List of companies based in London

This is a list of companies in London, England. London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. With an estimated 8,308,369 residents in 2012, London is the most populous region, urban zone and metropolitan area in the United Kingdom.[1] London generates approximately 20 per cent of the UK's GDP[2] (or $446 billion in 2005); while the economy of the London metropolitan area—the largest in Europe—generates approximately 30 per cent of the UK's GDP (or an estimated $669 billion in 2005).[3] London is one of the pre-eminent financial centres of the world and vies with New York City as the most important location for international finance.[4][5] Over half of the UK's top 100 listed companies (the FTSE 100) and over 100 of Europe's 500 largest companies have their headquarters in central London. Over 70 per cent of the FTSE 100 are located within London's metropolitan area, and 75 per cent of Fortune 500 companies have offices in London.[6]

- A & C Black
- Abbey (coachbuilder)
- Above the Title Productions
- Accident Advice Helpline
- Acrylicize
- Action group (sociology)
- Adastra Minerals
- Addison Lee
- Adfonic
- Agatha Christie Ltd.
- Agricultural & General Engineers
- Ahrends, Burton and Koralek
- Ainsworths
- Alferon Management
- Alfred McAlpine
- Allied Carpets
- Andrew Melrose
- Angel Trains
- Anglo American PLC
- Anglo Arab Alliance
- Anglo Pacific Group
- Antal International Ltd
- The Antique Wine Company
- Antony Gibbs & Sons
- AnyJunk
- Aon plc
- ApplianSys
- Arcadia Group
- Arenapal
- Aricom
- Armajaro
- Art Loss Register
- Artech House
- Artists' Collecting Society
- ASC Finance for Business
- Ashmore Group
- Ashtead Group
- AstraZeneca
- Atelier One
- Atlantic Books
- Atomic Antelope
- Augere
- Avenue 32
- Aviva
- Avocet Mining
- Avolites
- Bad Press
- Bakkavör
- Balderton Capital
- Balfour Beatty
- Balkan Dream Properties
- BBA Aviation
- BBC Records
- The Bedford Estate
- Bedlam Productions
- Bejam
- Belen Echandia
- Bell Pottinger Private
- Bentley & Skinner
- Berendsen
- Berry Brothers & Rudd
- Berwin Leighton Paisner
- Bespoke Henna
- Bestinvest
- Bestway
- Beta 2 Limited
- Beyond Retro
- Bioline Reagents
- BioMed Central
- Blue Inc
- Blue Rubicon
- Blue Whale Systems
- Bluebay Asset Management
- BMCE Bank International
- BMJ Group
- Boden (clothing)
- Bodyamr
- Boltfish Recordings
- Boosey & Hawkes
- Bow & Arrow
- BP
- The Brand Union
- Brewin Dolphin
- Bridgeman Art Library
- Bridgepoint Capital
- BrightTALK
- Briglin Pottery
- Brit plc
- British Airways
- British Airways Limited
- British American Tobacco
- British and Commonwealth Holdings
- British Energy
- British Home Stores
- British Land
- British Youth Council
- Brixton plc
- Broadbean
- Brogan Group
- Bromcom
- Brompton Bicycle
- BSkyB
- BT Group
- BTR plc
- Bulgarian Dreams
- Bunzl
- Bupa
- Burton (clothing)
- Cad & the Dandy
- Cadbury
- Cake Entertainment
- Cape plc
- Capita Group
- Capita Symonds
- Capital Economics
- Carlisle Managed Solutions
- Carlton Carriage Co
- Carter Jonas
- Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe
- Cassell (publisher)
- Centaur Media
- CeX
- Chamberlin, Powell and Bon
- ChangeGroup
- Channel Four Television Corporation
- Charter International
- Cheapflights
- Chelsea Foods
- Chesham Amalgamations
- Cheyne Capital Management
- CHI Records
- The Children's Investment Fund Management
- Chloride Group
- Churchill Insurance Company
- Clément-Talbot
- CloudHashing
- CLS Holdings
- Coats PLC
- The Cobra Group
