Wood, Taber & Morse Co.

Wood, Taber & Morse Co. was an American builder of steam-powered farm engines, based in Eaton, New York. It made engines for around 60 years, from 1852.

The Toronto Globe, of August 25, 1885, wrote:

"The four-driver steam engine of Wood, Taber and Morse was exhibited at the annual Industrial Exposition of Canada in Toronto and was well accepted by people of the Dominion, 45,000 of whom were on the grounds Wednesday. The machine also was exhibited at the Provincial Show at London, where it was awarded the Gold Medal. Although the four-driver has been on the market only a month, 19 orders have been received at the factory."

It is famed for making a four-wheel drive engine, that was quite successful. Only one engine survives to this day, and it is in the Henry Ford Museum

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