List of synagogues
This is a list of synagogues around the world.
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Afghanistan: Charshi Torabazein Synagogue (Kabul), Yu Aw Synagogue (Herat)
Albania: Valona Synagogue (Vlorë)
Argentina: Mishkan - Centro de Espiritualidad Judía (Buenos Aires), Templo Libertad (Buenos Aires)
Armenia: Mordechay Navi Synagogue (Yerevan)
Aruba: Beth Israel Synagogue (Oranjestad)
Austria: Hietzinger Synagoge (Vienna), Leopoldstädter Tempel (Vienna), Pazmanitentempel (Vienna), Polnische Schul (Vienna), Stadttempel (Vienna), Synagoge Neudeggergasse (Vienna), Türkischer Tempel (Vienna), Währinger Tempel (Vienna)
Azerbaijan: Baku Synagogue (Baku), Gila Synagogue (Qırmızı Qəsəbə)
Bahamas: Luis de Torres Synagogue (Freeport)
Bahrain: Bahrain Synagogue (Manama)
Barbados: Nidhe Israel Synagogue (Bridgetown)
Belarus: Great Synagogue (Grodno)
Belgium: Hollandse Synagogue (Antwerp), Great Synagogue of Europe (Brussels), Synagogue of Liège (Liege)
Bolivia: Circulo Israelita de Bolivia (La Paz)
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Sarajevo Synagogue (Sarajevo), Doboj Synagogue (Doboj)
Brazil: Congregação Israelita Paulista (São Paulo), Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue (Recife), Sha'ar Hashamayim Synagogue (Belém), Centro Israelita do Paraná (Curitiba),
Bulgaria: Sofia Synagogue (Sofia)
Main article: List of synagogues in Bulgaria
Main article: List of synagogues in Canada -
Chile: Sinagoga Jafetz Jaim, Aish HaTorah, Jabad, Comunidad Jaredi Jazon Ishh (Santiago)
China: Ohel Leah Synagogue (Hong Kong), Ohel Rachel Synagogue (Shanghai)
Colombia: Sinagoga Shaare Sedek (Barranquilla), Bet El (Barranquilla), Adat Israel (Bogota), Bet Or (Medellin)
Costa Rica: Centro Israelita Sionista (San José)
Croatia: Old Synagogue (Dubrovnik), Zagreb Synagogue
Cuba: Adath Israel (Havana), Beth Shalom Temple (Havana), Centro Hebreo Sefaradi (Havana), Chevet Achim (Havana), Communida Hebrea Tifereth Israel (Camagüey), Communidad Hebrea Hatikva (Santiago de Cuba)
Cyprus: Larnaca Synagogue (Larnaca)
Czech Republic: Great Synagogue (Plzeň), Old New Synagogue (Prague), Pinkas Synagogue (Prague), Maisel Synagogue (Prague), Klausová Synagogue (Prague), Jubilee Synagogue (also known as the Jerusalem Synagogue) (Prague), Front Synagogue (Třebíč), Rear Synagogue (Třebíč), Šach Synagogue (Holešov)
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Beth Yaakow (Kinshasa). There is an early 20th-century synagogue, still functioning, in central Lubumbashi, DRC.
