Madeleine Boschan
Madeleine Boschan (born 1979) is a German sculptor.
Madeleine Boschan studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig from 2000–2006; where she was taught by John Armleder and others.[1]
Since 2010 she has participated in numerous institutional exhibitions throughout Europe and North America focusing on: artistic strategies dealing with preconditioned role-models and relationships of people, everyday objects or readymades, furniture and architecture,[2] as well as new tendencies of Abstract art,[3] contemporary art from Berlin or Germany,[4] and the interdisciplinary impact of the Cabinet of curiosities on contemporary thinking, science and exhibition practice.[5]
In 2011, she took part as artist in residence and lecturer in the Manchester-wide festival Merzman: Kurt Schwitters in the North West, celebrating the legacy and influence of German artist Kurt Schwitters.[6]
In 2015 she will be artist in residence at Herrenhaus Edenkoben / Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
She lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
Working practice
Madeleine Boschan builds her sculptures from found material. These objets trouvés are modified, reassembled and brought in relation with each other by colour interventions.[7] The different components lose their common value of utilization. With their machine-like appearance her sculptures seem to suggest expedience, still, they inhere in a kind of defunctionalised dissociation – as do indigenous fetishes or desolate and disused apparatus.[8]
Her work originates from ethology or behavioural biology, questioning the origins of places of social exchange and the cultural specificities of ritualized social orders as well as their dystopic collapse. Further influences originate from her preoccupation with Animism, Totemism, Psychogeography and the situationist technique of Détournement, Science Fiction, as well as with the conditions of postmodernist, post-industrial societies.[9]
She examines sculptural constellations, their installational or site-specific expansion in space as well as the singular densifications within a particular sculpture. Her sculptures take over and occupy the empty space as pack- or swarm-like systems, they form it, notwithstanding, releasing it again to open up unbound vistas. She strives to make perceptible the interconnectedness, the simulated and the doubtable of today's societies.[10]
In late 2013, she started to reconsider, concentrate and map out her primary pictorial vocabulary anew. This led to a series of eight sculptures which, in their entirety, have been presented for the first time at Marburger Kunstverein in December 2014. With these sculptural bodies she made her previously linear and gestalt-like sculptures more planar, giving them more surface, realigning them towards the surrounding space and, with more areas of friction, relating them closer to the beholders. They reside freely or paratactically throughout the given space, yet in their individual, utmost elementary states they are constantly alluding to each other and, similarly, to us sharing the same space with them, sojourning amidst them.[11]
The vantage point of this endeavour has been "Technicolor", the additive / subtractive manufacturing process of colour films. Inseparably, Boschan incorporated Technicolor’s base colours into her forms; thus, the specific chromaticity originated its very own specific forms. Since the 1950s, Technicolor has been "the colorous horizon both for individual melodramas and supra-personal grand histories opening up a vast field of sentiment and monument".[12] Boschan advanced these constitutive references between inner and outer experience based on her reading of American poet Frank O’Hara (1926–1966) whose poetry similarly verges upon the boundaries of daily observations and subjective sensations.
Solo exhibitions
- in which its gaze, bent merely on itself, upholds and gleams, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Escapement (with Andy Hope 1930), Neue Galerie Gladbeck, Germany
- Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Germany
- or am I seduced by its ambient mauve, Herrenhaus Edenkoben, Germany
- what´s wrong with your eyes, Larry, Berlin, Germany
- Technicolor: a) Feld, b) Fläche, Marburger Kunstverein, Marburg, Germany
- Capri, Vitamin, Reutlingen, Germany
- Deal with ´em, Jagla, Köln, Germany
- Closed Space Stories, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Don't you wonder sometimes ’bout sound and vision, Kunstverein Heppenheim, Heppenheim, Germany
- Say a body. Where none. Say a place. Where none. For the body. To be in., Kunstverein Ulm, Ulm, Germany
- Scope = immeasurable, Einraumhaus, Mannheim, Germany
- Anwesenheit unerreichbarer Bezugspunkte, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- An open Field, a Factory, a By-pass, Gloria, Berlin, Germany
- Kayfabe, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- RoidRage, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany
