Vladimir Nebylitsyn

Memorial tablet on the wall of school number 121 in Chelyabinsk, Russia. Text: Vladimir Dmitrievich Nebylitsin (1932–1970), famous psychologist, founder of differential psychophysiology, corresponding member of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of USSR learned in this school in 1945–1947

Vladimir Dmitrievich Nebylitsyn, Russian: Владимир Дмитриевич Небылицын (1930, Chelyabinsk region — 1 October 1972, near Adler) was a Russian psychologist, one of Boris Teplov's disciples, professor (1968), associate member of the Russian Academy of Pedagogy.

Based on Teplov's researches, he studied problems of experimental neuroscience. He managed to substantiate Teplov's hypothesis of inverse dependency between the strength of the nervous system and sensibility. He described some previously unknown characheristics of the nervous system, such as dynamicism, developed several electro-physiological methods of research of dynamics of brain processes. Nebylitsyn advanced a hypothesis on general characteristics of the nervous system underlying such personal characteristics as activity and self-regulation. In Soviet psychology he was a pioneer of the factor analysis.

He died in an air disaster together with his wife.

His brother Boris Nebylitsyn taught at Chelyabinsk State University.


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