The classical age (also the classical antiquity, classical period or classical era) is a broad term for a long period of cultural history generally centered on the Mediterranean Sea and Near East, comprising the interlocking ancient civilizations, c. 600 BC to 200 AD. It is the period in which societies flourished and wielded great influence throughout East Asia, Europe, North Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. It is conventionally taken to begin with the earliest-recorded Greek poetry of Homer (8th–7th century BC), and continues through the emergence of Christianity and the decline of the Roman Empire (5th century AD). It ends with the dissolution of classical culture at the close of Late Antiquity and (AD 300–600), blending into the Dark Ages or Middle Age (AD 600–1000). Such a wide sampling of history and territory covers many disparate cultures and periods. "Classical antiquity" may refer also to an idealised vision among later people of what was, in Edgar Allan Poe's words, "the glory that was Greece, the grandeur that was Rome!"[1] The culture of the ancient Greeks, together with some influences from the ancient Orient, prevailed throughout classical antiquity as the basis of art,the Bronze Age generally followed the Neolithic period. but in some parts of the world, the Copper Age served as a transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.
- Note 1: China's classical period lasted from 500 BC until 600 AD.
- Note 2: India's classical period lasted from the 3rd century BC until the 13th century AD.
Development of states
The development of states—large-scale, populous, politically centralized, and socially stratified polities/societies governed by powerful rulers—marks one of the major milestones in the evolution of human societies. Archaeologists often distinguish between primary (or pristine) states and secondary states. Primary states evolved independently through largely internal developmental processes rather than through the influence of any other pre-existing state. The earliest known primary states appeared in Mesopatamia c. 3700 BC, in Egypt c. 3300 BC, in the Indus Valley c. 2500 BC, India c. 1700 BC, and in China c. 1600 BC. As they interacted with their less developed neighbors through trade, warfare, migration, and more generalized ideological influences, the primary states directly or indirectly fostered the emergence of secondary states in surrounding areas, for example, the Hittites in Anatolia, the Minoan and Mycenaean states of the Aegean, or the Nubian kingdoms in the Sudan. Professor Gil Stein at the University of Chicago Oriental Institute states "The excavations and archaeological surveys of the last few decades have vastly increased both the quantity and quality of what we know about ancient states and urbanism. Archaeologists have broadened the scope of their research beyond the traditional focus on rulers and urban elites. Current research now aims at understanding the role of urban commoners, craft specialists, and village-based farmers in the overall organization of ancient states and societies. Given the immense geographical scope encompassed by the term 'the Ancient World'".[2] This list's the main types state that existed in Africa, Americas, Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, Eurasian Steppe, South Asia, and West Asia, from early Classical antiquity to the beginning of Late Antiquity, a period of 800 years.
