Rémi Fraisse

Rémi Fraisse (August 31, 1993 in Toulouse, France – October 26, 2014 in Lisle-sur-Tarn, France)[1] was a French botanist involved in nature conservation who died[2] at the age of 21 after the explosion of a flashbang grenade[3] thrown by the French police,[4] on October 26 about 2 a.m. in Sivens Dam.
Rémi Fraisse had a degree in Nature Management and Protection, he volunteered as a botanist, and had a precarious employment situation.[5]
Music was another Rémi Fraisse's main interest; he played the guitar and the didgeridoo, and reggae and blues were the music styles he enjoyed.[5]
The Sivens Dam project created an ecologist and anti-developmental movement which occupied the humid zone affected, renamed it as 'ZAD de Testet', and faced the progress of the construction works by both non-violent and rioting means.[6][7]
According to his relatives, Rémi Fraisse felt outraged, and ran away spontaneously towards a skirmish, as he realized how violent the National Gendarmerie was being against the demonstrators. Some minutes later, his lifeless body was collected by the authorities.[5]
After that day, the French government suffered a social and political crisis for over a month, with riots in Toulouse,[8] Albi,[9] Gaillac,[10] Nantes,[11] Paris,[12] Saint-Denis,[13] Rennes,[14] and Dijon,[12] and many other protests across the country.
- ↑ "Rémi Fraisse, un écolo de base très loin du radicalisme" [Rémi Fraisse, a 'grassroots green' far from radicalism] (in French). La Libre. October 29, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "Barrage de Sivens : la famille de Rémi Fraisse va déposer plainte pour homicide volontaire" [Sivens Dam: Rémi Fraisse's family presents a complaint for intended murder] (in French). Le Monde. October 27, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ Same kind as the one that killed Vital Michalon in 1977 during an enormous protest against the Creys-Malville nuclear power plant, according to Reflets.info (in french)
- ↑ "Pour Cazeneuve, la mort de Rémi Fraisse n'est "pas une bavure"" [Cazeneuve: the killing of Rémi Fraisse was not due to any «unfortunate behaviour»] (in French). Libération. October 28, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- 1 2 3 "Les proches de Rémi Fraisse témoignent : " Il n'a pas mesuré ce qui l'attendait "" [The witness of Rémi Fraisse's relatives: «He didn't measure what awaited him»] (in French). Reporterre. October 29, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "Brève présentation du barrage" [A brief presentation of the dam] (in French). Collectif pour la sauvegarde de la zone humide du TESTET. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "El cos del jove ecologista mort mostra ferides provocades per "una forta explosió" segons el fiscal del cas" [The body of the young deceased ecologist has injuries caused by a powerful explosion, according to the prosecutor in charge] (in Catalan). La Directa. October 26, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "Manifestations pour Rémi Fraisse : toujours 21 gardes à vue à Toulouse" [Demonstrations for Rémi Fraisse: 21 arrested in Toulouse] (in French). Le Parisien. November 8, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "Barrage de Sivens : des dizaines de manifestations contre les " violences policières "" [Sivens Dam: more than 20 demonstrations against «police violence»] (in French). Le Monde. October 27, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ Sébastien Saugues (October 26, 2014). Incidents marche blanche décès Rémi barrage Sivens / Gaillac (81) – France 26 octobre 2014 [Clashes in tribute to Rémi Fraisse]. Gaillac: Line Press. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ Laurent Bortolussi (November 2, 2014). Très violents affrontements manif hommage Rémi Fraisse / Nantes (44) – France 01 novembre 2014 [Very violent clashes – tribute to Rémi Fraisse]. Nantes: Line Press. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- 1 2 "VIDEOS. Hommages à Rémi Fraisse : calme à Sivens, débordements à Paris" [VIDEOS. Tributes to Rémi Fraisse: Sivens calmed down while clashes erupt in Paris] (in French). Le Parisien. November 2, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "Rémi Fraisse: incidents en Seine-Saint-Denis" [Rémi Fraisse: incidents at Seinte-Saint-Denis] (in French). Le Figaro. November 10, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
- ↑ "Manif interdite" : Les manifestants de Rennes font reculer la Police #RemiFraisse [Forbidden demonstration for Rémi Fraisse: people push back the police]. Rennes: Taranis News. November 8, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.