- Niteflix, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
- Kalt, modern und teuer, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany
- Cosmic Camping, Appartement, Berlin, Germany
Group exhibitions
- Enea, Jona, Switzerland
- Moby Dick Filets, Secession, Vienna, Austria
- Randzone, Kunsthaus Erfurt
- bedsitter, Mirante, Vienna, Austria
- Still Still Life, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- Wo ist hier?# 2: Raum und Gegenwart, Kunstverein Reutlingen, Germany
- Enea, Jona, Switzerland
- 18, Galerija Contra, Zagreb, Slovenia
- Vanitas extended, Stedelijk Museum, Ypres, Belgium
- Standard International – Post Spatial Devices No. II, Geisberg, Berlin, Germany
- Berliner Edition, Salon Dahlmann, Berlin, Germany
- Leipziger Edition, Kulturforum Altenkamp, Schloss Holte–Stukenbrock, Germany
- Caritatis, Semperdepot, Vienna, Austria
- Luggage and observations, Galerie Klaus Gerrit Friese, Stuttgart, Germany
- Psycho Killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?, Galerie Börgmann, Mönchengladbach, Germany
- Present, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
- Publications, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- Batman Elektronik, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin, Germany
- Berlin Klondyke, Hipp Halle, Gmunden, Austria
- Novecento mai visto. Highlights from the Daimler Art Collection. From Albers to Warhol to now, Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia, Italy
- Berlin Klondyke, Alte Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
- From Outer Galaxy to Inner Atom (Stelldichein), Bruch und Dallas, Köln, Germany
- Entwicklungsgeschichte der Kunst 1830 – 2140, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin, Germany
- The Legend of the Shelves, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
- Accelerating toward Apocalypse (Private / Corporate VII), Daimler Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
- Gare de l'Est, Esslinger Kunstverein, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, Germany
- Eine Frau, ein Baum, eine Kuh, Kunstraum München, Munich, Germany
- En désordre, Philara – Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Wunderkammer, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany
- Berlin Klondyke, Neuer Pfaffenhofener Kunstverein, Pfaffenhofen, Germany
- Gentle Giants II, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany
- Es gibt … There is …, b-05, Montabaur, Germany
- Abstract confusion, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
- Status. Berlin (1), Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
- Black Oriental, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- Abstract confusion, Neue Galerie Gladbeck, Gladbeck, Germany
- Eine Frau, ein Baum, eine Kuh, Museum für Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany
- Based in Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany
- Berlin Klondyke, Art Center, Los Angeles, U.S.
- Synecdoche, Bourouina Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- Abstract confusion, Kunstverein Ulm, Ulm, Germany
- Dormition, Contra Galerija, Koper, Slovenia
- Responsolidarity – Galerie Utopia, Remap3, Athens, Greece
- Diktatur Charlottenburg, Kosmetiksalon Babette, Berlin, Germany
- Responsolidarity – Galerie Utopia, Kunstakademie Münster, Münster, Germany
- Moraltarantula #5 – Perfektion in Vollendung, Zollamt-Oberhafen, Hamburg, Germany
- Berlin Klondyke, The Odd Gallery / Klondike Institute of Art & Culture, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada
- The International Bongo Bongo Brigade with Guests, Haffner, Hall in Tirol, Austria
- Abstract confusion, b-05, Montabaur, Germany
- Destructionconstruction, Tape Modern, Berlin, Germany
- Born after 1924, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, England
- Abstrakt, Forgotten Bar, Berlin, Germany
- Ruffled Galaxies, Infernoesque, Berlin, Germany
- Gentle Giants, Kwadrat, Berlin, Germany
- Bürokunst für die Mittelschicht, ArtThiess, Munich, Germany
- Ayran & Yoga – The 1st Berlin Kreuzberg Biennale, Berlin, Germany
- Ein Fest für Boris, Vittorio Manalese & Fils / Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin, Germany
- Equinox, GrimmMuseum, Berlin, Germany
- Sculpture #6, Kantine, Berlin, Germany
- Girl Overkill II, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
Solo publications
- Thrénos, exhibition catalogue, ed. Herrenhaus Edenkoben, 2015
- Technicolor: a) Feld, b) Fläche, exhibition catalogue, ed. Christian Malycha and Anja Isabel Schneider for the Marburger Kunstverein, Harpune Verlag, Vienna 2015
- Go back to sleep now, Frank, Frank’s Grapefruit publishers, Grafton / Mass. 2015
- Lucky Pierre style, broadsheet, ed. Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck 2014
- Say a body. Where none. Say a place. Where none. For the body. To be in., exhibition catalogue, ed. Monika Machnicki and Christian Malycha for Kunstverein Ulm, Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S., Berlin 2013