State |
Capital |
State type |
Existed |
Aethiopia |
Adulis |
Kingdom |
c. 13th - 5th centuries BC |
Aksumite Empire |
Aksum |
Empire |
100 - 960 AD |
Blemmyes |
Tribal kingdom |
600 BC - 8th century AD |
Carthaganian Empire |
Carthage |
Empire |
650-146 BC |
D'mt |
Yeha |
Kingdom |
980 - 400 BC |
Cyrenaica |
Cyrene |
Kingdom |
631-525 BC |
Garamantian |
Garama |
Tribal confederation/empire |
1000 BC - 700 AD |
Gaetulia |
Tribal confederation |
c. 350 BC - 550 AD |
Kush |
Kerma; Napata; Meroe |
Kingdom |
1070 BC - 350 AD |
Libu |
Tribal confederation |
1550-146BC |
Macedonian Empire |
Pella |
Empire |
334 - 323 BC |
Macrobia |
Tribal kingdom |
c. 8th - 4th centuries BC |
Mauri |
Tribal confederation |
580- 285 BC |
Mauretania |
Julia Caesara |
Kingdom/client kingdom |
285 BC - 698 AD |
Nok |
Tribal chiefdom/kingdom |
1000 BC - 300AD |
Numidia |
Cirta |
Kingdom |
202 - 46 BC |
Persian Empire |
Ecbatana,Pasargadae, Persepolis, Susa |
Empire |
549 - 330 BC |
Ptolemaic |
Alexandria |
Kingdom/empire |
305 - 30 BC |
Roman Empire |
Rome |
Empire |
27 BC-476 AD |
Roman Republic |
Rome |
Republic |
509-29 BC |
Sao |
Various |
Tribal city states |
6th century BC - 6th century AD |
Vandals |
Tribal chiefdoms |
429 - 435 AD |

Map of the world in 500 BC
North and West
name |
capital |
state type |
existed |
Alamani |
Tribal confederation |
85 BC - 213 AD |
Basternae |
Various |
Tribal confederation |
200 BC - 300AD |
Belgae |
Various |
Tribal confederation |
600 BC - |
Brigantia |
Tribal kingdom |
700 BC - |
Cait |
Tribal kingdom |
25 - 871 AD |
Caledonia |
Tribal confederacy |
650 BC - 1st century AD |
Catuvellauni |
Verulamium |
Tribal kingdom/client |
550 BC - 51 AD |
Ce |
Tribal kingdom |
1st century - 900 AD |
Connacht |
Tribal chiefdom/kingdom |
c. 10th century BC - 1474 AD |
Deceangli |
Tribal kingdom |
500 BC - 76 AD |
Fortriu |
Tribal kingdom |
1 - 850 AD |
Helvetii |
Tribal confederacy |
650 BC - 68 AD |
Iceni |
Venta Icenorum |
Tribal kingdom/client |
500 BC - 64 AD |
Iverni |
Ivernis |
Tribal federated chiefdom's |
500 BC - 400 AD |
Meath |
Dublin |
Kingdom |
1st century - 1173 AD |
Noricum |
Magdalensberg |
Tribal kingdom/federation |
400 - 16 BC |
Ordovice |
Tribal kingdom |
500 BC - |
Ossory |
Kilkenny |
Kingdom |
150 - 1185 AD |
Pictland |
Tribal confederation |
250 BC - 850 AD [3] |
Raeti |
Tribal confederation |
500 - 15 BC |
Saxons |
Tribal confederation |
5th century BC - 754 AD |
Silure |
Tribal kingdom |
650 BC - |
Suebi |
Tribal confederation |
60 BC - 409 AD |
Taurisci |
Tribal federation |
c. 450 - 112 BC |
Vandals |
Tribal chiefdoms |
2nd century BC - 409 AD |