- Coin Street Community Builders
- College of Public Speaking
- CompAir
- ComRes
- Concentrate Design
- Conville and Walsh
- Cosmos Holidays
- Cox & King
- Cox & Kings
- Creek Audio
- CronLab
- Current Publishing
- DAC Beachcroft
- Dade2
- Daejan Holdings
- Dahabshiil
- Daily Mail and General Trust
- Dalgety plc
- Damnably
- Darty plc
- Darwinex
- DataCash
- Datacopia
- Datamonitor
- DataWind
- Davenport Lyons
- Davis Langdon
- De Vere Group
- Dealogic
- Derwent Capital Markets
- Dexion
- Diploma plc
- Direct Ferries
- Diversified Global Graphics Group
- Dods (Group) PLC
- Dopplr
- Dorling Kindersley
- Dot2Dot
- Double Negative (VFX)
- Dr. Scholl's
- Dunnhumby
- E-Clear
- Eastern Electricity
- Eat (restaurant)
- Ebiquity
- ECA International
- Ecoigo
- Ecourier
- Ede & Ravenscroft
- EDF Energy
- EE (telecommunications company)
- Electronic Music Studios
- Elementis
- Emap International Limited
- Emerald Energy
- EMI Music Publishing
- Empresaria Group
- The Energy Group
- English Eccentrics
- Enodis
- Ensco plc
- Enso Group
- Entertainment Rights
- Eon Digital Entertainment
- Erased Tapes Records
- Ergo ID
- Ernst & Young
- Eterniti Motors
- ETF Securities
- ETX Capital
- Euromonitor International
- Eurotherm
- Evolution Group
- Evraz
- Exco International
- Expedition Engineering
- Eyevine
- Family Law in Partnership
- Fever Media
- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
- FilmFair
- FilmOn
- First Intuition
- First Solution Money Transfer
- First Student UK
- Firstsource
- Floris of London
- Forte Group
- Frances Lincoln Publishers
- Frankham Consultancy Group
- Freddie Grubb
- Freeplay Energy
- Freestone and Webb
- Fresnillo plc
- Future Shorts
- Gale (Loudspeaker)
- Galliford Try
- Gapforce
- Gas Light and Coke Company
- GCM Resources
- Gem Diamonds
- General Eyewear
- Generation Investment Management
- George Bell & Sons
- George Wimpey
- Gestetner
- Glaxo Wellcome
- GlaxoSmithKline
- GlobalCampus
- GMW Architects
- GoCardless
- Goldgenie
- The Goldsmiths' Company Assay Office
- Good Relations
- Graff Diamonds
- Grahams Hi-Fi
- Greenwich Leisure Limited
- Greycon
- Grosvenor Group
- Gunter's Tea Shop
- H.R. Owen
- Hammerson
- Hammonds
- Hand in Hand Fire & Life Insurance Society
- Hanne & Co
- Hanson plc
- Hardy Amies Ltd
- Hardy Oil and Gas
- Hart, Son, Peard and Co.
- Hassle
- Havas Digital
- Hays plc
- Heathrow Airport Holdings
- Henderson Group
- Henry Poole & Co
- Heron International
- Hetchins
- Hi-Gen Power
- Higgs and Hill
- Hinduja Group
- Hirst Research Centre
- Hodge Jones & Allen
- Hogan Lovells
- Holdsworth
- Holland, Hannen & Cubitts
- Holloway Brothers
- Hooper's Telegraph Works
- Horniman's Tea
- Houlihan Lokey
- House of Fraser
- Howden Joinery
- Humphrys, Tennant and Dykes
- Hunting plc
- Huntsworth
- Hyperoptic
- ICM Research
- IG Group
- Imagini
- Imperial Chemical Industries
- Imperial Continental Gas Association
- Imperial Innovations
- Ince & Co.
- Inchcape plc
- Information Security Forum
- Inmarsat
- Intermediate Capital Group
- International Computers Limited
- International Power
- International Tea Co. Stores
- Intertek
- Invensys
- Investis
- Iona Capital
- IP Group
- Ipsos MORI
- Isokon
- ITE Group
- ITV plc
- Iwoca
- J & A Beare
- J. and G. Rennie
- J&W Nicholson & Co
- Jardine Lloyd Thompson
- Jean Machine
- Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Jestico + Whiles
- JKX Oil & Gas
- John Laing plc
- John Murray (publisher)
- John Penn and Sons
- Johnson banks
- Johnson Matthey
- JUDGEnergy
- Justgiving
- Kantar Worldpanel
