List of historical German and Czech names for places in the Czech Republic

German speaking regions in Austria before 1918.

The names of many places in the Czech lands (Bohemia, Moravia, Austrian Silesia) have evolved during their history. The article concerns primarily the towns and villages, but bilingual names for mountains, rivers etc. are also listed when they are known. Places are sorted alphabetically according to their German names. When one place has several names, an attempt is made to have only one line with a blue link; "see" then refers to the German name where the place is fully identified.

This list was first imported from the German Wikipedia in 2006; some German notes remain. Since 2012, hundreds of new entries have been added, based on a comparison with the official list of the royal Austrian post offices which were in operation in 1900 (or which closed earlier), each with the corresponding District code: 91 for those in Bohemia (B,xy), 34 for Moravia (M,xy), 8 for Austrian Silesia (S,x).[1]

In 1900, the largest number of post-offices in Cisleithania was in Bohemia: 1434;[2] 656 were in Moravia and 188 in Austrian Silesia. In 2010, the number of municipalities (obcí) in the Czech Republic was 6250.

There are also links to subpages with listings of the German-language names of towns and villages in the 14 regions of the Czech Republic, sorted by the Czech name.

Many of the German names are now exonyms, but used to be endonyms commonly used by the local German population, who had been invited into the less-populated regions as colonists by Bohemian and Moravian nobles in the Middle Ages and who had lived in many of these places until shortly after World War II.

A further illustration of this complex matter can be seen in the Gallery Postmarks of the Czech lands and in the map German speaking regions in Austria before 1918.

Historical perspective

Until 1866, the only official language of the Empire of Austria administration was the German. Some place names were merely "Germanised" versions of the original Czech/Slavic names, as seen e.g. from their pronunciation.

Sudeten example of German name Freiwaldau transcribed Fryvaldov and further renamed Jesenik to remove any German link

The compromise of 1867 marked a recognition of the need for bilingualism in areas where an important portion of the population used another language; the procedure was imposed by official instructions in 1871.[3]

In the 3 provinces which now are part of the Czech Republic, the languages used were (around 1900):[1]

It may thus be more appropriate to state that German names were all official endonyms.

As illustrated by the name of post-offices, many towns and villages received a dual name after 1867, except— as stated —in the area where a clear majority of the population spoke German, namely the Sudetenland. The images of German cancellations with a label Endonym in ... are for places where the official (post-office) name was not bilingual in 1900.[1]

After the Beneš decrees in 1945, Czech names became the rule. Sometimes, Czech place names had to be coined from scratch, there was no traditional Czech/Slavic name for some places.

Sublists sorted by the Czech name, for the 14 regions

The 14 Regions of the Czech Republic are coded as created in the administrative reform Law in 2000:

Historical Crownland Bohemia

Prag Region (Code A)

  1. Prague

Southern Bohemia (Code C)

  1. Southern Bohemia

The following 13 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, most in Bohemia, from which the list can be checked and completed:[4]

Pardubice Region (Code E)

  1. Pardubice

The following 8 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, most in Bohemia, from which the list can be checked and completed:[4]

Hradec Kralové Region (code H)

  1. Hradec Králové/Königgrätz

The following 9 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, all in Bohemia:

Karlovy Vary Region (code K)

See the list Karlovy Vary/Karlsbad

The following 8 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, in the Bohemia province, from which the list can be checked and completed:

Liberec Region (Code L)

  1. Liberec/Reichenberg

Plzen Region (Code P)

  1. Pilsen

Readers searching for the current name of the former village of Schneiderhof should be cautioned that the reference to Mysliv can be misleading. Germans were expelled from Schneiderhof after World War II and the village was briefly resettled by Czechs and apparently was then called Mysliv for a brief time. Later the Czechs were forced out and the village was destroyed for "border zone security concerns". Neither village, Schneiderhof or Mysliv, exists today at that location (1.5 km west-northwest of Vseruby u Kdyne). However, there does exist today a village named Mysliv which is 43 km east-northeast of Vseruby u Kdyne; this village is not the location of the former Schneiderhof.

Central Bohemia (Code S)

  1. Central Bohemia

The following Austrian monarchy 16 Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, from which the list can be checked and completed:

Ústí Region (Code U)

  1. Ústí/Aussig

Historical crownland Moravia

Olomouc Region (code M)

  1. Olomouc

The following Austrian monarchy 9 Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, from which the list can be checked and completed:

Southern Moravia (code B)

  1. Southern Moravia

The following 9 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, from which the list can be checked and completed:

Moravia-Silesia (code T)

  1. Moravian Silesia

The following 4 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, in the province Moravia, from which the list can be checked and completed:

The following 6 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, in the province Austrian Silesia, from which the list can be checked and completed:

Curiously, Jesenik - Freiwaldau (S,3) is now in the Olomouc region. The list

  1. List of German exonyms for places in Cieszyn Silesia

seems to correspond to the Teschen district.