Vindelicia |
Tribal kingdom |
5th century BC - 1st century AD |
South and East
State |
Capital |
Type |
Existed |
Achaean League |
Various |
Confederation of city states |
280 - 140 BC |
Aetolian League |
Various |
Confederation of city states |
290 - 189 BC |
Antigonid Empire |
Empire |
306 - 168 BC |
Aquitani |
Various |
Tribal confederation/client |
550-27 BC |
Arcadia |
Kingdom |
980-743 BC |
Acarnania |
Kingdom |
7th - 1st century BC |
Argolis |
Argos |
Kingdom/republic |
1200-226 BC |
Astures |
Asturica |
Tribal federation |
550 BC - 68 AD |
Athens |
Republican city state/client |
1068-146 BC |
Boii |
Felsina |
Tribal kingdom |
390 BC - 8 AD |
Cantabri |
Tribal confederation |
650 BC - 1st century AD |
Carthaganian Empire |
Carthage |
Empire |
650-146 BC |
Celtici |
Tribal confederation |
600 - 19 BC |
Celtiberia |
Tribal confederation |
650-19 BC |
Corinthia |
Corinth |
City state |
700-338 BC |
Dacia |
Sarmizegetusa, Regia |
Kingdom |
700 BC - 106 AD |
Dardania |
Ulpiana? |
Tribal Kingdom |
4th century - 168 BC |
Delian |
Various |
League of city states |
478-404 BC |
Etruria |
Veii |
Kingdom |
768 - 264 BC |
Gallaeci |
Various |
Tribal confederation |
500-139 BC |
Getae |
Not specified |
Tribal Kingdom |
7th century BC -4th century AD |
Iapydes |
Various |
Tribal confederation |
9th century - 34 BC |
Illyria |
Scodra |
Kingdom |
2000-168 BC |
League of Corinth |
Various |
Federated states |
338 - 337 BC |
Liburnia |
Tribal thalassocracy [4] |
11th century - 34 BC |
Ligures |
Tribal confederation |
5th century - 2nd century BC |
Locria |
Amphissa, Naupactus |
Kingdom |
1250-386 BC |
Lucania |
Tribal kingdom |
1000-356 BC[5] |
Lusitania |
Tribal confederation |
c. 450 - 27 BC |
Macedonian Empire |
Pella |
Empire |
334 - 323 BC |
Maedi |
Iamphorynna |
Tribal kingdom |
5th century - 86 BC |
Magna Graecia |
Various |
Kingdom city states |
740 - 89 BC |
Odrysia |
Seuthopolis |
Kingdom |
460 BC- 46 AD |
Oenotria |
Metabon |
Tribal kingdom |
1000-325 BC |
Paeonia |
Principality/kingdom/client |
535 BC - 681 AD |
Padanian Etruria |
Various |
Federated city states |
9th century - 5th century BC |
Persian Empire |
Ecbatana,Pasargadae, Persepolis, Susa |
Empire |
549 - 330 BC |
Phocis |
Delphi |
Amphictyony[6] |
690 - 222 BC |
Rome |
Rome |
Kingdom |
753-509 BC |
Roman Empire |
Rome |
Empire |
27 BC-476 AD |
Roman Republic |
Rome |
Republic |
509-29 BC |
Sabinum |
Bovianum |
Tribal kingdom |
c. 760 - 494 BC |
Samnium |
Tribal confederation |
c. 600 - 82 BC |
Scordisci |
Singidunum |
Independent tribal state |
3rd century BC - 1st century AD |
Sicani |
Tribal confederation |
c. 13th century - 300 BC |
Sicels |
Tribal confederation |
c. 11th century - 425 BC |
Sparta |
Sparta |
Kingdom |
950-146 BC |
Thessaly |
Larissa |
Kingdom |
950 - 344 BC |
Tartessos |
Tartessus |
Tribal kingdom |
1000-450 BC [7] |
Thrace |
Tribal chiefdoms |
1500-450 BC |
Turdetani |
Tribal confederation |
5th century - 190 BC |
Umbria |
Tribal kingdom |
9th century - 3rd century BC |
Vandals |