- Anwesenheit unerreichbarer Bezugspunkte, exhibition catalogue, ed. Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck 2013
- 7 Types of Ambiguity, Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S., New York 2012
- Off the beaten Track the Fountains, artist book, ed. Martin Kwade, Berlin 2012
- Luchas de Apuestas, exhibition catalogue, ed. Galerie Bernd Kugler, Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S., Berlin 2011
- Mu-jin-kyo, exhibition catalogue, ed. Kwadrat, Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S., Berlin 2011
Group publications
- Wendepunkt - Zeitschrift für eine neue Zeit, ed. Hans-Peter Söder, Verlag Christoph Dürr, München, 2016
- Berlin Artists, ed. Till Cremer, Kerber, Bielefeld 2015
- Anja Isabel Schneider, P-A-R-A T-E-X-T-O-S / P-A-R-A-T-E-X-T-S, JA.CA Centro de Arte Jardim Canadá, Belo Horizonte 2015
- Nathalie van Heule and Céline Mathieu, Vanitas extended, Vredesstad Ieper, Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Ypres 2015
- Luggage and observations, ed. Galerie Klaus Gerrit Friese, Stuttgart 2014
- Autocenter, ed. Maik Schierloh and Joep van Liefland, Distanz, Berlin 2014
- 5 Jahre Years Einraumhaus c/o 2010–2014, ed. Myriam Holme and Philipp Morlock, Einraumhaus c/o, Mannheim 2014
- Kosmetiksalon Bar Babette, ed. Maik Schierloh, Berlin 2014
- Novecento Mai Visto – Capolavori dalla Daimler Art Collection, From Albers to Warhol to (now), ed. Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia 2013
- Die Erotik der Weltraumschiffahrt, ed. Graf R. S. Skaw et al., Berlin 2013
- Accelerating toward Apocalypse (Private / Corporate VII), ed. Renate Wiehager, Daimler Art Collection, Stuttgart / Berlin 2012
- Text Revue vol.10: Nature, ed. Andreas van Dühren, Berlin 2012
- Eine Frau, ein Baum, eine Kuh, ed. Museum für Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt / Kunstraum München, Munich 2012
- Wunderkammer, ed. Birte Kleemann, Autocenter-Verlag, Berlin 2012
- Es gibt … There is … Reflexionen aus einem beschädigten Leben? Reflections from a damaged Life?, ed. b-05 Montabaur, Kerber, Bielefeld 2012
- Berlin. Status (1) , ed. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Kettler, Bönen 2012
- Based in Berlin, ed. Kulturprojekte Berlin, Walther König, Cologne 2011
- Abstract confusion, ed. Kunstverein Ulm et al., Kerber, Bielefeld 2011
- Born after 1924, ed. Castlefield Gallery, Manchester 2011
Private and public collections
- Daimler Art Collection, Stuttgart, Germany
- Philara – Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst, Düsseldorf, Germany
Further links
External links
- Madeleine Boschan
- Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck, Austria
- Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Harpune Verlag, Vienna, Austria
- Frank's Grapefruit publishers, Grafton / Massachusetts
- Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S. Publishing Cooperation (operations ended in 2014)
- Madeleine Boschan on
- Madeleine Boschan on
- Madeleine Boschan at Merzman: Kurt Schwitters in the North West-Festival, Manchester, Great Britain
- Herrenhaus Edenkoben, Germany
- ↑ see:,, and
- ↑ e.g. Es gibt … There is … Reflexionen aus einem beschädigten Leben? Reflections from a damaged Life?, b-05 Montabaur (, May 15 – September 16, 2012
- ↑ e.g. Abstract confusion, b-05 Montabaur (, Kunstverein Ulm (, Neue Galerie Gladbeck (, and Kunsthalle Erfurt (, May 2011 – June 2012
- ↑ e.g. Based in Berlin (, June 8 – July 24, 2011; see also: Based in Berlin, ed. Kulturprojekte Berlin, Walther König, Cologne 2011, pp. 82-83 as well as Gesine Borcherdt, Berlins wahre Kunsthalle,, 18.03.2013
- ↑ e.g. Wunderkammer, Autocenter Berlin (, September 7 – 22, 2012
- ↑ see: as well as
- ↑ see: "Madeleine Boschan", in: Berlin. Status (1), ed. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Kettler, Bönen 2012, pp. 26-29 as well as: Renate Wiehager, Madeleine Boschan, in: Accelerating toward Apocalypse (Private / Corporate VII) – The Doron Sebbag Art Collection Tel Aviv and the Daimler Art Collection, Stuttgart / Berlin 2012, pp. 98-101
- ↑ see: Jeni Fulton, Madeleine Boschan – The rise of machines in sculptures, in: Sleek Magazine, vol. 37, Spring 2013, pp 110-111 as well as Ivona Jelcic, Technoide Wesen vom anderen Stern – Madeleine Boschan in der Galerie Bernd Kugler, Tiroler Tageszeitung, 04.10.2011
- ↑ on particular influences see in detail: Madeleine Boschan, Off the beaten Track the Fountains, ed. Martin Kwade, Berlin 2012
- ↑ an essay on her work and over-all working practice as well as biographic information can be found in: Madeleine Boschan – Luchas de Apuestas, ed. Galerie Bernd Kugler, Q.H.S.O.I.Q.O.C.M.S., Berlin 2011, pp. 3, 10
- ↑ for additional information see: Marburger Kunstverein, Marburg, Germany
- ↑ cf. Christian Malycha and Anja Isabel Schneider, "Sentiment and monument", in: Madeleine Boschan . Technicolor: a) Feld, b) Fläche, exhibition catalogue Marburger Kunstverein, Harpune Verlag, Vienna 2015, pp. 7-8