List of Buddhas

Stone statue of Akshobhya Buddha in Kathmandu.
This is a list of historical, contemporary, and legendary figures which at least one Buddhist school considers to be a buddha and have an article on Wikipedia:
- Acala
- Adi-Buddha
- Akshobhya
- Amitayus
- Amitābha, principal Buddha of the Pure Land sect
- Amoghasiddhi
- Bhaisajyaguru
- Budai
- Dipankara
- Five Dhyani Buddhas
- Gautama Buddha (Gotama)
- Kakusandha
- Kassapa Buddha (Kāśyapa)
- Lokesvararaja
- Nairatmya
- Nichiren Daishonin, Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law (Nikko Lineage)
- Padumuttara Buddha
- Padmasambhava
- Ratnasambhava
- Tara (Buddhism)
- Tonpa Shenrab
- Vairocana, embodiment of Dharmakaya
- Vajradhara
- Vajrayogini
- Yeshe Tsogyal
See also
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