Tribal chiefdoms |
409 - 429 AD |
Venedae |
Tribal confederation |
400 BC - 7th century AD |
Veneti |
Tribal federation |
6th century - 218 BC |
Vettones |
Tribal confederation |
300 - 14 BC |
Eurasian Steppe and Central Asia
name |
capital |
state type |
existed |
Aria |
Kingdom/client |
700 BC - 300 BC |
Albania |
Kabalak, Partav |
Kingdom/client |
65 BC - 628 AD |
Caspiane |
Tribal kingdom/client |
650 BC - 387 AD |
Bactria |
Bactra |
Tribal kingdom/client |
2140 - 550 BC |
Balhara |
Balkh |
Tribal kingdom |
12th - 7th centuries BC |
Cimmerian Bosporus |
Panticapaeum |
Kingdom/client |
480 BC - 370 AD |
Bulgar |
Balkh/Phanagoria |
Tribal confederation |
7th century BC - 7th century AD |
Chorasmia |
Tribal confederation |
1290-180 BC |
Cimmeria |
Tribal confederation |
1300 - 625 BC |
Colchis |
Phasis |
Kingdom |
1300 BC - 2nd century AD |
Dahae |
Tribal confederation |
700 - 530 BC |
Dayuan |
Kingdom/client |
329 BC - 280 AD |
Fergana |
Khokand |
Kingdom |
220 BC - 590 AD |
Gelonia |
Gelonos |
Tribal kingdom |
5th century BC - 5th century AD |
Greco-Bactria |
Bactra, Alexandria on the Oxus |
Kingdom |
256 - 125 BC |
Huns |
Nomadic confederation |
600 BC - 370 AD |
Iberia |
Armazi, Mtskheta, Tbilisi |
Kingdom |
302 BC - 508 AD |
Issedone |
Issedon |
Tribal chiefdom |
650-58 BC |
Kangju |
Tribal federation |
280 BC - 585 AD |
Kashgar |
Kashgar |
Kingdom/client |
80 - 850 AD |
Kucha |
Kucha |
Buddhist kingdom |
46 - 658 AD |
Kushan Empire |
Bagram,Peshawar,Taxila,Mathura |
Empire |
30 - 375 AD |
Khwarezm |
Kath, Gurganj |
Kingdom |
180 BC - 98 AD |
Lazica |
Phasis |
Kingdom/client |
1st century BC - 7th century AD |
Macedonian Empire |
Pella |
Empire |
334 - 323 BC |
Magyar |
Tribal confederation/principality |
1100 BC - 895 AD |
Maurya Empire |
Pataliputra |
Empire |
322-185 BC |
Massagatae |
Tribal confederation |
600 - 46 BC |
Parthian Empire |
Ctesiphon |
Empire |
247 BC - 224 AD |
Persian Empire |
Ecbatana,Pasargadae, Persepolis, Susa |
Empire |
549 - 330 BC |
Qiang |
Tribal chiefdoms/confederation |
2000 BC - 150 BC |
Saka |
Tribal confederation |
500 BC-50 BC |
Sarmatia |
Tarki (Makhachkala) |
Tribal confederation |
450BC-400 AD |
Scythia |
Neopolis |
Tribal kingdom |
690BC-250 BC |
Seleucid Empire |
Seleucia, Antioch |
Empire |
312 - 63 BC |
Sogdiana |
Samarkand, Bukhara, Khujand, Kesh |
Kingdom/client |
750 - 550 BC |
Thyssagetae |
Tribal chiefdom |
650 BC - 110 AD |
Venedae |
Tribal confederation |
400 BC - 7th century AD |
Xiongnu |
Tribal confederation (empire) |
209 - 155 BC |
Xianyun |
Nomadic tribal federation |
824-209 BC |
East Asia

Map of the world in 100 BC
Name |
Capital/s |
Type |
Existed |
Âu Lạc |
Cổ Loa |
Kingdom |
257-207 BC |
Ba |
Yíchéng |
Tribal confederation |
13th century - 311 BC |
Baekje |
Wirye,Ungjin,Sabi |
Kingdom |
18 BC - 660 AD |
Buyeo |
Buyeoseong |
Kingdom |
189 BC - 494 AD |
Cai |
Shàngcài,Xīncài,Xiàcài |
Client-Marquisate |
980-447 BC |
Cao |
Táoqiū |
Client-Dukedom |
1053-487 BC |
Champa |
Indrapura, Vijaya, Panduranga |
Kingdom |
192 – 1832 AD |