Denmark: Great Synagogue (Copenhagen)
Dominican Republic: Centro Israelita de República Dominicana (Santo Domingo), Sosua Synagogue (Sosua)
Dominican Republic: Beth Midrash Sefardí Nidhe Israel (Santo Domingo),
- Main article: List of synagogues in Egypt
El Salvador: Comunidad Israelita de El Salvador (San Salvador)
Eritrea: Asmara Synagogue (Asmara)
Ethiopia: Succat Rahamim Synagogue (Addis Ababa)[1]
Estonia: Beit Bella Synagogue (Tallinn)
Finland: Helsinki Synagogue (Helsinki), Turku Synagogue (Turku)
France: Grand Synagogue of Paris (Paris), Agoudas Hakehilos Synagogue (Paris), Sedan Synagogue (Sedan)
Georgia: Great Synagogue (Tbilisi); Oni Synagogue (Oni)
Germany: Fasanenstrasse synagogue (Berlin); New Synagogue (Berlin); Rykestrasse Synagogue (Berlin); Alte Synagoge (Essen); New Synagogue, Dresden; Ohel Jakob synagogue (Munich); Regensburg Synagogue; Roonstrasse Synagogue (Cologne);Synagogue Selm-Bork;[2]
Gibraltar: Shaar HaShamayim (The Great Synagogue), Nefusot Yehuda, Etz Haim, Abudarham Synagogue
Greece: Beth Shalom Synagogue (Athens, Greece) (Athens), Chalkis Synagogue (Chalcis), Beth Shalom Synagogue (Chania), Etz Hayyim Synagogue (Chania), Corfu Synagogue (Corfu), Ioanniotiki Synagogue (Ioannina), Kahal Shalom Synagogue (Rhodes), Monastir Synagogue (Thessaloniki), Etz Haim Synagogue (Larissa), Patras Synagogue (Patras), Trikala Synagogue (Trikala), Volos Synagogue (Volos)
Guatemala: Chabad of pedro la laguna (lake atitlan) Sinagoga Maguen David (Guatemala City), Asociacion Reformista de Guatemala Adat Israel
Honduras: Maguen David Synagogue (San Pedro Sula), Shevet Ajim Synagogue (Tegucigalpa)[3]
Hungary: Dohány Street Synagogue (Budapest), Kazinczy Street Synagogue (Budapest), Synagogue of Miskolc (Miskolc), Szeged Synagogue (Szeged), Keszthely Synagogue (Keszthely), Pécs Synagogue (Pécs)
India: Mumbai: Knesset Eliyahoo, Magen David, Tifferth Israel, Etz Haeem, Shaar Rason, Shaar Haramamin. In the suburbs of Mumbai there are two synagogues—at Thana and Kurla—accessible by commuter train. In the Konkan Region of Maharashtra there are ten synagogue buildings (including those in Pen, Panvel, and a string of small towns and villages, but most are no longer or irregularly functioning, yet the buildings remain in adequate condition.
Ahmedabad: Magen Abraham, a nice Art Deco structure in the center of the city. Pune: There are two synagogues in Pune Camp—Magen David (built in the late 19th century by the Baghdadi Jews), Succoth Sholam (constructed by the Bene Israel Jews). New Delhi: Judah Hyam Prayer Hall. Kolkata (Calcutta): Magen David Synagogue, Beth El Synagogue, and the closed Neveth Shalom Synagogue. The three buildings, located in close proximity to one another in the center of the city, were built by the Baghdadi Jews in the late 19th to early 20th century. Kochi: Paradesi Synagogue in the Mattancherry area (functioning), Tekkumbagam Synagogue also in Mattancherry (closed and in derelict condition), Tekkumbagam Synagogue in the Ernakulam area (closed), Kadavumbagam Synagogue also in Ernakulam (now operated by a local Jews as the Cochin Blossoms plant/fish business. Parur (Paravoor), Kerala Synagogue (45 minutes north of Kochi, now closed belonged to K. J. Regina is the owner of 8.680 cents of property together with Synagogue (known by the name Kadavumbagam Synagogue) and all other things attached there to comprised in Survey No. 601/3 of Mattancherry Village. K. J. Regina purchased the aforesaid property by virtue of Sale Deed No. 337/99 of S.R.O., Kochi dated 23.1.1999 from V.G. Antony. The property originally belonged to Jewish Agency, Bombay. The Director