Zlín Region (code Z)

  1. Zlín

The 6 districts in 1900:

Vysočina Region (code J)

  1. Vysočina

This region (as created in the administrative reform Law in 2000) covers parts of historical provinces Bohemia and Moravia. The following 9 Austrian monarchy Bezirkshauptmannschaften existed in 1900, from which the list can be checked and completed:

German names alphabetically sorted


Ainsersdorf in 1909


Barzdorf bei Jauernig, endonym in 1880 (Silesia)
Bennisch in 1859, endonym until at least 1900
Bilingual after circa 1880
Endonym until at least 1900, KK Issue 1850
Bilingual in 1899
Buchau in 1874, endonym until at least 1900
Bünauburg, endonym in 1887


Bilingual after 1867, Austrian KK issue 1861



Eipel in 1906, Bilingual after 1867
1859 issue, endonym until at least 1900


Fischern in 1888, endonym until at least 1900
Endonym until at least 1900, issue 1850
Endonym until at least 1900, cancelled in 1886 rare case of both languages using the same exact name.


GAIA in 1879
Endonym until at least 1900, issue 1861
Endonym until at least 1900, issue 1850
Bilingual name after 1867
Endonym until at least 1900, issue 1859


Hof in Mähren in 1920



JAEGERNDORF in 1851. Endonym until at least 1900
Jičin in 1872


Endonym until at least 1900, issue 1858
Bilingual after 1867, issue 1850
Moravia 1890
Bilingual after 1867, issue 1861


Lahna in 1874
Liebenau, endonym before 1867
10 Kreuzer 1859 - Lomnitz (Bezirksh. B,80), bilingual after 1867
Lundenburg in the 1850s, bilingual post-office name in 1896


Bilingual in 1878
Mariaschein in 1866, endonym until at least 1900
Mauth in 1867, Bilingual after 1867
Mistek Endonym until at least 1900
B,53 bilingual in 1887


Nachod cancell. 1889, bilingual later, B,54
Created bilingual in 1874, B,32
Nesselsdorf in 1876, bilingual before 1883
Neustadt cancell. in 1859, bilingual after 1867
Bilingual after 1867, Czech cancellation in 1920, M,19
M,25 Bilingual 1898
B,74 Endonym until at least 1900
Endonym until at least 1900
Bilingual at the end of the 19th century, cancelled 1877, B,69


Oels in Böhmen on 1850 issue


Bilingual after 1867
Prag in 1861
Prag bilingual after 1867
Pressnitz on Telegraph
PROSSNITZ ca 1850; bilingual at the end of the 19th c.
Pürglitz-Křivoklát in 1894, bilingual after 1867



Raby - bilingual in 1897
Reichenau an der Knezna, 1908, bilingual after 1867
Endonym until at least 1900
Rokitzan around 1859, bilingual after 1867
Bilingual Rouschtka in 1908


Saaz in 1850, Endonym until at least 1900
Schaboglück, endonym until at least 1900
Endonym in 1874
Schluckenau, endonym until at least 1911
Schönlinde in 1850, endonym until at least 1900
Bilingual in Moravia 1900
Moravia 1881
Seltschan 1859, bilingual after 1867
Steinschönau in 1861, endonym until at least 1900
Sternberg in Mähren, 1882, endonym until at least 1900


Taus in 1859, bilingual after 1867
Teschen in 1863, bilingual after 1867
Trebitsch in 1896, bilingual after 1867
Troppau in 1863, endonym until at least 1900


Ungarisch Hradisch in 1891



Endonym in 1900, cancelled in 1908



Zditz in 1859, bilingual after 1867
Znaim in 1850, bilingual after 1867

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Postmarks of the Czech Republic.


  1. 1 2 3 Wilhelm Klein, Die postalischen Abstempelungen auf den österreichischen Postwertzeichen-Ausgaben 1867, 1883 und 1890, published in 1967 in Die politische Gliederung der österreichischen Reichshälfte
  2. Klein 1967, page 18
  3. Sprachenverordnungen - Erlass vom 2. April 1871 - Amtliche Einführung doppelsprachiger Stempel (Klein - Chronologisch übersicht )
  4. 1 2 See the Talk page for more explanations.
  5. Based on Freiwaldau only. To be further analyzed.
  6. Wilhelm Hoffmann, Encyklopädie der Erd-, Völker- und Staatenkunde (1866)
  7. See Mapy.Cz:
  8. See Mapy.Cz:!x=14.346029&y=49.000991&z=13&l=5&t=s&d=ward_13236_1
  9. See Mapy.Cz:!x=14.333270&y=48.981739&z=12&l=5&t=s&d=muni_244_1
  10. See Mapy.Cz:
  11. See Mapy.Cz:!x=14.507851&y=48.878398&z=13&l=5&d=ward_9635_1&t=s
  12. See Mapy.Cz:
  13. See historical map at Mapy.Cz:!x=14.107473&y=49.144690&z=13&l=5&t=s&d=addr_9940619_1
  14. See Map.Cz:!x=14.574374&y=48.838300&z=13&l=5&d=ward_7163_1&t=s&q=%25C4%258D%25C3%25A1st%2520obce%2520Todn%25C4%259B%252C%2520Trhov%25C3%25A9%2520Sviny&qp=14.483906_48.836204_14.575673_48.878031_12
  15. See Mapy.Cz:!x=14.360538&y=49.003987&z=12&l=5&t=s&d=muni_635_1

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