Chen |
Wǎnqiū |
Client-Dukedom |
1046 - 479 BC |
Chi Tu |
Kingdom |
100 BC - 7th century AD |
Chouchi |
Lüeyang |
Principality |
184 – 511 AD |
Chu |
Danyang,JiangYing,JiYing,Shouchun, |
Client-viscountcy/kingdom |
1030 - 223 BC |
Dian |
Kingdom |
300 - 109 BC |
Donghu |
Nomadic tribal confederation |
1400 - 150 BC |
Funan |
Vyadhapura,Óc Eo |
Kingdom |
60 - 550 AD |
Gangga Negara |
Gangga Negara |
Kingdom |
2nd - 11th centuries AD |
Gaya |
Gaya |
Confederacy |
42 - 562 AD |
Goguryeo |
Jolbon, Gungnae, Pyongyang. |
Kingdom |
37 BC - 668 AD |
Gojoseon |
Asadal, Wanggeom-seong |
Kingdom |
2333 - 108 BC |
Han Empire |
Chang'an, Luoyang, Xuchang |
Empire |
206 BC-220 AD |
Japan |
Various |
Principalities/empire |
660 BC - present day |
Jin |
Tribal federation |
550-108 BC |
Jin |
Tang, Quwo, Jiang, Xintian |
Client-marquisate/dukedom |
1042-376 BC |
Jolbon |
Tribal kingdom |
1st century - 37 BC |
Langkasuka |
Kedah, Pattani |
Kingdom |
100 - 1516 AD |
Kushan Empire |
Bagram, Peshawar, Taxila, Mathura |
Empire |
30 - 375 AD |
Langkasuka |
Kedah, Pattani |
Kingdom |
100 - 1516 AD |
Mahan |
Cheonan |
Confederacy |
98 BC - 250 AD |
Maurya Empire |
Pataliputra |
Empire |
322-185 BC |
Na |
Kingdom |
1st century - 3rd cenruty AD |
Nanyue |
Panyu |
Kingdom |
204-111 BC |
Pi |
Xuecheng |
Earldom/client |
1046-418 BC |
Pyu |
Sri Ksetra |
Federated city states |
250 BC - 1085 AD |
Qiang |
Tribal chiefdoms/confederation |
2000 BC - 150 BC |
Qi |
Qi |
Dukedom |
1600-445 BC |
Qi |
Linzi |
Client-Dukedom |
1046-221 BC |
Qin |
Qin, Quanqiu,Qian, Pingyang |
Client-marquisate/dukedom |
858-221 BC |
Qin Empire |
Xianyang |
Empire |
221-206 BC |
Quanrong |
Nomadic tribal confederacy |
954-301 BC |
Serica |
Tribal confederation |
5th - 2nd century BC |
Siljik |
Kingdom |
102 - 6th century AD |
Silla |
Gyeongju |
Kingdom |
55 BC - 935 AD |
Sui |
Suizhou |
Marquisate & Client |
771-221 BC |
Sumpa |
Tribal chiefdom/client |
1600 BC - 7th century AD |
Shu |
Kingdom |
1046-316 BC |
Teng |
Tengzhou |
Viscountcy |
1046-414 BC |
Thaton |
Thaton |
Kingdom |
300 BC - 1085 AD |
Wim Joseon |
Wanggeom-seong |
Kingdom |
194-108 BC |
Wei |
Anyi,Daliang |
Marquisate/kingdom |
403-225 BC |
Văn Lang |
Anyang |
Confederation/kingdom |
2879-258 BC |
Xu |
Gusu |
Viscountcy/client |
2000-512 BC |
Xianbei |
Nomadic (empire) |
93-234 AD |
Xiongnu |
Tribal confederation (empire) |
209 - 155 BC |
Yamatai |
Kingdom |
1st century - 3rd cenruty AD |
Yan |
Ji |
Principality |
1046-222 BC |
Zhongshan |
Nomadic kingdom |
580-296 BC |
Zhou |
Haojing, Luoyi |
Kingdom |
1046-256 BC |
Zou |
Viscountacy/dukedom |
1012-350 BC |
South Asia

Map of the world in 200 AD
Name |
Capital |
State type |
Existed |
Anarta |
Dvaraka |
Kingdom |
1100-550 BC |
Anuradhapura |
Anuradhapura |
Kingdom |
377 BC - 1017 AD |
Anga |
Champa or Campā |
Kingdom |
1380-550 BC |
Avanti |
Mahissati,Ujjaini |
Kingdom |
900-322 BC |
Ay |
Aykudi |
Kingdom |
4th century BC - 12th century AD |
Chola |
Urayur/Kaveripattinam |
Kingdom |
2645-110 BC |
Danda |
Janasthana |