of Jewish Agency Bombay Moses Felber appointed S.S. Koder as his lawful attorney to execute sale deed in favour of Jewish Agency Bombay. The power of attorney holder S.S. Koder executed Sale Deed No. 2764/81 of S.R.O., Kochi, on behalf of Jewish Agency Bombay in favour of M/s. Vanaja Traders. The aforesaid Vanaja Traders executed sale deed No. 3740/90 dated 15.11.1990 of S.R.O. Kochi in favour of V.G. Antony. And V.G. Antony executed the aforesaid property in favour of K.J.Regina. After the execution of Sale Deed No. 337/99, K. J. Regina has affected mutation, obtained Patta No. P 2173 of Mattancherry Village, paying tax and is in peaceful possession and enjoyment of the same. The Synagogue is known by the name Kadavumbagam Synagogue and its early history is unclear. Some local narratives indicate that it was established as early as 1130 and the name was taken from a synagogue that existed in Cranganore. Other oral story reveals that the aforesaid synagogue was built in 1400 when Jews abandoned the nearby Kochangadi Synagogue just south of Jew Town, and that it was ruined and then rebuilt by Muthaliyar in 1539. The aforesaid Synagogue had two storied gate house facing to the water front and jetty where the passenger ferry docks. Today two storied gate house is totally destroyed and encroached by natives and only portion of the former synagogue alone is existing and it is no longer possible to experience the former synagogue in its original context. But enough of the aforesaid Kadavumbagom Synagogue remains standing to recognize it as a quintessential example of Vernacular Kerala Architecture for its material, construction, technique, massing and details. In recent decades the remaining structure and its surrounding courtyard has been poorly maintained. About 4 decades after the building was left behind by the departing congregation in the mid 1950s and thereafter it is locked and left idle. Now the aforesaid synagogue is a gabled building from the front with its flaked walls. The large wooden windows and doors and shutters once punctured the aforesaid synagogues thick walls now been removed and closed by bricks which obstructs the natural light and ventilation inside the synagogue. Since the synagogue is being laid idle for the past several decades, the roof, walls and the main front entrance doors perished so that birds, reptiles and stray animals encroached the synagogue and made it as their shelter. The remaining structure isif not protected the same may resulting to total destruction. By Advocate. Sreekanth S.Nair. High Court of Kerala. Mala, Kerala Synagogue (an hour and a quarter north of Kochi, now closed, and controlled by the local municipality). Chendamangalam (Chennamangalam) Synagogue, Kerala (forty-five minutes north of Kochi, now closed but operating as a Jewish museum—open daily, except Mondays). Main article: Synagogues in India See
Indonesia: Beth Hashem Synagogue (Manado), Surabaya Synagogue (Surabaya)
Iran: Further information: List of synagogues in Iran
Iraq: Great Synagogue (Baghdad), Meir Taweig Synagogue (Baghdad)
Ireland: Machzekei Hadas Synagogue (Dublin)
Israel: Further information: List of synagogues in Israel
Italy: Tempio Maggiore (Rome), Sinagoga di Milano (Milan), Singagoga di Torino (Turin), Sinagoga di Bologa ([Bologna]), Sinagoga di Firenze (Florence), Sinagoghe di Venezia (Venice)
Jamaica: Shaare Shalom Synagogue (Kingston)
Japan: Ohel Shelomoh Synagogue (Kobe)
Jordan: Gerasa Synagogue (Jerash)
Kazakhstan: Beit Rachel (Astana)
Kenya: Nairobi Hebrew Congregation (Nairobi). The former synagogue in Nakuru is now a Christian orphanage.