- Kaplan Financial Ltd
- Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander
- Keith Prowse
- Keller Group
- Kennedys Law
- Kesslers International Group
- Keystone Law
- Kind Consumer Limited
- Kingfisher plc
- Kold Sweat Records
- L.K.Bennett
- Ladbrokes
- Laird plc
- Lamson Engineering Company Ltd
- Lane Clark & Peacock
- Language Connect
- Lasmo
- LatinNews
- Lattice Group
- Law Debenture
- Leading Edge Forum
- Lebrecht Photo Library
- Legal & General
- Levitt Bernstein
- Lewis & Co
- Lewis Leathers
- Lewis Recordings
- Limmer Holdings
- Linklaters
- Lledo
- LLM Communications
- Lloyd Johnson (fashion retailer)
- Lloyds Banking Group
- Logica
- London Capital Credit Union
- London Climate Change Agency
- The London Distillery Company
- London Necropolis Company
- London Stock Exchange Group
- LondonMetric Property
- Long Tall Sally Clothing
- Lonmin
- Loose Music
- Lucas Brothers, Builders
- Luther Pendragon
- Mace
- Man Group
- Marex Spectron
- Marjan Television Network
- Markit
- Marks & Clerk
- Marks & Spencer
- Masabi
- Mathmos
- Maxwell Communications Corporation
- McBride plc
- Mecom Group
- Medical Research Council Technology
- Melrose plc
- MEPC plc
- Mercury Asset Management
- Metaswitch
- Methuen Publishing
- Metropolis International
- MFI Group
- MHP Communications
- Microplas
- Millennium & Copthorne Hotels
- Millhouse Capital
- Minerva (property firm)
- Mintel
- Misys
- Mitre Sports International
- MJP Architects
- Moley Robotics
- Molton Brown
- Mondi Group
- Monex Europe
- Moneycorp
- Monington and Weston
- Morgan Crucible
- Morgan Sindall Group
- Morrison Facilities Services
- Moss Empires
- Mousebreaker
- Moving Brands
- Mushroom TV
- MWB Group Holdings
- Muddy Puddles
- My Family Care
- MySociety
- N M Rothschild & Sons
- Nails Inc.
- National Benzole
- National Express Group
- National Freight Corporation
- National Grid plc
- National Westminster Bank
- Nelsons (Homeopathy)
- New Moon (film production)
- News UK
- Nimax Theatres
- Nobrow Press
- Norton Rose Fulbright
- Notion Capital
- NTT Europe Ltd
- Oak Futures
- OB10
- Ocean Group plc
- Odyssey Airlines
- Old Mutual
- OmniCompete
- Omnifone
- OnePoll
- OpenBet
- Ophir Energy
- Opinium Research LLP
- Optimax
- ORC International
- Orsu Metals
- Outsights
- Ovum Ltd.
- Oxbridge Applications
- PA Consulting Group
- PACE Sports Management
- Palace Software
- Panmure Gordon & Co.
- Pantheon Ventures
- Park Royal Partnership
- Pearn, Pollinger & Higham
- Pearson PLC
- Peek Freans
- Perenco
- Peruvian Corporation
- PH Media Group
- Phaidon Press
- Phillips & Drew
- Pimlico Plumbers
- Pinchin Johnson & Associates
- Playfish
- Plus500
- Portland Communications
- Position Ignition
- Pottermore
- Premier Farnell
- Premier Oil
- Pressparty
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Progressive Digital Media
- Prudential plc
- The Pyrene Company Limited
- R. A. Rooney & Sons
- Railtrack
- Rapha (sportswear)
- Rare Tea Company
- Rathbone Brothers
- Reaktion Books
- Reed
- Reed Elsevier
- Rentokil Initial
- Resolution plc
- Restaurant Group
- Retro-juice productions
- Rexam
- Reynolds Porter Chamberlain
- Rigby & Peller
- Rio Tinto Group
- RjDj
- Roberson Wine
- Robert Fleming & Co.
- Robert Walters plc
- Rockstar London
- Rolls-Royce Group PLC
- Rothmans International
- Royal Dutch Shell
- Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation
- Royal London Asset Management
- Royal Mail
- RSA Insurance Group
- RSM International
- Rushes Postproduction
- RusPetro
- Russell & Bromley
- S. G. Warburg & Co.