Kingdom |
1100 - 450 BC |
Drangiana |
Tribal chiefdom |
950 - 600 BC |
Gangaridai |
Ganges |
Kingdom |
450 - 200 BC |
Greco-Bactria |
Bactra, Alexandria on the Oxus |
Kingdom |
256 - 125 BC |
Haryanka |
Rajagriha, later Pataliputra |
Kingdom |
684 - 413 BC |
Indo-Greek |
Alexandria in the Caucasus,Taxila,Sagala |
Kingdom |
180 BC - 10 AD |
Indo-Parthia |
Taxila |
Kingdom |
12 BC - 98 AD |
Indo-Scythia |
Sigal,Taxila,Mathura |
Kingdom |
200 BC - 400 AD |
Kalinga |
Dantapura/Rajapura |
Kingdom |
1376-285 BC |
Kalinga Republic |
Dantapura/Rajapura |
Republic |
285 - 261 BC |
Kamboja |
Rajapura |
Kingdom |
1450 - 195 BC |
Kasmira |
Asirgarh Qila |
Kingdom |
1250 - 322 BC |
Kimpurusha |
Kingdom |
1000 - 325 BC |
Kirata |
Tribal kingdom |
1350 - c. 300 BC |
Kosala |
Shravasti |
Kingdom |
1000 - 266 BC |
Kuninda |
Shravasti |
Kingdom |
500 BC - 300 AD |
Kushan Empire |
Bagram,Peshawar,Taxila,Mathura |
Empire |
30 - 375 AD |
Lanka |
Lankapura |
Kingdom |
1100 - 543 BC |
Macedonian Empire |
Pella |
Empire |
334 - 323 BC |
Magadha |
Rajagriha/Rajgir /Pataliputra |
Kingdom |
799 - 323 BC |
Malla |
Kusavati, Pava |
Republic |
780 - 323 BC |
Matsya |
Bairat |
Kingdom |
1180 - 318 BC |
Maurya Empire |
Pataliputra |
Empire |
322 - 185 BC |
Mushika |
Ezhimalai |
Kingdom |
3rd century BC - 4th century AD |
Nanda Empire |
Pataliputra |
Empire |
345 - 322 BC |
Panchala |
Ahichatra, Kampilya |
Confederacy |
1100 - 700 BC |
Panchala |
Ahichatra, Kampilya |
Kingdom/republic |
700 - 323 BC |
Pandya |
Madurai |
Kingdom |
1350 - 460 BC |
Pallava Empire |
Kanchi |
Empire |
250 BC - 800 AD |
Parthian Empire |
Ctesiphon |
Empire |
247 BC - 224 AD |
Parvata |
Kingdom |
c. 9th century - 325 BC |
Persian Empire |
Ecbatana,Pasargadae, Persepolis, Susa |
Empire |
549 - 330 BC |
Pundra |
Pundravardhana |
Kingdom |
1300 BC - 550 AD |
Rajarata |
Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa |
Kingdom |
377 BC -1310 AD |
Ror |
Rori |
Kingdom |
450 BC - 489 AD |
Ruhuna |
Magama |
Principality |
200 BC - 450 AD |
Samatata |
Samatata |
Kingdom |
232 BC - 7th c AD |
Satavahana Empire |
Amaravati |
Empire |
230 BC - 230 AD |
Seleucid Empire |
Seleucia, Antioch |
Empire |
312 - 63 BC |
Shakya |
Kapilavatthu |
Monarchical Republic |
800 - 320 BC |
Shishunaga Empire |
Rajagriha, Vaishali |
Empire |
413 - 345 BC |
Sindhu |
Vrsadarbhpura |
Kingdom |
800 - 320 BC |
Sinhala |
Methora |
Kingdom |
700 - 505 BC |
Suhma |
not specified |
Kingdom |
c. 8th century - 4th century BC |
Surasena |
Methora |
Kingdom |
1000 - 323 BC |
Tambapanni |
Tambapanni |
Kingdom |
543-505 BC |
Trigarta |
Prasthala |
Kingdom |
1150-322 BC |
Upatissa Nuwara |
Upatissa Nuwara |
Kingdom |
505-377 BC |
Vanga |
Gange |
Kingdom |
1300 BC - 580 AD |
Vatsa |
Kauśāmbī |
Kingdom |
1100-323 BC |
Vriji |
Vaishali |
Confederacy |
1250 - 322 BC |
Yaksha |
Narmada |
Kingdom |
1200 - 350 BC |
West Asia
name |
capital |
state type |
existed |
Adiabene |
Arbela |
Kingdom/client |
15 - 310 AD |
Antigonid Empire |
Empire |
306 - 168 BC |
Araba |
Hatra |
Kingdom |