Kyrgyzstan: Hesed Tikva Synagogue (Bishkek)
Latvia: Peitav Synagogue (Riga)
Lebanon: Maghen Avraham Synagogue (Beirut), Sidon Synagogue (Sidon), Bhamboun Synagogue (Bhamdoun), Ohel Jacob Synagogue (Aley), Deir el Qamar Synagogue, (Deir el Qamar)
Libya: Chala Lakhbira, Great Synagogue, Char Bishi Synagogue (Tripoli), Yifrin Synagogue (Yifrin), Slat Abn Shaif Synagogue (Zliten)
Lithuania: Great Synagogue (Vilnius), Kaunas Synagogue (Kaunas)
Luxembourg: Canal Synagogue (Esch-sur-Alzette), Great Synagogue (Luxembourg City)
Macedonia: Bet Yaakov Synagogue (Skopje)
Malta: New Synagogue (Valletta)
Main article: List of synagogues in Mexico -
Monaco: Association Cultuelle Israelite de Monaco Monte Carlo
Main article: List of synagogues in Morocco -
Myanmar: Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue (Yangon)
Namibia: Windhoek Hebrew Congregation (Windhoek). The former synagogue in Keetmanshoop is now the headquarters for a local dairy.
Netherlands: Amsterdam Esnoga (Amsterdam)
Netherlands Antilles: Mikve Israel-Emanuel (Curaçao)
New Zealand: Temple Beth-El (Christchurch)
Nigeria: Gihon Synagogue (Abuja)
Norway: Oslo Synagogue (Oslo), Trondheim Synagogue (Trondheim)
Pakistan: Magain Shalome Synagogue (Karachi)
Palestinian National Authority: Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue (Jericho)
Panama: Kol Shearit Israel Temple, Shevet Achim Synagogue, Beth El Synagogue (Panama City)
Paraguay: Asuncion Synagogue (Asuncion), Beit Jabad Paraguay (Asuncion)
Peru: Sociedad de Beneficencia Israelita (Lima)
Philippines: Beth Yaacov Synagogue (Makati City)
Poland: Great Synagogue (Warsaw), Nożyk Synagogue (Warsaw), Synagogues of Kraków, Maharam's Synagogue (Lublin)
Portugal: Kadoorie Synagogue (Porto), Beit Eliyahu (Belmonte), Synagogue of Tomar (Tomar), Lisbon Synagogue (Lisbon)
Main article: List of synagogues in Romania -
Main article: List of synagogues in Russia
Serbia: Belgrade Synagogue (Belgrade), Niš Synagogue (Niš), Novi Sad Synagogue (Novi Sad), Subotica Synagogue (Subotica), Zemun Synagogue (Zemun)
Singapore: Chesed-El Synagogue, Maghain Aboth Synagogue
Slovakia: Orthodox Synagogue (Košice)
Slovenia: Maribor Synagogue (Maribor), Lendava Synagogue (Lendava)
South Africa: Tikvath Israel Synagogue (Cape Town)
Spain: Cominidad Israelita de Barcelona (Barcelona), Benidorm Synagogue (Alicante), Synagogue Jacob Almonznino (Melilla), Synagogue Issac Benarroch (Melilla), Synagogue Solinquinos (Melilla), Beth El Synagogue (Marbella), Beth Yaacov Synagogue (Madrid), Ner Tamid Synagogue (A Coruña), Synagogue of El Transito (Toledo), Beth Minzi Synagogue (Torremolinos), La Javurá Sinagoga (Valencia), Main Synagogue of Barcelona (Barcelona)
Sri Lanka: Chabad of Sri Lanka (Colombo)
Sudan: Hekhal Shelomo Synagogue (Khartoum)
Suriname: Neveh Shalom Synagogue (Paramaribo)
Sweden: Gothenburg Synagogue (Gothenburg), Stockholm Synagogue (Stockholm), Malmö Synagogue (Malmö)
Switzerland: Beth Yaakov Synagogue (Geneva), Hekhal Haness Synagogue (Geneva), Endingen Synagogue (Endingen, Switzerland), Lengnau Synagogue (Lengnau, Aargau), Synagoge Zürich Löwenstrasse (Zürich), Bern Synagogue (Bern)
Syria: Midrash Dishi Synagogue (Damascus), Dura-Europos synagogue (Dura-Europos), Ilfrange Synagogue (Damascus), Jamiliah Synagogue (Aleppo), Central Synagogue of Aleppo (Aleppo), Jobar Synagogue of Elijah the prophet (Damascus), Kittab Attia (Damascus), Menarsha Synagogue (Damascus), Minyan Synagogue (Damascus), Racqy Synagogue (Damascus), Scalyn Synagogue (Damascus), Shama'a Synagogue (Damascus), Tedef Synagogue of Ezra the scribe (Tedef)