- SABMiller
- Safeway
- Sainsbury's
- Salamander Energy
- Salviati (glassmakers)
- Samuel Enderby & Sons
- Samvo Group
- Satellite Information Services
- SatoshiPay
- Scarlet Blade Theatre
- Schroders
- Science Photo Library
- Science Projects Limited
- Sears plc
- Secret Escapes
- Securicor
- Sedgwick Group
- See Tickets
- Select Model Management
- Sellar Property Group
- Senceive
- Sense Worldwide
- Service in Informatics and Analysis
- Shaftesbury plc
- Sharps Pixley
- Shazam
- Shed Media
- Shutl
- Siebe Gorman
- Siebe plc
- Siemens Brothers
- Signet Jewelers
- Signwave
- Silence Therapeutics
- Silver Circle
- SilverDoor
- Simmons & Simmons
- Sinclair Research
- Sir Robert McAlpine
- Skinny Candy
- Slater and Gordon
- Slaughter and May
- Smith & Nephew
- Smiths Gore
- Smiths Group
- Sobranie
- SOCO International
- Sony Mobile Communications
- Southern Fried Chicken
- Speedo International Limited
- Spire Healthcare
- Splash Damage
- Sporting Index
- Spread Co
- Square Enix Europe
- SSL International
- Stainer & Bell
- Standard Chartered
- Standard Telephones and Cables
- Stanton Williams
- StatPro Group
- Stemcor
- SThree
- Storage Made Easy
- Storehouse plc
- Sun Life & Provincial Holdings
- Survation
- SVG Capital
- Swaine Adeney Brigg
- Swan Song Records
- System Simulation
- Takeover/Cloud 9
- Takeover Entertainment
- TalkTalk Group
- Tanner Krolle
- Tata Steel Europe
- Tate & Lyle
- Tate Publishing Ltd
- Taxi Media
- Taylor Nelson Sofres
- Taylor Wimpey
- Taylor Woodrow
- TD Tom Davies
- TelecityGroup
- Telecom Plus
- Telewest
- TestPlant
- Thames (production company)
- Thames & Hudson
- Thames Water Authority
- The Idle Man
- Theodore Goddard
- THG Sports
- Thomas Cook & Son
- Thomsons Online Benefits
- Thorn Electrical Industries
- Thorn EMI
- Three Six Zero Group
- Thurleigh Investment Managers
- Tilda (food manufacturer)
- Tinies
- Tomkins plc
- Touch Surgery
- Tower Hamlets Summer University
- TowerBrook Capital Partners
- Tradus
- Trafalgar House
- Transmeridian Air Cargo
- Transmission Recordings
- Travers Smith
- Tribal Group
- Trinity Mirror
- Tristan Capital Partners
- Trowers & Hamlins
- Trusted Sources
- Trustee Savings Bank
- Tullett Prebon
- Tullow Oil
- TV Pixie
- Ubiquity Press
- UBM plc
- UCB Home Loans
- UCL Business
- Ugly Models
- UK Youth Parliament
- UKstreetsounds
- Ultramar plc
- Underbelly Limited
- Unilever
- Union Hand-Roasted Coffee
- United Biscuits
- United Kingdom Accreditation Service
- Urturn
- Userfarm
- Vanco
- Varsity Express
- Vedanta Resources
- Venturethree
- Versailles Group
- Very Nearly Almost
- Vesuvius plc
- Viacom International Media Networks
- Viagogo
- Virgin EMI Records
- Virtual Internet
- VistaScreen
- Ward & Company of London
- Waring Brothers
- Watney Combe & Reid
- Web Technology Group
- Webb Ellis (sportswear)
- White Line Hotels
- Whitehead Mann
- Whyte Chemicals
- Wildsmith Shoes Ltd.
- William Hill (bookmaker)
- William Watkins Ltd
- Williams Lea
- Willis Group
- Wogdon & Barton
- The Woolwich
- Woolworths Group
- Workspace Group
- World First
- World Television
- WPP plc
- Wright & Teague
Newspapers published in London
- Al-Arab
- Araz Azerbaijan newspaper
- Bangla Mirror
- Barking & Dagenham Post
- Bell's Life in London
- Catholic Herald
- Christian Today
- The Guardian
- The Illustrated London News
- The Irish Post
- Lanka Tribune
- Lloyd's List
- The Muslim Weekly
- The Non-League Paper
- Romford Recorder
- South London Press
- The Tablet
- Town and Country Magazine
- The War Cry
See also
- List of pubs in London
- List of restaurants in London
- Category:Defunct companies based in London
- Category:Organisations based in London
- ↑ According to the European Statistical Agency, London is the largest Larger Urban Zone which uses conurbations and areas of high population as its definition. A ranking of population within municipal boundaries places London first. However, the University of Avignon in France claims that Paris is first and London second when including the whole urban area and hinterland, that is the outlying cities as well
- ↑ "London's place in the UK economy, 2005–06" (PDF). City of London. Retrieved 11 March 2008.
- ↑ "The Economic Positioning of Metropolitan Areas in North Western Europe" (PDF). The Institute for Urban Planning and Development of the Paris Île-de-France Region. December 2002. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 June 2008. Retrieved 27 August 2008.
- ↑ "After the fall". The Economist. 29 November 2007. Archived from the original on 19 May 2011. Retrieved 2009-05-15.
- ↑ "Financial Centres — Magnets for money". The Economist. 13 September 2007. Archived from the original on 19 May 2011. Retrieved 15 May 2009.
- ↑ "London Stock Exchange". London Stock Exchange plc. 2008. Archived from the original on 19 May 2011. Retrieved 27 April 2008.