3rd century BC - 300AD |
Armenia |
Van |
Kingdom |
553 BC - 428AD |
Armenia Minor |
Kingdom |
331 - 72 BC |
Atropatene |
Ganzak |
Kingdom/client |
320 BC - 226AD |
Awsan |
Ḥajar Yaḥirr |
Kingdom |
7th century BC - 100 AD |
Bithynia |
Nicomedia, Nicaea |
Kingdom/client |
297 - 74 BC |
Cappadocia |
Mazaca |
Kingdom/client |
332 - 130 BC |
Carmania |
Kingdom/client |
600 BC - 651 AD |
Chaldea |
Bit Yakin |
Kingdom |
1100 - 539 BC |
Characene |
Charax Spasinou |
Kingdom |
127 BC - 222 AD |
Cilicia |
Tarsus |
Kingdom |
795 - 546 BC |
Commagene |
Samosata |
Kingdom/client |
163 BC - 72 AD |
Corduene |
Principality/kingdom/client |
800 BC - 653 AD |
Doris |
Doris |
Kingdom |
1200-580 BC |
Edom |
Rabbath Ammon |
Kingdom |
1200 - 125 BC |
Elamite Empire |
Susa |
Empire |
1210-535 BC |
Elymais |
Susa |
Kingdom/client |
147 BC -224 AD |
Galatia |
Ancyra |
Empire |
280 - 64 BC |
Gardman |
Parisos |
Principality/kingdom/client |
66 - 428 AD |
Gedrosia |
Kingdom/client |
600 BC - |
Greco-Bactria |
Bactra, Alexandria (Oxus) |
Kingdom |
256 - 125 BC |
Hadhramaut |
Kingdom |
700 BC - 320 AD |
Haram |
Haram |
Kingdom city state |
600 - 175 BC |
Heraclea Pontica |
Heraclea Pontica |
Oligarchic republic |
365 - 284 BC |
Hasmonea |
Jerusalem |
Kingdom |
140 - 37 BC |
Herodian |
Jerusalem |
Kingdom/client |
37 - 4 BC |
Indo-Greek |
Alexandria(Caucasus),Taxila,Sagala |
Kingdom |
180 BC - 10 AD |
Indo-Parthia |
Taxila |
Kingdom |
12 BC - 98 AD |
Indo-Scythia |
Sigal,Taxila,Mathura |
Kingdom |
200 BC - 400 AD |
Kindah |
Qaryat Dhāt Kāhil |
Tribal kingdom |
2nd century BC - 525 AD |
Lesser Armenia |
Principality |
331 - 72 BC |
Lycaonia |
Iconium |
Kingdom |
340-200 BC |
Lycia |
Xanthos,Patara |
Kingdom |
1183-546 BC |
Lydian Empire |
Sardis |
Empire |
680-546 BC |
Macedonian Empire |
Pella |
Empire |
334 - 323 BC |
Magan |
Kingdom |
2200-550 BC |
Ma'in |
?/ Yathill |
Kingdom |
580-85 BC |
Median Empire |
Ecbatana |
Empire |
678-549 BC |
Mysia |
Pergamon |
Kingdom |
1320 - 301 BC [8] |
Nabataea |
Petra |
Kingdom |
168 BC - 106 AD |
Neo-Babylonian Empire |
Babylon |
Empire |
626 - 539 BC |
Osroene |
Edessa |
Kingdom/client |
134 BC - 244 AD |
Paphlagonia |
Gangra |
Kingdom |
1480 - 183 BC[9] |
Pamphylia |
Perga |
Kingdom |
398 - 190 BC |
Parsua |
Tribal chiefdom/kingdom[10] |
860-600 BC |
Parthian Empire |
Ctesiphon |
Empire |
247 BC - 224 AD |
Pergamon |
Pegamon |
Kingdom |
282 - 133 BC |
Persian Empire |
Pasargadae, Persepolis, Susa |
Empire |
549 - 330 BC |
Pontic Empire |
Amaseia, Sinope |
Empire |
250 BC - 68 AD |
Pontus |
Amaseia, Sinope |
Kingdom |
281 - 250 BC |
Qataban |
Timna |
Kingdom |
6th century BC - 2nd century AD |
Ptolemaic |
Alexandria |
Kingdom/empire |
305 - 30 BC |
Roman Empire |
Rome |
Empire |
27 BC-476 AD |
Roman Republic |
Rome |
Republic |
509-29 BC |
Seleucid Empire |
Seleucia, Antioch |
Empire |
312 - 63 BC |
Sophene |
Karkathiokerta |
Kingdom |
298 - 94 BC |
Zabdicene |
Principality/client |
780 BC - 5th century AD |
Zikirti |
Kingdom |
750 - 521 BC |
See also
External links