Tahiti: Ahava v'Ahava Synagogue (Papeete)
Taiwan: Landis Taipei Hotel Synagogue. Chabad Taiwan (Taipei)
Tajikistan: Dushanbe synagogue (Dushanbe)
Thailand: Beth Elisheva Synagogue (Bangkok), Even Chen Synagogue (Bangkok)
Tunisia: Beit Knesset Kohanim HaDintreisa (Djerba), El Ghriba synagogue (Djerba), Zarzis Synagogue (Zarzis)
Main article: List of synagogues in Turkey -
Turkmenistan: Ashkhabad Synagogue (Ashgabat)
Uganda: Moses Synagogue (Nabugoye), Putti Synagogue (Putti), Namutumba Synagogue (Magada, Namutumba District), Nasenyi Synagogue (Nesenyi), Namanyonyi Synagogue (Namanyonyi)
Ukraine: Great Synagogue in Lutsk, Four Synagogues in Kherson, Synagogue in Eupatoria, Synagogue in Kiev, Beis Aharon V'Yisrael Synagogue and Jakob Glanzer Shul (former Chasidim Synagogue) in Lviv, Synagogue in Berdychev, Synagogue in Kherson
United Kingdom:
Main article: List of synagogues in the United Kingdom -
United States:
Main article: List of synagogues in the United States -
Main article: List of synagogues in Uruguay -
Uzbekistan: Central Synagogue Beit Menahem (Tashkent), Gumbaz Synagogue (Samarkand)
Venezuela:Tiféret Israel, Hogar Jabad Lubavitch de Venezuela, Unión Israelita de Caracas, Asociación Bet El, Congregación Bet Aharón, Tiféret Israel del Este Keter Torá, Centro Bet Shemuel, Shaaré Shalom, Centro Bet Shemuel del Este, (Caracas); Asociación Israelita de Valencia, (Valencia); Sociedad Israelita de Maracaibo, (Maracaibo); Or Meir, (Porlamar)
Vietnam: Chabad of Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)
Virgin Islands, US: Beracha Veshalom Vegmiluth Hasidim Synagogue (Saint Thomas)
Yemen: Grand synagogue of Aden (Aden), Kessar Synagogue, Dhamari Synagogue (San‘a’)
Zambia: Lusaka Synagogue (Lusaka) There were once synagogues in Ndola, Kitwe, and Mufulira, Zambia of the Copperbelt Region, but they are now African churches. Ndola's former synagogue, now used by the Catholic Church as offices, and they built a new prayer space for church services. In Kitwe, the former synagogue is today owned and operated by the Salvation Army. The synagogue in Livingstone is also now an African church. There was once a Jewish community in the Copperbelt Region town of Luwansha, but it is unclear whether any former synagogue was built and still stands.
Zimbabwe: Bulawayo Hebrew Congregation (Bulawayo), Harare Hebrew Congregation (Harare). There were once three synagogues in the Midlands region of the country—in Kadoma (building destroyed), Kitwe (building used by an African church, and Gewru (building used as a church today).
- ↑ Plotz, David (2003-01-22). "David Plotz in Africa". Slate Magazine. Retrieved 21 August 2009.
- ↑ List of Synagogues in Berlin
- ↑ "Synagogues of the World: Honduras". Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved 2009-03-30.
Waronker, Jay A. Articles (2007, 2009, 2010) appear in KULANU ( on the synagogue architecture of Zambia.
External links
- Synagogues of the World on the Jewish Virtual Library
- The Jewish History Resource Center, Project of the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS
- Worldwide directory of Chabad Centers
- Images of synagogues in the archives of the Center for Jewish Art at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art