michel Debré, former French Prime Minister.
- Richard Descoings, director of the Paris Institute of Political Studies.
- Karl Lagerfeld, fashion designer.
- Régis Laspalès, comedian and actor.
- Jean-Marie Lustiger, former archbishop of Paris.
- Phetsarath, former Prime Minister of Laos.
- Renaud, singer.
- Karl Stoeckel, president of the student union Union Nationale Lycéenne in 2005-2006.
- Roland Barthes, cultural theorist, essayist, literary critic.
See also
There is an unrelated Lycée Montaigne in Bordeaux, the website of which is (French).
External links
All are in the jurisdiction of the Académie de Paris |
2nd |
- Lycée Jean-Baptiste Lulli
3rd | |
4th |
- École Massillon
- Lycée Charlemagne
- Lycée des Francs-Bourgeois
- Lycée Sophie Germain
- Lycée d'enseignement commercial Théophile Gautier
5th | |
6th | |
7th | |
8th | |
9th | |
10th |
- Lycée Colbert
- Lycée Edgar-Poe
- Lycée Jules-Siegfried
- Établissement Bossuet Notre-Dame
- Lycée Rocroy-Saint-Léon
11th |
- Lycée Dorian
- Lycée Voltaire
- Établissement Charles-Péguy
- Lycée Ozar Hatorah
- Votre École Chez Vous
12th |
- Lycée Arago
- Lycée Paul-Valéry
- Lycée Saint-Michel de Picpus
- Cours Spinoza
- Ensemble scolaire Eugène-Napoléon - Saint-Pierre-Fourier
- Établissement scolaire Georges-Leven
13th |
- Lycée Rodin
- Lycée Claude-Monet
- Lycée professionnel Corvisart-Tolbiac
- École nationale de chimie physique et biologie de Paris
- École Yabné
- Groupe scolaire Notre Dame de France
- Groupe scolaire Saint Vincent de Paul
- Lycée Le Rebours
- Lycée Technique Privé de l'École Technique Supérieure du Laboratoire
14th |
- Lycée Catherine-Labouré
- Lycée François-Villon
- Lycée Raspail
15th |
- Lycée Beaugrenelle
- Lycée Claude Anthime Corbon
- Lycée Roger Verlomme
- Lycée Brassai
- Lycée Louis-Armand
- Lycée Fresnel
- Lycée Léonard de Vinci
- Lycée de l'École nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliquées
- Lycée Bâtiment Saint Lambert
- Etablissement régional adapté Alexandre Dumas
- Lycée Buffon
- Lycée Camille-Sée
- Lycée autogéré de Paris
- École Jeannine Manuel
- École, Collège, Lycée Privés Sainte-Élisabeth
- Lycée Blomet
- École Internationale Bilingue- Victor Hugo School
- Ecole Skol Diwan
- Ecole secondaire Georges Gusdorf
- Ecole Saint Joseph
16th | |
17th | |
18th |
- Lycée François-Rabelais
- Lycée Belliard
- Lycée Suzanne Valadon
- Lycée Edmond Rostand
- Lycée technologique d'Arts appliqués Auguste-Renoir
- Lycée Charles-de-Foucauld
- Collège lycée Sinaï
19th |
- Lycée polyvalent d'Alembert
- Lycée Diderot
- Lycée Georges-Brassens
- Lycée Henri-Bergson
- Lycée Jacquard
- École Lucien-de-Hirsch
- Institutions scolaires du Beth Loubavitch
- Lycée l'Initiative
- Lycée Jules-Richard
- Lycée N'R Hatorah
20th |
- Lycée Hélène-Boucher
- Lycée Maurice-Ravel
- Lycée Charles-de-Gaulle
- Lycée Beth Yacov
- Lycée Heikhal Menahem Sinaï
Former schools |
- Lycée professionnel Mariano-Fortuny (17th)
- Lycée Jean-Quarré (19th)
This list is incomplete. Some international schools serving expatriates in the Paris region are in surrounding areas: See International schools in France |
Coordinates: 48°50′38″N 2°20′5″E / 48.84389°N 2.33472°E / 48.84389; 2.33472