NC*SA is the abbreviation for the North Carolina System Administrators organization, a non-profit educational group focused on providing useful information for System Administrators in North Carolina, United States. NC*SA is based in the Triangle area of North Carolina, with monthly meetings in Research Triangle Park, and receives the majority of its fundings from key sponsors.
NC*SA was founded in October, 1993. The NC*SA constitution was adopted in November, 1994, and is run by an elected Steering Committee. All positions in the NC*SA SC are voluntary with no financial compensation. While early meetings of the NC*SA sometimes had attendance in the 90s, in recent years meeting attendance has hovered in the mid-20s range.
The primary purpose of NC*SA is to find speakers to give informative and useful presentations to NC*SA members at monthly meetings. Topics have ranged from security, compliance and backup solutions to new OS releases, setting up specific applications and utilizing embedded devices. When possible, NC*SA makes materials from these meetings available to the general public.
NC*SA meetings are on the second Monday of each month, starting at 7:00pm EST/EDT and running generally until 9:00pm EST/EDT. Typically, refreshments of pizza and soda are served at the meetings. Usually, meetings are held at the headquarters of UNC-TV which provides a conference room with multimedia capabilities. Additional details, directions, and occasional venue changes can be found on the official NC*SA website.
External links
- NC*SA website
- TriLUG, a sister organization
- SAGE, a national System Administrators group
- LOPSA, another national System Administrators group